Bible Discussion Thread

  • GiGi on Genesis 9 - 2 years ago
    Praise be to the God of Noah!

    God gave Noah a promise and a commandment.

    The promise:

    The world will continue in its normal cycling of days, months, years, seasons until the end of this era. God has set the last day. He knows when time is up. We don't decide. That is comforting.

    The command:

    Be fruitful and multiply and replenish the earth. God knows when the earth will be filled to capacity. We don't decide. We should not be worried when people say that the world is overpopulated. Instead we should be eager to fulfill God's command here in Genesis. God has never rescinded this command. It is a good thing to pray for God to give you a pro-life heart like His. He is exceedingly generous in bringing forth new life in animals and humans. May those who love God also be for life in this anti-life society. Commit to being cooperative with God towards adding children to your family instead of working against him to prevent Him from creating new life in your marriage. Ponder what the world's view is about children, then consider what God's view is concerning this. The world view is opposed to God's view, in my opinion. The world does not advocate following God's command to be fruitful and multiply.
  • Bro dan - In Reply on Genesis 9 - 2 years ago
    Hi GiGi,

    Enjoy reading all of your posts associated with Noah. I just wanted to note something you stated regarding populating this world.

    You said: "The world does not advocate following God's command to be fruitful and multiply."

    Do you know these statistics?

    This year, 36 million people will die from starvation. Essentially, that equates to a person dying of hunger every second of the year. Of these 36 million inhabitants, children are especially vulnerable. Every minute, 12 children under the age of five will die of hunger. This fact represents a death every five seconds.

    The question itself of hunger, not just hunger-related deaths, is just as equally an important issue. The Oxford English Dictionary defines hunger as the want or scarcity of food in a country. The current world population is more than seven billion, and 795 million people, or one in every nine people, suffer from hunger. Almost all of these people are living in developing countries. Countries in Asia suffer from this problem more than any other region, with 525 million people suffering. Sub-Saharan African countries follow with a combined 214 million.

    The problem is not multiplying.we are not being fruitful enough to figure out how to house and feed them all!

    God Bless.
  • David - In Reply on Genesis 9 - 2 years ago
    Bro Dan The problem with the countries and our country is the bowing down to other gods there fore the True God cannot give them fruitful abundance of food to bless them instead nothing but extremes drought or flood because they have abused that which God has given them and are living absolutely ungodly lives. Jesus Christ fed thousands with little proof that The true God meets the need and God is a God of total abundance when His Word is believed and lived.
  • GiGi - In Reply on Genesis 9 - 2 years ago
    Thanks for your reply. I appreciate your viewpoint. I just happen to believe that God is the one to determine when the world is filled to the point to fulfill His will in His command, not us. God never promised that everyone would be housed or well fed or safe from harm in the world. Deaths from hunger, disease, war, natural disasters, etc. are the result of the world still being under the curse of death from Genesis 3.

    My sister in law is from Africa and she has given me a view into life there in her country. Because of tribalism, people will help those of their own tribe , but not those of other tribes. Many children are orphaned due to AIDS and death from other diseases. These children are taken in for the night by members of their village or tribe, but put back out onto the streets during the day. Many countries have surpluses of foods, but the food isn't distributed due to politics, laws, or corruption at the point of delivery if sent to needy areas of our world. This is all a result of sin, not overpopulation.

    We may be getting close to the "filled" point in this generation. Revelation speaks of a 1/3 of the world's population dying as a result of one of the "bowls" being poured out. We should remain awake and watchful, as Jesus said.

    I believe it is the "wisdom of the world" that sounds the alarm about overpopulation for the past 50 years or so. As Christians, I believe we should know God's will by knowing what He has declared in His Word and acting according to His will, not by what the world's "geniuses" scream about such matters.

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