Bible Discussion Thread

  • Imoh etuk on 1 Samuel 11 - 2 years ago
    what circumstance make Nahash to attack Judah? or what offence did the people of Judah committed against Nahsh Ammonites?
  • Chris - In Reply on 1 Samuel 11 - 2 years ago
    Hello Imoh Etuk. Nahash was the king over the Ammonites ( 1 Samuel 12:12). Jabeshgilead was a city located in northern Gilead, in a section that was assigned to Manasseh (a son of Joseph, who was the son of Jacob). The Ammonites were a kindred race to the Moabites coming from the same ancestor, Lot. So they believed that a portion of their territory had been robbed from them by Israel & in the days of the Judges, they continually harrassed Israel, so Israel went to war with them. The Judge, Jephthah defeated them with a great slaughter ( Judges 11:4-13, 28-33).

    So with this great defeat & disgrace in mind, & the prophet Samuel now ageing, Nahash of the Ammonites, thought to attempt to strike back again ( 1 Samuel 11:1). But this time, the men of Jabeshgilead weakened & desired to make a covenant with the Ammonites. The Ammonites would comply if they would first blind the right eyes of all the people, maybe as retribution for the previous slaughter. This proviso wouldn't do of course, so they sent for help & one Saul was moved with anger & then mustered up a great company of fighters. These men came to battle on the following day & slaughtered the Ammonites & those who escaped were very few ( 1 Samuel 11:11). And it was soon after this, that Saul was crowned king over Israel.
  • T. Levis - In Reply on 1 Samuel 11 - 2 years ago
    Deuteronomy 23:3-6, Nehemiah 2:10, Nehemiah 2:19-20, Nehemiah 2, whole chapter, Nehemiah 4:3, Nehemiah 13:1,

    Hopefully these are helpful in your research

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