Bible Discussion Thread

  • Tony on Luke 17 - 2 years ago
    what does it mean when he says a servant has done his duty but has to ask forgiveness for being a unprofitable servant?
  • Jesse - In Reply on Luke 17 - 2 years ago

    I'd like to also share with you my perspective on Luke 17:9-10.

    In Luke 17:9, Jesus says " Does he thank that servant because he did the things that were commanded him?"Jesus said, I think not.

    Verse 10: So likewise ye, when ye shall have done all those things which are commanded you, say, We are unprofitable servants: we have done that which was our duty to do.

    So if you ever get into a position, a mind frame or an attitude in life that you think that things are going wrong and that God owes you, just remember that when we serve Him day and night, we are only doing what He asked us to do. It is not a bonus.

    Then He says we are unprofitable servants.

    The Greek word for unprofitable is useless. Useless! At our best in our human effort we are useless. But when God gives us the faith He does great things. But you see it's not to our credit. It is what God does through us, and if God works through us all day and all night, that is all to His credit. If we did it, we'd just be unprofitable servants only doing the minimum.

    Anyway, that's what I understand this to be saying!
  • Rick Mentzer - In Reply on Luke 17 - 2 years ago
    Jesse That's is why in the Gospels he says without me you can do nothing, before born again without God

    and without Hope now Sons of God and the Hope of the Return.
  • Mishael - In Reply on Luke 17 - 2 years ago
    Very well said. It would be so great to all go out street preaching!!!! Oh to be 20 yrs younger :/

    I love you all. We're familyJesus's bros and sisters! HAPPIER NEW YEAR.

    Straight KJV Bible and a 3 inch wide Strongs Concordance. Mine smells so good I lay on it. Thank God the cat can't talk.
  • T. Levis - In Reply on Luke 17 - 2 years ago
    In previous Chapters we see Jesus is talking to many different people from different backgrounds, educations & walks in life:

    Luke 14, Luke 15:1,2, Luke 16:1,14,

    Luke 15:3 =3 parables prior have to do with GOD's goodness, amazing mercy & love for HIS lost children. Luke 15:4-32,

    Luke 16, continues as Jesus is talking to the disciples, Luke 16:1, yet you see the others appear to still be there. Luke 16:14,

    A steward is someone trusted with things, property, belongings (even teachings) that don't belong to them, they are trusted to maintain, keep, watch-over, protect, grow etc. In this parable Jesus seems to be pointing out the wrongs done.

    Luke 16:8, notice Luke 16:9-13, if you go back to Luke 14, they appear to be at one of the Cheif Phariees house throughout these chapters. Luke 14:1, (Pharisee known for being very strict religious of GOD's written laws) therefore being a "steward" of GOD's written laws, including teaching, nextJesus speaks of the rich man, that showed no mercy. Luke 16:19-31, I believe Jesus is rebuking the "rich teachers, stewards" yet also teaching HIS disciples to be wiser to what is going on.

    Hopefully this is helpful

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