Bible Discussion Thread

  • Alex N - 2 years ago
    Gi - Gi love you and Spencer but you are not supposed to judge folks in this forum, Only God can judge righteous judgement ,Its ONLY God that knows a person's heart ,shame on both of you have ya neva read the Guidelines about posting in this room this is not a church judgement hall where you can preach your Church doctrine . This forum is only for folks to come and give their views on bible scriptures AS THE kJV.

    And you Spencer have ya neva read where Jesus quoted only bits and pieces from the O.T. SCRIPTURES Jesus did not always quote ver batim from the O.T. Please abide by the rules of this forum, This forum is only for our comments , As this is a pubic forum for our comments about the KJV BIBLE. Let God be our Judge and lets abide by the guidelines OF THIS FORUM GBU
  • Jesse - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Titus 3:2 says to speak evil of no man, do not be brawlers, or fighters, but rather be gentle. The word gentle in the Greek text means lenient. And then shewing all meekness unto all men.

    The word meekness here means to be open. It means openness, receptivity. That's one of the main words that is used in the scriptures for those who are in teaching or pastoral ministries. But meekness doesn't mean that you play the role of a doormat. It means to be open and to be receptive.

    I think one of the hardest things for those in a teaching ministry is to be open and receptive because they don't know all the answers. Who does? And if someone is coming up to them to try and prove them wrong, it kind of puts them in a bad position. So, it's difficult in the human according to pride to be open and receptive to all people, but it's necessary. It is necessary for the person who is up front and is teaching, that they be more open and receptive than anybody else in the whole room.

    But it should apply to all believers also. Why? Because we're all the same, and we're all on the same level. We've all learned about the Lord from down here. None of us have come from up there. If you have, I want to meet you!

    So, it's showing all meekness, openness to all men. You can see that he's presenting a new lifestyle, a new kind of life. Don't complain about the earthly system. Pray for them. Be ready more for the things of the Lord. Don't speak against people. Don't fight with them. But rather be lenient, even when people are abusing you or being mean to you, just be gentle, be lenient, showing all openness and receptivity unto all men. Everybody, saved and unsaved!

    And this is because of the primary characteristics of the old life in Titus 3:3, and there are seven of them.
  • Bro dan - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Brother Jesse,

    Well said, and I agree. I am reminded of this scripture:

    James 1:21

    "Wherefore lay apart all filthiness and superfluity of naughtiness, and receive with meekness the engrafted word, which is able to save your souls."

    God Bless
  • David - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Hi Brother A great example to read on meekness is Moses, thanks for the heart, also none of us have come from above and if you have I want to meet you, you're entertaining.
  • Chelsea - In Reply - 2 years ago
    I believe the original Bible language was Greek and it's translation of meekness is strength restrained. Knowing you are in a position to do something but having the will power not to act on your position of strength. For an example a teacher having a reason to send a child to the principals office but choosing instead to speak gently to the child or ignoring the infraction so that it the child's mistake doesn't weigh on his permanent record or get him expelled.
  • GiGi again - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Good morning, Alex.

    I will let the admin of this site judge whether the what Spencer and I have posted violate the terms of this site or not.

    I agree that we do not know one another and what is in another's heart. However, we do know what others have stated on this site and so, anyone is open for someone else to disagree, critique, and support another's ideas. That is the nature of discussion. Neither Spencer nor I were judging you personally. We were speaking about what you have stated.

    For me, I expect people to criticize some things I say on this site or be concerned about some idea's I present. I do not consider that judging me as a person, even if they characterize what I say as you have: "speaking as from a church judgment hall preaching church doctrine." Everyone who states a position on a topic on this forum is expressing church doctrine, as we are the church and even within the church, not everyone agrees on the doctrinal topics raised on this forum.

    Alex, I have no animosity towards you. You are a brother in Christ. We most likely have more in common than not. So, I wish you a blessed day.
  • Rick - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Alex Do me a favor please don't bring what the Son of God stated about scripture because he always used His

    Fathers words correctly that's why Luke 4:20 they were all amazed because his word had power which is exercised

    authority. So sir to say that we can do it because he did it, Jesus Christ said the words always with the wisdom of

    God accurately at the right time ,place ,purpose, heart , and fitting with all scripture I'd like to pull that off for

    one day! So to say that your doing that doesn't fly, just to make a point.
  • Earl Bowman - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Brother Rick, these words are for edifying and not for rebuke.

    Christ is a body, and his Father does the Fathers work through Christ.

    Christ never spoke a word of himself nor did a work of himself, therefore he never sinned.

    We are no different, we are just a body, we speak no words of our self nor do any works of our self.

    All is of GOD. When we are brought to this truth, by judgement, being born again of truth, we cannot sin, because we are a body (vessel) and a body can do nothing (of itself) other than what the life in that body CAUSES it TO DO. And God doesn't sin. He uses EVIL to BRING ABOUT GOOD, therefore its not sin.

    He makes some (his work) vessels of HONOUR and some (his work) vessels of DISHONOUR.

    Romans 11:30 For as ye in times past have not believed God, yet have NOW obtained mercy through THEIR UNBELIEF:

    Romans 11:31 Even so NOW have these NOT believed, that through YOUR MERCY (when the elect judge the world) THAT THEY MAY ALSO OBTAIN MERCY.

    SIN is UNBELIEF, the wages if UNBELIEF is DEATH, the WAGES of BELIEF is LIFE.

    John 16:8 When he is COME (he is here NOW, in you) he will reprove the world of sin, of righteousness, and judgement:

    John 16:9 Of SIN; because they BELIEVE NOT on me (The WORD, all the words).
  • Rick - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Earl With all due respect words of edification have no confusion and your methods of sharing are confusing

    a lot of times, and confusion is not of the Spirit. Just some food for thought.
  • Rick - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Earl The fourth statement is impossible we all commit sin.
  • KJBO Admin - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Important reminder for everyone: Titus 3:2

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