Bible Discussion Thread

  • Frank - 2 years ago
    Increasingly enough, the United States is showing itself to be Mystery Babylon. Lawlessness and corruption run wild. Russia proved the treachery of America from lies. It must be satisfying being Vlad, knowing time is almost come to fall away. US Transgender parades stink of Sodom and Gomorrah. Most Americans can't come to terms with America getting what it's been giving since World War II. They would have to see it in flames to say, yeah now I get it, America was Babylon and I missed the clues from my pomp: Ha ha ha. How can I let Jeremiah 50 and Jeremiah 51 pass me bye?
  • Adam - In Reply - 2 years ago
    I agree that the United States is not the "moral good" people once believed. It's hard to see it going downhill and embracing immorality, lawlessness, and communist authoritarianism while punishing free speech, free thought, and religion. Societies that collapse start doing these things and its possible the USA may not even exist as a country in 50 - 100 years. Perhaps this is why the Bible may not directly reference it.
  • Rick - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Adam It is amazing that the pilgrims were escaping religious persecution to come to the free world

    but over time due to politics and greed that freedom in Gods Word has eroded to the point we are at now.

    There again Gods Word says there is nothing new under the sun, also keeping in mind Who runs the kingdoms

    of this World. We are called to deliver individuals who want to believe, no entire nation will ever do that.
  • Rick - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Hi Frank The eventual downfall in this country will be due to the false idea that I'm American and can do whatever I

    want basically self worship which is abuse of freedom. Also we are far from one nation under God if anything

    in many areas its acting above God. I cherish that we can still read the word and speak the truth in Love, as too

    how long remains to be seen. As its tates in Ephesians 6 we stand on the Word.
  • Frank - In Reply - 2 years ago

    I appreciate your candid honesty; my associates would've answered that question in defense of America, with glowing patriotic stories of our might. Some answer falsely because of reprisals.

    America, the counterfeiter, tried to act the beast in Daniel 7:20, when they took three of their own towers on 9/11. "His look" was more stout above his 10 kingdoms is Russia, the beast, king of the north, Esau, having 11 time zones of stout. 1991's USSR deadly wound that became the mighty Russian Federation, Revelation 13:3

    So, after the 9-11 attacks, General Wesley Clark announced this to the world: Global Warfare:"We're going to take out seven countries in five years: Iraq Syria Lebanon Libya Somalia Sudan and Iran."

    So after three NY towers were taken, the US announced it would topple seven countries (7 + 3 towers = 10) in five years, Revelation 9:10. This action occurs all within the fifth trumpet. The US is diabolical and uses the occult to make their every political move, they look in the liver, Ezekiel 21:21

    Watch for the sixth seal to start peeling off when America attacks Iran's nuclear facility ( Revelation 6:14). Then we'll be on short time for what God's chosen northern army, Joel 2:11, has in its advanced arsenal. 13 months, 25 hours of coordination and preparation for our visitation.
  • Rick - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Hi Frank I don't quite get all the stuff your discussing but I know the Russian KGB produced a document in the

    fifties stating they will take over the U.S. internally by dividing the people and breaking down the family unit.

    So far unfortunately they've done a pretty good job. When you take an honest look not only are people

    divided but they are angry to the point in some cases of no self control not good, but when leaders are divided

    so goes the country.

    Thank God for his Word and the Hope of Christ return because that's all that really counts!
  • Frank - In Reply - 2 years ago

    What I was getting at was the US attacking itself on 9-11 to begin the fifth trumpet, Revelation 9. This is exactly exactly how anti-Christ begins the sixth trumpet with a surprise attack (takes three horns/towers). However, as I point out, in this case the US was quoting the sixth trumpet prophecy where the beast destroys Babylon and three kingdoms of his own confederacy of 10 to 7. The US may be sneaky, trying to couch itself as the mighty Russian beast, but there's no denying who the treacherous one is. Isaiah 33:1

    When the smoke clears, America's sun will have gone down while it was yet day. The Arabs will break forth in song. The triumphant Russians will break out their 9-11 satellite trained footage and broadcast what really happened at the World Trade Center and Pentagon to a bewildered world.
  • GRACE_ambassador {ChrisE} Revelation 'speculation' - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Precious friend, this is pure speculation about the 'prophecies Concerning ISRAEL,' in the future.

    Today's Age Of GRACE has to be Terminated By God "Recalling all His ambassadors" The Body Of Christ, In Great GRACE Departure 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18 1 Corinthians 15:51-57, BEFORE

    'the First Seal,' (of Revelation) & Declaring War And Judgment on an UNbelieving world.

    Please Be Richly Encouraged, Enlightened, Exhorted, and Edified!

    ( 2 Timothy 2:15 Romans 16:25 Ephesians 3:9 = Grace/Mystery fellowship {Romans - Philemon}, For ALL "to SEE," today,? ) instead of 'speculating'...

    God's 'Simple' Will: Link

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