Bible Discussion Thread

  • Richard H Priday on Psalms 90 - 2 years ago
    Verse 10 of this Psalm certainly gives us pause to think of an average lifespan; as the last years are indeed a struggle. If this refers to the last generation; we need to consider that 1948 may not have been the correct beginning for that day.

    We notice where Christ says"..behold the fig trees and ALL the trees.." ( Luke 21:29) This would perhaps indicate economic prosperity for the surrounding nations which the Gulf states are already seeing ahead of them with agreements with Israel. It would seem for Israel to be attacked when they live securely and with unwalled villages in the Ezekiel 38 war; first the events of Psalm 83 would expand Israel's borders and eliminate the constant conflicts with the Palestinians and other nearby surrounding countries. Then; it would be likely the Daniel 27 covenant would have a league with countries such as Iran; Turkey; Syria and perhaps others in N. Africa and make it seem that Israel's issues are over. Just another perspective here. In any event; this psalm tells us that we are to "number our days." (v.12). Life is as a fleeting shadow; there is truly little time before night comes; and no man can work ( John 9:4). The millennium seems a clear concept as well here from v. 4; with the last day of rest for the whole world bringing the world in a way back to the way it was on the last day of the Creation; a sort of rest for the whole creation that has been travailing to this point.( Romans 8:22 etal).

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