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  • Keep Your Eyes on the Signs of the Times_mishael - 2 years ago
    There are horrifying things going on all around this planet RIGHT NOW. 60 Below and storms in Russia, Floods all over the Mideast, even Israel. S Africa with floods, baseball size hail.

    Philippines are in total destruction from volcanoes, Tsunamis, large earthquakes; China too. Big and bigger earthquakes. More killer tornadoes.

    These are happening now. This is new news. THESE ARE BIRTH PAINS. Australia, India, Pakistan, Iran. Turkey is on fire. Great roving fires. Italy is rupturing all over.

    Eyes on banking and money reform news. Look at the current disasters!

    God is going to be involved with this TWO STATE proposal by the Pope. Israel gets to build the 3rd Temple if they will give up all West Bank land they still hold. If Italy implodes, the Pope might be thinking of moving to Palestine? If Israel gives up land for peace, IT'S ON!

    Deals are being made right under Gods Eyes.

    The Palestinians are on YouTube telling each other The Mahdi is soon to be revealed. (Their ancient ancestor who will become Antichrist.)

    We might be looking at 3 1/2 years now! When we see the Abomination of Desolation occur__Jesus is at the door. We are being warned worldwide.

    You don't want to risk being here in the Tribulation. Be ready to go with Jesus; in the Clouds.

    There is a scripture that we should store food and water (plus a Bible) for those being left behind. Some people think the one third of mankind killed will die of starvation. Babies will be born during the Tribulation. The scriptures for food:storage for famine are: Jesus told a riddle in the Olivet Discourse (Matt.24:43-45) Fig tree,10 Virgins, Genesis 42:1-3 Joseph put food away for 3 1/2 Years!

    Uncovered water will be poison or blood. Wild animals will eat people. You can't buy gas w/o a mark.

    Again I'll say: why would you tarry so long, as to miss out on being caught up to Jesus in the Clouds? Choose Jesus now.

    2 Peter 3, ITS ALL GOING TO BURN.
  • Reynaldo Acevedo - In Reply - 2 years ago
    in the early days of earth there were more catastrophic events than there are now. It is right to bring current events for others to head but not be afraid. My heart has many scares that healed and will continue to foster healing. Keep Jesus in your heart. For many this is comforting to read. Others do not have the knowledge of Christ our Lord for lack of wisdom, because they lack our brotherhood, yet they survive with simple shelter, clothing made of reeds, and live a happy life with a contrite heart. There are many problems as you stated, and the answers are at our beckon. Thank you for reminding us that sorrow, hardship and disease are vanished when you seek Jesus Christ and bring him into your life. Amen.
  • Mishael - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Today the Philippines are being torn to pieces by a typhoon, category 5. 200mph winds

    Half a million people have no homes left. Please PRAY for them! The videos are the worst I've seen, and I'm 70. Our prayers are heard my God.

    Natural disasters are part of the signs I'm sorry to say. Land and oceans.

    Though our hearts tell us to hold on and rebuild again; sometimes it is wisdom to start over somewhere safer. I'm thinking of Hurricane Katrina. Much of New Orleans is built on below sea level land. Hundreds of years ago it wasn't so complicated; but now we are in the END OF DAYS. God is giving us signs and time to be reconciled to CHANGE.

    I have moved 22 times in my life. I don't mean across town either. I survived it. Put your trust in the Lord and ask Him for FAVOR. A new job in a safer place; good schools, a new dwelling and Churches. Sometimes we have to let go of some things, but God will bring new blessings to you.

    Abraham had to pull up and move everything to a new land God showed to him. You may have to go scout out the land. Allow Him to lead you; not emotions and fear of the unknown.

    Commit your journey to the Lord. You are the leader. I wouldn't be suggesting this if not for 22 successful moves. Let your faith be enlarged.

    Blessings and favor be upon you, in Jesus Name. May God release the angels to help you every step. Amen and hallelujah.
  • GiGi - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Yes, this typhoon hit the islands hard, and then it was followed today (yesterday our time) by a 4.7 earthquake off of the coast. Lord, Jesus. Help the people of the Philippines recover quickly from these disasters. Allow people who are trapped to be discovered and cared for medically. Reunite loved ones quickly. Provide needed supplies of food, water, cloting, and shelter to those without. In your name Jesus, we pray. Amen.
  • Reynaldo Acevedo - In Reply - 2 years ago
    wisdom to start over? a safer place? Many tribes vanished, never to be seen again after hurricanes ravaged their place on earth. Many immigrants move because they can. They leave turmoil and are met with more of the same when others turn their backs on them because of self-man-made laws. These are devout Christians but lack wisdom. They lack compassion. By God's favor you were born here and so were many people that you consider illegals. The Native people of America and their culture continues to be added into the melting pot of humanity. Others that are privileged as born Americans hide behind Christianity. Sen Richard Roy talks about the plight of immigrants. How it is affecting America in a bad way. He said we want to help them get a better life, that they don't want asylum, just a better way of life. In his speech of the terrible ways other take advantage of them, Mr. Roy also talks about the illegal drugs coming in and hurting our children.

    What is wrong with his views that reek of sensationalism? He strays from the true problems Americans cause every day to the world at large.

    drugs and their use by millions of Americans. They are bringing in opiods which are very additive but Mr. Roy does not mention who is consuming them. Americans! Like Trump, he blames the current admin. Americans have been consuing illegal drugs because they can afford them. It is not the drug pusher that is the problem nor is it the people supplying these drugs, it is the American consumer. Supply and demand! In this case it is Demand supply us with those drugs that will break up families and countries. Mr. Roy also cries like "chicken little" about sex trafficking and human trafficking. How bad is that? very yet he does not mention the drug related pedophiles that are in American prisons. Just who is exploiting these sex slaves if it is not Americans? Surely, it is not the same people that come across at the Northern border, like the ones responsible for 9/11. South border either!
  • Rick - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Reynaldo Just asking who or what are you frustrated or angry at since the Bible says the systems of the

    world run by the adversary are corrupt which can include so called christians. In some of what you stated

    a verse in 1 Timothy 6:12 came to mind the love of Money is the root of all evil. Also this country is running on

    I'm taking care of me, or self worship which is why it will go down if there is not a big change of Heart toward

    God and His Word. The money says in God we trust but in their hearts they are far from Him, the warnings have

    been given and not many are heeding. Jeremiah 2:13. I didn't write the book!
  • Reynaldo Acevedo - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Rick, you didn't "The" book. Youd did add a personal view(s) to them which are not true. If it is raining and you are outside does that mean you are getting wet. Your way of thinking would be to say yes.


    Not so, the sky is not falling as Chicken Little proclaimed. such is the person standing in the rain with an umbrella. His rubber boots also help keep him dry. Read for understanding and seek counseling or answers. I did since I was in diapers. Now you are thinking I was a baby or toddler; how could you discern at this very young age? We did not have hand me down clothing, so we went without. Now that I've earned my American Freedom to do as I can and wish: does it mean others are not in diapers for lack of clothing? Rick, consider helping people such as myself instead of "Dignity Robbing" by assuming there is anger in my persona. You don't know that you don't know that you don't know.

    ie. I don't know who you will share our texting with nor do I know how it will affect them and how the servitude that I talk about will help others. Moral; I don't know that I don't know that I don't know, but God does! Amen.
  • Rick - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Reynaldo Never said that you had no dignity or intelligence I just stated the root of our problems is the

    unbelief of Gods Word we are surrounded by or influenced by in the world. I myself grew up very poor so

    to a degree I'm speaking from experience. Jesus Christ Himself said the poor and hungry you will always

    have because he knew how the world worked. So the root problem is man's disbelief.
  • GiGi - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Oh wait. I meant to say 7 kids plus my Mom and Dad. So, 9 of us in a one bedroom, one bath home. We played outside a lot!

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  • Rick - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Reynaldo what's the BOOK?
  • Mishael - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Reynaldo I'm with you concerning native Americans. I'm ashamed that Washington ignores the lesser ones and favors those with big money and lying mouths. They will see their day of weeping soon. God showed me in 1991 that our stock markets will implode. Stay close to Jesus.

    Let's all not overthink Mystery Babylon and the Great Whore of Babylon. God is going to waste it like liquefaction from an earthquake. Be ready to board the ARK of safety, who is Jesus Christ.

    Don't we sense the fury?
  • Reynaldo Acevedo - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Rick re: just what are you frustrated or angry about.

    really, then you quote Timothy. You are dignity robbing when you say i am frustrated or angry. Instead of reading for understanding. Americans feed off the poor. They want illegal drug, cheaper goods so in order to do so you can pay for cheap labor. China makes lots of our consumed products. America first is a double edge sword. we spread Democracy anyway we can. The downtrodden are being helped in this manner. Our Southern Border is not in crisis. Lack of Christian Values that demoralized Americans gave way to$2 billion annually of illegal drug use. There is not enough compassion for others just in your circle of friends or family, and sometimes Americans forget family and not forgive them.

    The disparity of and lack of education is driven by racial separations. We made laws to curtail this. Yet the logistics set in place builds barriers.

    What i text about is laden with servitude. I broke the cycle of poverty, racial injustice, educational accolades, leadership disparity too. REy
  • BODY OF CHRIST_ANSWER THE CALL - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Rey, have you read my 2 posts today? I was wakened with The Book of Joel in my face.

    Everyone all over this planet is suffering, afraid, maybe billions homeless, children included.

    Your mercy has to include everyone. God has given You, one to help. I was in street ministry and we must know PRACTICALLY, where to take someone to get help.

    There are ministries in place, to help the displaced. Call a church and see if you can get information for people who need help. Call them all. Call your city government and ask for info.

    Some people like me donate funds to organizations that help the homeless. At times I've driven people to where the help is.

    Complaining is just a lot of hot air if they are NOT helping in the problems directly. Most Catholic Churches have feeding or grocery ministries. Let's make some donations to those who are actually doing something. God sees our hearts. It's not good to be stingy.

    If you think my response is callous, then look at some of those youtube sites I listed. Most all of those disasters happened This Year!

    The nation of Philippines was almost wiped out the past 2 days. 500 thousand homes destroyed to the ground. A million+ displaced.

    Help your friend. If God brings us ONE to care for, then He will repay you personally for being available. If not for 30 years of street ministry, I wouldn't know these things. Jesus said the poor will always be with us. (I know he was speaking of the Bridegroom).

    Everyone needs to rethink their criticisms about outreach ministries. I know of street preachers who have included Feeding the homeless to their resume. An offering is OVER the Tithe; an offering to the Lord. He's going to repay: money, healing, favor at work. Have some Faith. Take care of His lambs.

    Breathing flames and scriptures helps no one, if they're starving and cold, homeless. Let's Dig Into Our Pockets. Turn to "The Church". Make some calls today. I pray for God to direct you and bless you.
  • Reynaldo Acevedo - In Reply - 2 years ago
    as a servant for decades in life it is with a contrite heart that I say your statements and assumptions can be misunderstood.
  • Rick - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Reynaldo My point was and is man is driven by greed and other corrupt motivations, I'm very aware of

    everything you stated and in my personal life I give in my realm of influence the best I can biblically. We are

    not called to change the world, but individuals who choose to believe. I didn't just state canned scripture,

    until true change in heart is made by man which will never happen because Gods Word says it will wax worse

    and worse until God Pulls the plug. Until that time each one win one. Even out master Jesus Christ didn't

    change the world system he made it available to conquer it if you believe, this is not a sermon its reality.
  • Reynaldo Acevedo - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Man is driven by righteousness. Man is driven by Love. Man is driven in positive ways. The worse of man is not at the helm on Earth.

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  • Reynaldo Acevedo - In Reply - 2 years ago
    learn to respond to the same people in the boat of life, then row alongside them, not stand at the helm as if to call our cadence to them. Learn to use other words than "I" or "them" or "they."

    Your self-indulgence in this vernacular (Biblical sense) discounts every word and meaning that was texted by me which was intended for healing by being a good servant. Please write from your heart and not from your pride.

    First, try to reflect on what was said and then be specific when addressing the author. Someone once said, "too many cooks in the kitchen will over salt the stew pot."

    Quote me first and then make reference by scripture and what it means to you.

    Direct your sense of understanding of passage sent by allowing yourself to place one foot in the author's shoes and then the other.

    Your undue resentment of my texting showed when you stated, inferred or implied "Rey, did you even read my last two text?"

    For instance, "I believe that to have the best tasting homemade hamburger you must spread mayonnaise on both halves of the bun and grilled them until the outer rim of the buns are darkened." This will keep your food warm, possibly hot, until you sit to enjoy it. I learned this from helping the Church group when they had chores in the kitchen such as washing dishes, sweeping and mopping. I was in the same " like-position "as the boy twelve years of age"

    in a movie I viewed last night about his loss of his parent(s) and baby sister in a winter storm that was then cared for by the villagers. His gratitude, as mine, was then shown by (servitude) making carved wooden toys for the village children. I helped in our Church kitchen because they cared for me since infancy as mom would bring me along to our church kitchen after sermon for meals.

    There were many ladies in this effort that catered for community betterment. I joined in as I grew older and have been helping with community betterment ever since. All through Love, Hope and Faith. American Dream, share it. Amen
  • Reynaldo Acevedo - In Reply - 2 years ago
    ashamed? but what do you do on a daily basis that shows others compassion for the poor. You are on the same boat as I about Native American Indians but are you rowing? If so, tell me how and when you did so I can feel it in my heart. Many people make statements and refer to writings or verses. What does it mean to you? Prayer is very strong but it is actions that I am in favor of because turmoil stares me in the face from others that are lost; not necessarily a lost soul, but lost in the system that we embellish and called Democracy!

    The more I read replies on this blog and see people rewrite passages from the Holy Bible the more often I plea to Christ for their continued aspirations and pray that they become loyal servants. That they make improvements not excuses.

    Lord, it is right to give you thanks and praise. Please show mercy to my brother who is homeless, protect him from physical harm and mental anguish. Your Mercy endures forever. Through Jesus Christ we pray. Amen.

    i know my brother is homeless and the trauma he experienced. I also know that he is doing well and seeks to help others that are worse off than him. Hence, he serves the Lord. He helps others with compassion, clothing, drink, friendship and counseling. Why show he succeed when others are in peril? Row the boat Mishael after you put it in the water. Rey
  • David - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Reynaldo American so called democracy is not because the wealthy are the ruling class, also peoples greed.

    The stock market crash of 2007 was full proof of that, I knew many people who took [advantage] big time of the

    housing mortgage system. In florida alone you could get a house built in 120 days 175,00 dollar loan unsecured

    no money down only pay for paper work have no steady job but they would send it through based on what you

    would be making which is lying on the loan. That's like buying a rolex watch and getting a loan for it and paying

    10.00 a week till its payed off isn't going to happen. I fully agree and understand what you say, I don't want to

    hear a sermon I want to see one. Unfortunately there's not a lot to be seen now. Change what you can and know

    what you can't.
  • Reynaldo Acevedo - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Republic Democracy.
  • The war on children and the innocent - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Pointing fingers never relieves the pain of what is happening to people of all ages and circumstances. Last year I met a person who busts sex trafficking rings. You need to know how all those police task forces feel towards the people, who force that pain on the innocent. I don't know who is safe anymore. Pray that the guilty be exposed. Parents, grandparents, protect your children. Pray that the Police find the guilty.

    God will hear our prayers.

    Let us fast and pray in our closets for this Next year. Because we care.
  • Reynaldo Acevedo - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Pointing fingers as you stated never provides relief.

    I point my finger at our Savior, Jesus Christ.

    we exposed the evilness.

    Your opinion that it never helps those in need (pointing fingers) challenges me to explain it in terms of endearment.

    Another written text about directing myself et. al. to give and help the organizations that provide compassion. I know it firsthand and yet we allow mainstream Americans to derail our efforts.

    Your response borders the aforementioned.

    The atrocities mentioned is not news. The source of these calamities should be exposed. Then offer a remedy that allows for embellishments. Give to the poor and these deeds will be rewarded. The miracles witnessed that help others is very evident to me in real life. My servitude humbles me. I do know by experience.
  • T. Levis - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Put your eyes to GOD ALMIGHTY! Philippians 2:10-13. James 4:13-15, 1 John 4:18, Matthew 24:4-51, Philippians 4:4-9,

    Hopefully these are helpful
  • Free - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Dear Brother, Yes, so true everything you write. I read a promise today, and thought: Jesus is not exactly gracious here or He Is! Thank the Lord Jesus.

    Mark 10:24 And the disciples were astonished at his words. But Jesus answereth again, and saith unto them, Children, how hard is it for them that trust in riches to enter into the kingdom of God!

    25 It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle, than for a rich man to enter into the kingdom of God.

    26 And they were astonished out of measure, saying among themselves, Who then can be saved?

    27 And Jesus looking upon them saith, With men it is impossible, but not with God: for with God all things are possible.

    28 Then Peter began to say unto him, Lo, we have left all, and have followed thee.

    29 And Jesus answered and said, Verily I say unto you, There is no man that hath left house, or brethren, or sisters, or father, or mother, or wife, or children, or lands, for my sake, and the gospel's,

    30 But he shall receive an hundredfold now in this time, houses, and brethren, and sisters, and mothers, and children, and lands, with persecutions; and in the world to come eternal life.

    31 But many that are first shall be last; and the last first.

    He is in control, so are we who are filled with the Spirit of Love and His wisdom.

    Be blessed in the holy name of Jesus Christ. And have a real Merry Christmas you and yours.
  • Reynaldo Acevedo - In Reply - 2 years ago
    consider writing what these passages mean to you in reality. talk about your own experiences.

    describe examples that your experienced or what you know about attended events. Don' be afraid to expound. hope this helps.

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