Bible Discussion Thread

  • Beverly driggers - 2 years ago
    My sister died April 17th 2021,I'm having a hard time getting over her death,? Where is she now
  • Charles Robert Northup - In Reply - 2 years ago
    She sleeps, the Bible say when Christ appears the dead in Christ will rise, some believe in heaven, but the Bible calls it sleep. But many believe you go to heaven or hell. but either way you believe it's not final there is a second death which is, this is our Hope in Christ's return that the dead in Christ shall rise to eternal life with God. I am so sorry so trust and believe in God through Jesus Christ.
  • Adam - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Hi Beverly, I am sorry for your loss of your loved one. May God fill your wounded heart with His love and with renewed hope for the future.

    I believe the verse T. Levis shared is right on point: 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18.

    It uses the term 'sleep in Jesus' which is an interesting phrase. I interpret this as believers will simply be in a peaceful rest awaiting Jesus' return. Just like when we sleep at night, it doesn't seem like a full 8 hours, but if we sleep soundly, it seems like only a snap of the fingers and we awake. Similarly, I believe those in this spiritual state of rest will seem like a second and they (and us) will be meeting Jesus 'caught up' with him in the clouds. I believe it will be peaceful, happy, and a feeling of love.

    God bless you.
  • Alex - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Hi! :)

    I feel grieved for your loss and I prayed for you just now and felt the Father speak to you that 'she is safe with me.'

    I felt such warmth and love in my heart that I felt to bless you with words of encouragement.

    Father God loves you so much and he welcomes you with loving arms. Yet he is ever so gentle and like the gentle waves along the beach, he calmly keeps pursuing us like a patient loving Father. I hope this message brings you warmth and comfort and that you are in peace. Heaven is a place of victory and love is everlasting. May God smile upon you today with his warmth and kindness and that you have a blessed day! :)
  • Glenn - In Reply - 2 years ago
    In heaven,.. on the right side / I'm sure !!! There are 2 sides with a gulf in between,..
  • T. Levis - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Hello Beverly Drigger,

    I am sorry for the heavy heart & loss you're feeling. Years ago I was going through heavy loss & I looked up the deeper the meaning of "HE binds up their wounds" & realized in life when we've gone through a surgical procedure or similar the bandages are wrapped around & tended to, sometimes removed & rebound. In the healing process. The more serious, bigger etc. The more to the process & longer to heal. It was comforting to me & I hopefully to you. That it seems to be written in the present tense, meaning HE's actively binding up our wounds. Psalms 147:3, 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18,

    Isaiah 26:19, 2Samuel 12:19-23, Revelation 20, Revelation 1:5, Revelation 4:13,

    Hopefully these help answer your question & helps comfort you, in this moment.
  • Donna - In Reply - 2 years ago
    I wish I could answer that for you. I did not know your sister. I don't know what her beliefs were spiritually.

    I do believe I know where your sister wants you to be when you pass away though.

    Beverly, I pray right now to God our Father and ask Him to give you peace that surpasses all of our human understanding that you may rest in His love. IJN

    John 3:16

    For God so loved the world he gave his only begotten son, so that whosoever believes in him shall not perish but have everlasting life.

    Please Ask Jesus into your heart if you haven't already. Turn from your sins and find a church family to study the Bible with and get water baptized.

    The Lord will answer all your questions in due time. I'm so sorry for your loss. Keep coming here.

    Maybe some of the more mature Christians would have some more input for you. I'm praying for you tonight.
  • Vio - In Reply - 2 years ago
    I think all 5 comments have value and encouragement for Beverly in her time of grieving.

    I personally believe and totally agree with Donna's comments [although they may seem a bit harsh or too direct or even uncaring ?!?] but true and tender words of relief and agape/love towards Beverly, in particular, the second paragraph: [Beverly, please BEWARE!!!]

    "I do believe I know where your sister wants you to be when you pass away though."

    To that I would simply add the same message of encouragement as Donna's:

    "Please Ask Jesus into your heart if you haven't already. Turn from your sins and find a church family to study the Bible with and get water baptized.

    The Lord will answer all your questions in due time. I'm so sorry for your loss. Keep coming here."

    And for Donna: you are a very mature Christian yourself, unafraid to say it exactly as it is, no fuss, no sugar coating it: Amen to you!!!

    With a heavy heart I admit, I had close 'friends', that unfortunately passed away, and they were so hardened in their hearts that they denied Christ even on their death bed ........ where are they now? Hmm, I don't think so ........ All of the Holy Scripture leads us to the right answer, not only John 3:16. GOD forgive and bless us all.

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