Bible Discussion Thread

  • Baissa - 2 years ago
    does the Bible verse Leviticus 20:13 still apply?

    it says that homosexual people should be put to death
  • Charles Robert Northup - In Reply - 2 years ago
    NO, God has grace on us we are to have grace on them, we are told to live peacefully as much as is possible. Psalms 14:1

    "(To the chief Musician, A Psalm of David.) The fool hath said in his heart, There is no God. They are corrupt, they have done abominable works, there is none that doeth good."

    King James Version (KJV) Vengeance is my saith the Lord I will repay the deeds of the unrighteous and the righteous shall inherit their wealth. love thy enemy. now to except it no we are not to. They are lost souls like any other is

    Fuuny because it disgusts me and guess what God did, put me ministering to homosexuals. I have to say so many are trouble souls in despair it's truly said, pray for them. confusion is of the devil that evil snake.
  • Dennis Loreto Giacomino - In Reply - 2 years ago

    This scriptural reference is addressing the Jews who were under The Law. But the New Testament still addresses homosexuality as a sin.
  • Sean veasley - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Yes it does apply, death in this case means our soul. We must still abide by Gods law.The more we do immortal acts the further we get away from GODs grace and mercy. One day we wake up and we don't know ourselves or how we got in the position we are in. It was a simple act of just a curse word lust, or in this case homosexual act.
  • Glenn - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Same sex affairs are considered an abomination to our Heavenly Father,.. period
  • Chris - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Hello Baissa. This particular chapter in Leviticus, as with other chapters dealing with God's Laws & how they were to be implemented, were given to Israel so that were to be a holy people unto the Lord & separate from the heathen around them who were given to all manner of sins ( Leviticus 20:23). The strictness of these Laws showed to Israel, & to us, how holy God is, how our behaviour must be before Him, & the right attitude we must have towards sin.

    I'm sure that as time went on, Israel failed to carry out such judgement on the people's sins, even as all Israel gave themselves over to idolatry & the wicked ways of the heathen, which caused their exile. So, even today, Israel would not be carrying out the requirements of Leviticus chapter 20 (& those of other chapters) as they have departed from God's requirements, with pressures due to different forms of government, new laws, & influences from other nations.

    But for Gentiles, maybe you & me, we come under our own government's laws, & they certainly would regard many of God's Laws as unapplicable to them, abominable & to be rejected. So now we have laws that give equal treatment to homosexuals, adulterers, fornicators, incestuous, murderers, & probably in time, to bestiality. We are conditioned to accept & believe that such behaviour should be the decision of the people & should not concern anyone else nor the government to declare right from wrong. And that would be a typical response from a government that has no fear of God.

    But the government who fears God, of which there are none today, they would apply at least harsher penalties for such sins. Though man's sins, however evil they might be, are allowed by the law to continue without punishment, we know that at the coming day of judgement, all will be exposed & God will execute His Judgement without repentance on man & government of men for their rejection of God. Yet, in mercy, God stepped in & provided His Sacrifice that allows the sinner to be forgiven.

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