Bible Discussion Thread

  • Sam C on Exodus 3 - 2 years ago
    I am a bit confused as to the time span here in Exodus. It says the daughter of Levi, gave birth to Moses. Even if it has been 80 years since this birth, how do we get 400 years of suppression of the people of Israel, and time spent amongst the people. Joseph brought Israel and his brothers, including Levi to Egypt. The math seems off here. How do we get 400 years from Levi to Moses if it is just 2 generations?
  • Grae - In Reply on Exodus 3 - 2 years ago
    With respect and affection . Dear Sam , please read carefully Genesis Ch 2 V 1 . It says "A daughter of Levi " not "the" . He married a woman of the tribe of Levi .
  • GiGi - In Reply on Exodus 3 - 2 years ago
    God foretold to Abraham in Hebron before He destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah and one month before Sarah conceived Isaac that Abraham's people (descendants) would be 400 years out of the promised land. Since He is God, what He foretells always happens.

    And so, Jacob and is family went into Egypt during a severe famine after discovering Joseph was in charge of all of Egypt under Pharaoh. They were they for a long time under blessing, and then at some time, with another Pharaoh who did not want the Israelites to continue to greatly multiply and prosper, he enslaved them and made their time of slavery miserable. Many generations had passed between Levi and Moses, but descendants were identified with the tribe of Jaconb they descended from, thus Moses' and his parents were spoke of as from Levi.
  • T. Levis - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Genesis 15:13-14, Genesis 37, Genesis 39, Genesis 40, Genesis 41, Genesis 47, Genesis 50:22,23, Exodus 1:1-7, Exodus 1:8-12. Note Exodus 1:11,20, Exodus 2:1, please note: John 8:39, biblical times lineage of Levi & Abraham very significant, therefore they would call themselves or other's by the name, many generations. Matthew 1:1, Matthew 22:42, Exodus 6:16-27, Exodus 12:40,41,

    Hope this helps.

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