Bible Discussion Thread

  • GiGi on Genesis 9 - 2 years ago
    Love that Noah went straight to worship after God spoke to him. he built and altar and sacrificed. This pleased God. How wonderful that our worship pleases God!

    Noah didn't lay out his plans for rebuilding a house, etc. He didn't sit down and have a meal. He didn't walk to survey the land. He didn't sit down in dust and sackcloth. He rejoiced in God! He showed God his gratitude. He showed that he was in harmony with God's choice to cause every living land animal to perish, but for those on the ark. He showed that he was going to continue to trust God to provide in a barren, flood ravaged landscape. His faith had prevailed through the long year of being shut up in the ark with the rain pelting the ark and the ark rolling on the waves.

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