Bible Discussion Thread

  • Betty Flanigan on Psalms 47 - 2 years ago
    Who are the sons of Korah and why are many of the psalms written to them?
  • GiGi - In Reply on Psalms 47 - 2 years ago
    Hello Betty,

    While it is true that some of the clan of Korah, a Levite, led a rebellion against Moses and Aaron in the wilderness, not all of the descendants of Korah rebelled and were swallowed up by the earth. The clan of Korah were musicians, composers of songs/hymns/psalms. They often led the Israelites in processions of worship. They were the "worship leaders" of the time".

    Apparently, in the incident of rebellion, most of Korah's clan rebelled. They seemed to not be satisfied with their divinely appointed duties of being the Lord's musicians and singer/songwriters. They wanted what was not theirs to have, more leadership, prestige, and power.

    But the ones who did not rebel continued in their appointed service to the LORD and David tells of how glad he was to go up to the house of the LORD with these musicians. David also was a musician, but not a Levite, therefore he could not lead the worship. How he would have loved to be given such an opportunity! But he accepted his place as king, and continued as a musician, writing many psalms, dancing before the LORD, shouting and clapping to the music before the LORD.

    I think each of us need to learn God's call on our lives and serve in the capacity He gives us without coveting what others get to do. We can do our best in our given area of service and be thankful for the service of others in their given areas. We can rejoice and celebrate the varied gifts, talents, and skills of others. We are all being built into a holy "house" of the LORD as we all are fit together according to His plan.
  • Who was Korah - In Reply on Psalms 47 - 2 years ago
    Numbers 16

    Korah was a Levite, a cousin of Moses, and a man of ability and influence. Though appointed to the service of the tabernacle, he had become dissatisfied with his position and aspired to the dignity of the priesthood.

    Korah led a revolt against Moses; he died, along with all his co-conspirators, when God caused "the earth to open her mouth and swallow him and all that appertained to them" ( Numbers 16:31-33).

    Korah is the central figure in the story of the revolt against the authority and status of Moses at the time of the wanderings in the wilderness ( Num. 16). According to the story in its present form, Dathan and Abiram of the tribe of Reuben, together with 250 chieftains of the community, also took part in this revolt.

    It was significant this accusation was made publicly, in front of 250 leaders of the congregation; men of renown.

    Men like Korah are always playing to an audience, always trying to draw a following after themselves - after Moses has already gathered the nation and led them this far, of course.
  • Charles Robert Northup - In Reply on Psalms 47 - 2 years ago
    Numbers 16 gives the account of Korah seems he gather renown men to go against Moses and Arron God separated Moses and his men and then destroyed Korah and those who were with him. Maybe that Korah pulled a Lucifer on Moses and thought Moses lifted himself up not God and he and his contingent was holier than Moses was. Maybe it's warning to others of this act of rebellion against God

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