Bible Discussion Thread

  • Micheline Castelant on 1 Corinthians 10 - 2 years ago
    Hi, I have a question concerning 1 Corinthians 10, 21, 30. Can you assess the passage for my understanding. Thank you.
  • Micheline Castelant - In Reply on 1 Corinthians 10 - 2 years ago
    Hi, David. I now understand is to show an example of a life of a Christian that it is different. It is already understood that we are not to judge. Thank you, David.
  • David - In Reply on 1 Corinthians 10 - 2 years ago
    Micheline Your Welcome God Bless
  • David - In Reply on 1 Corinthians 10 - 2 years ago
    Hi Micheline Human conscience is habit patterns either taught or picked up good or bad from the world around

    us. Now when we're born again we have a perfect spiritual man in us but our minds are still dealing with corrupt

    habit patterns that get changed as we read the word and do by continual practice of change our habits lives to

    line up with Gods Word. If I a mature Christian walking in the Love of God am told by God to go to a bar and dance

    is there any harm no. If God tells you to do that to speak his word to some specifically does that mean if they

    offer you to drink a lot do you partake. NO The reason being is your there to speak the truth in Love, which means

    bringing them up to your level never the opposite. That's where self control in all things comes into play. We bring

    them up to our level that's the love without condemning them because there already lost and blind. That's was one

    of my personal spiritual mistakes at first for me if you don't believe God your screwed up. That's a given if they don't

    know the true God and His Sons love. We teach in meekness and humility.

    When I became a believer not thinking anything about it I went to a friends house and as the habit

    pattern was fire up some dope pas around and get ripped, well when they passed it around I said I don't want or need it anymore. Thinking that would be the end of it wrong, instantly are you a narc, stupid, crazy, which I replied no I just

    decided that its not best to to it any more according to God. The fun began Jesus Freak etc. then I said all of you have

    known me for years and because I choose to stop doing some thing that we all know isn't really good for us I,m

    crazy, that is insane. So I said if that's actually how your thinking have a nice life, never spoke to any of them again.

    Most of them are dead, but that's on them I spoke the truth and never condemned them how can

    you when you were doing the same thing
  • Micheline Castelant - In Reply - 2 years ago
    David, thank you so much for your response concerning 1 Corinthians 10, 21, 30. I need deeper understanding. I understand it is not for our conscious but for other who is offering the food. Am I correct? Can you provide another example?
  • David - In Reply on 1 Corinthians 10 - 2 years ago
    Hi Micheline My personal best example of this is when my wife and I lived in florida we lived next to

    a professed witch and shaman which is someone who believes they have an animal spirit living in them

    that's one definition. There were a few occasion where they invited us to break bread and we graciously

    said no because its one thing to eat with someone that doesn't believe. It's an entirely different situation

    to break bread knowing where they were coming from. It's one thing for God to cover what you don't know

    its another going against what you already know.

    1 Corinthians 10:21 we are already aware what not to do so doing it just is going against God.

    Verse 31 If I'm invited to eat a meal and find out it was handled in an idolatrous practice don't eat, not that

    your effected but in his mind he may question your belief! We know God will cover and the earth is the Lords.

    So we are no longer judged but they not knowing will be confused. This is walking In The Love of God. Then

    perhaps a door will be open to share the Gospel. Someone may comment on this better.
  • S Spencer - In Reply on 1 Corinthians 10 - 2 years ago
    Great example Brother David.

    God bless.

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