Bible Discussion Thread

  • THISISALIEFROMHELL on Ecclesiasticus 15 - 2 years ago
    You people,jewish, trying to place jesus as your trophy, john 3:16 says that whosoever believeth in him shall have everlasting life,god gave his son to the world for our sins,not just you all,he didn't come as a jewish jesus,if he did talk of isreal it was his father's desire,in the first place,jesus was a spirit in heaven with his father, nothing jewish about him,unto god he returned a glorious spirit,not a jew, y'all trying to think he was a mere man,of a jew and he is not,this is a lie from hell satan,then you try to say we need a hebrew bible ,kjv in error,it must not be, because the signs of the times sure is coming to past,the jewish voice,please, it's jesus voice,you think we're gonna worship you, because you all was once a great people,yet some of you didn't believe in him and still don't,look at you all now,how you're doing now, i'm african and jesus died for me,
  • Gigi - In Reply on Ecclesiasticus 15 - 2 years ago
    Good morning.

    Trying to understand the main point of your post.

    I agree, Jesus was the eternal son of God prior to His incarnation as the perfec human man. He was fully God and fully man in one person from conception on.

    We differ in this respect.

    Jesus was resurrected bodily and ascended to heaven bodily.

    He exists forever in heaven in this same way? Fully God and fully man united in person with a glorified body.

    Whether or not He is genetically Jewish, we do not know, since we do not have any samples of His DNA to test.

    But to me, the Scripture says the Messiah was to come from Abraham's seed, specifically from David's lineage. So, I tend to believe His DNA would confirm him to be from this genetic bloodline.

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