Bible Discussion Thread

  • Richard H Priday on Psalms 102 - 2 years ago
    The nondescript person here uttering a complaint sounds much like the author of Lamentations mourning over the situation during the Babylonian invasion. There is great similarity also to Job during his sufferings. There perhaps is the greatest meaning in the time when Christ returns (v.13). Daniel states that there are set times; and even Antichrist can't change times and delay Christ's return and victory over him ( Daniel 2:21). Once again; as in earlier Psalms the heathen shall fear the name of the Lord (v. 15). The prisoners will be set free ( Isaiah 51:14) as v. 20 indicates; and during the Millennium God looks down from heaven (heavenly Jerusalem) in v. 19. Eventually, the earth shall perish and be changed (v. 20) at the end of the period; and at the time of the Great White Throne judgment. ( Rev. 20:11). Then there shall be eternal glorified saints continuing forever (v. 28). This could indicate those already in redeemed bodies from the church age; as well as those natural men that live physically with their descendants (seed) during the 1000 years; who live throughout that period and are translated into eternity.

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