Bible Discussion Thread

  • GiGi again on Genesis 26 - 2 years ago
    ....and each time Isaac moved on to another place. he did not stay and feud with the herdsmen. He didn't shout that God had promised him this land. No, he went to the valley of Gerar and began to new dig wells there. When the herdsmen quarreled about having the rights to the water from these new wells, Isaac named them, (leaving his family's.) and then moved on until he dug a well that was not disputed by the herdsmen at Rehoboth. Rehoboth was halfway between Hebron and Beersheba he stated, "For the lord has made He room for us, and we shall be fruitful in the land. He spoke these words from a place of faith. From there he moved south to Beersheba. The very night Isaac arrived there, God appeared to him again.

    God promised Isaac not to fear (as Isaac had done in Gerar) and that He would be with Isaac. What a comfort to know that the Lord is with His people. Jesus said that He would never leave us nor forsake Us. How wonderful that He not only stands by us in all of our circumstances, but he doesn't stand back and just let things happen to us without helping us. God promised to bless Isaac and multiply Isaac's descendants as he promised to his father. God said He would do this for Abraham's sake. Isaac immediately built an altar there and called upon the name of the Lord and pitched his tent in that place where God had appeared to him. His servants dug a well there. Soon Abimelech came with his officials with an intent to make a covenant with Isaac. Realizing that The Lord was blessing Isaac and allowing him to proper no matter where he went, Abimelech thought it better to propose a covenant of respect for one another and live in peace. Isaac's fist reaction was to accuse Abimelech of hating him by sending him away. Abimelech spoke graciously to Isaac who was reassured by what the king said. They had a feast, arising in the morning safe and sound, and made their oaths to one another. Did the Lord really want Isaac to make such a pact with this king?
  • A LOVE STORY FOR THOSE LOOKING FOR LOVE - In Reply on Genesis 26 - 2 years ago
    You will love Genesis 24: a love story. The servant of the house is a picture of the Holy Spirit. He prays all along this journey to God. (Verse 9, 12, 26, 52,)

    I think it's a perfect design for seeking a wife (for Christian men).

    Ask God to send the Holy Spirit to take you to the right woman for you. Marriage is very sacred. God created it and performed the first marriage.

    The story shows what a Christian bride to be,

    is to model after. [ Proverbs 31 and the book of Ruth] Marriages can fail when one partner is unsaved; causing the other to be unequally yoked.

    I like verse 65, Rebekah sees Isaac and says Wowie! And covers herself. Verse 67 says Isaac was a happy husband till he died. Inspirational.

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