Bible Discussion Thread

  • Charles Dike - 2 years ago
    Can a true believer fall back to become an unbeliever
  • Chris - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Hi Charles. I'm glad your question asked this of a "true believer". Unfortunately, there are many 'believers', some just with head knowledge of the Lord & His Salvation, and others, coming to Jesus not recognizing the gravity of their sins & coming judgement, but superficially enjoying 'Church' & the fellowship of others - many even baptized & partaking of the Lord's Table. The Spirit might yet be drawing them into a state of true understanding, sorrow & repentance leading to salvation, but I believe that anyone who hasn't been fully possessed by the Holy Spirit, given power to love, live & witness His Name, may well "draw back", because of love for the world or fear of man rather than God.

    I'm always reminded of Stephen's witness (in Acts 6:8-15 & Acts 7:1-60) as a worthy example. Stephen preached the Word with boldness knowing the volatile reaction of both the Jews & their Council. And even when dragged away to be stoned, Stephen had every opportunity to recant his faith or at least retract his accusatory message against them - but he remained faithful to the Lord. And notice the special enabling by the Spirit upon Him in Acts 7:55-60, giving him a special revelation of Heaven's Glory, hence the certainty of his death. All he saw from that time on was the Triune God & his own soon departure to that blessed place. The anger, the jeers & stones of death that pummeled him were no match to what God had prepared for him.

    How would we respond if facing a similar situation? How many 'Christians' would do whatever they could to save their lives rather than lose it for Christ's sake? For most of us, we've never had to face such a threat, but for many all over the world, they would rather remain faithful to the Lord Who bought them than deny Him. This gives us a glimpse of a "true believer": one in whom the Spirit dwells & will stand faithful by the Spirit's enabling in the hour of temptation. "Not many who say Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven".
  • T Levis - In Reply - 2 years ago
    1 Timothy 1:19, Hebrews 10:38-39, Ezekiel 33:11, Ezekiel 18:23, Psalms 147:11, James 2, Galatians 3:23, Hebrews 11, Philippians 3:8-14, 2 Corinthians 5:7, Romans 14:1-4, Romans 10:17, hopefully these help in the matter

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