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The Holy Trinity is one of the greatest mysteries of the Catholic faith, and is an attempt to describe the mysterious nature of God.
'The mystery of the Most Holy TRINITY is the central mystery of Christian faith and life'
(Catechism of the CATHOLIC Church {CCC} 234)
The Trinity refers to the idea that God is one, but can be experienced in three different Persons.
****The word 'trinity' comes from the word 'tri' meaning 'three' and 'unity' meaning 'one'.
CATHOLICS believe that there are three distinct Persons to this one God and that these three Persons form a unity. This belief is called the doctrine of the Trinity:
God the Father - the creator and sustainer of all things
God the Son - the incarnation of God as a human being, Jesus Christ, on Earth
God the Holy Spirit - the power of God which is active in the world, drawing people towards God.
I just wanna make 1 more little comment about the Trinity..Just think about the Davidic kingdom that Isaiah was so in love
with And Isaiah lived about 250 yrs after the Jesse ,David and Solomon had died ...But Isaiah was still using this Davidic Kingdom as a type of a kingdom/trinity coming in the last days when God wd set his hand again,the 2 nd time to gather his ppl...Isaiah said there shall come a rod outa of the stem of Jesse and a branch shall grow outa of his roots....This is prophetic of a father son and Granson scenario type of Kingdom.....Solomon being the Granson....But Jesse David and Solomon were all dead....But Jesus says he was the root and the offspring of David...A heavenly KiNGDOM ....is now the Significance...Read Isaiah 11 : 1 kjv
....But my point is Isaiah was still using this Davidic kingdom as prophetic of another KiNGDOM OF father son and GRANSON COMING IN THE LAST DAYS....Jesus uses this Comforter as a Greater then Solomon....The H.G will build a greater Temple in our Hearts....and Solomon was the Granson..God wd not allow David the son to build the great temple.....He wd only let Solomon the Granson build that great temple...Symbolic that only the H.G. THE COMFORTER can build the temple in our hearts...i will give them a new heart etc...a new temple a new covenant etc...As Jesus said he was the root and the offspring of DAVID...THE BRIGHT and morning star...That Heavenly Promise was by the Father himself...So this Father Son and Granson Kingdom is not going away....That lil Child that Isaiah said was gonna lead them....( All the animals ) is the H.G. Immanuel that is gonna lead this whole world....Unless you receive the Kingdom of God as a lil Child you will in no wise enter there in....And there is another scripture saying the house of DAVID WILL BE AS THE HOUSE OF GOD...This should NOT BE CONFUSING if you are familar with the Bible any at all . The 11 th chapter of Isaiah is all 2 nd coming....That Mountain is the KiNGDOM OF God..
Alex, your so brilliant on lots of subjects. This is just one that I differ on. I'm a big believer in the Book of John. I'm not a scholar. I'm a retired street preacher about 80% of the time.
The way I look at this is; that between the book of Malachi and Luke, is about 430 years.
Then bam, the prophetic begins to confirm Old Testament prophesy; with great speed really. The push at this point in time is "Loading the Ark". Getting folk INTO CHRIST.
Prophesy is happening as fast as disaster events and political hook-ups, around the World.Today.
Thank you for your, explanation of the Trinity. It really is such a mystery yet the Bible clearly shows three distinct persons in the Godhead, and also states that God is truly one LORD ( Deut. 6:4). we can see the manifestation of the trinity at Jesus' baptism with the Son incarnated in Jesus, the Father speaking in an audible voice from heaven, and the Holy Spirit's descent upon Jesus. If one reads the Last Supper Discourse in John 14-17 one will note that Jesus speaks of the Father and the Holy Spirit as distinct persons but then He states the oneness of the three persons.
It is not just the Catholic church that affirms this, rather most traditional Protestant churches affirm this doctrine also. However, it was the Catholic church through those early centuries that repeatedly refuted the various heresies that evolved in those times concerning the nature of God. Among those heresies, there are a few that have emerged in recent times:
Modalism: teaches that God is only one person yet manifests Himself at different times as Father, Son, and Spirit. Scripture references Jesus speaking at the Last Supper Discourse of the Father and Spirit as real persons He was in relationship with. Yet Jesus also speaks of these Persons also being one with Him. ( John 14-18)
Adoptionism: teaches that Jesus attained godhood by living a perfect sinless life. Yet Scripture shows us that Jesus pre-existed His conception in Mary when He said to the Pharisees, "before Abraham was I am." During the Last Supper discourse, Jesus also asked the Father "glorify Me together with You, with the glory which I had with You before the world was." ( John 17:5) Paul states that the world was created by Jesus, so He existed eternally as God the Son before anything was created. ( Hebrews 1:1-3) and elsewhere.
Rejection of Jesus' divinity: Some sects in Christianity that hold to this doctrine teach that Jesus was just a perfect man, not part of the Godhead.
Everyone has their own opinion. I will not adopt any Catholic interpretations. They told me I can't take communion in their Churches unless I go thru classes to be accepted. I was 17. But I knew enough to know exclusivism doesn't sound right.
I came from churched, chicken frying, horseshoe throwing, hymn singing, Baptist upbringings. Everyone was thrilled to be Baptized. Everyone got hugged. We all had to listen to "I knew your grandmother way back when stories." I loved those people!
That is fine, Mishael, for you to have your own opinion.
I must add, you might be surprised to find how much of what you believe is actually what the RCC church has taught over the centuries. But there are many things added to their teachings during Medieval times on that are not Biblically sound.
I just wanted to add something to the Trinity.....That some folks don't see.....It was Moses that built the Ark of the
Covenant....but he didn't build it according to anymans plans or designs.....God told Moses SEE said HE that you make
All things according to what was shown you when you were on the Mount with God..... Exodus 25 : 18 And inside the most holy place above the mercy seat were the 2 Cherubim OF GLORY And the Father dwelt between them....thus we see 3 ..All this was in a tent.....God does not share his GLORY with anybody or anything.....Thus these 2 CHerubim wd have to be related to God as Sons.....Just as Abraham dwelt in tents with ISAAC and JACOB his Sons that partook of the same Promise....This is the Abrahamic trinity......Father Son and Granson.....Abraham issac and Jacob.....And the great Promise
of multiplication was only made to these 3 Men, But when God swore by his very self in Gen. 22 : 15 & 16 It included the
heavenly Kingdom of the Son and the H.G the Granson ..... The Heavenly Trinity.....God wanted his own Israel a perfect Israel that is gonna become as the Stars of Heaven.....THese are the Children of the Kingdom his Good seed that are gonna be sown in humanity.......The new covenant that will make everyone righteous via a birth of his good seed b/c of his death ......An Israel of God......Of Jew and Gentile a like.....God so loved the world right.
.......He took of the twain ( Jew and Gentile ) and made 1 newman which is the H.G. The Child of Promise......Our new innerman....Our new heart and new spirit that is the new Creature.....Jesus said they will bring forth things new and old
outa of their hearts.....The new IS HE IS OUR NEW INNERMAN THE H.G.......The OLD IS HE WAS WITH GOD B/F THE WORLD WAS.....He was in the ARK of the COVENANT...He was 1 of the Cherubim ty Jesus.....Yo le doy gracias para el Spirtu Santo mi Padre.
To me, this theme you seem stuck in is constructed of much heresy. As Mishael stated, those who are new Christians or who have not been properly taught the basic essential doctrines of the faith (as Paul mentions existed in the early church to be taught to believers) will be confused and led astray by your doctrinal presentation here (and which you have repeatedly posted about over months). I know you believe that one does not need any one else to teach oneself, just the Bible and the Holy Spirit and that you have followed this strategy. yet, what you have presented her about the Trinity shows how such an approach to learning can go awry, as you have veered far from what has been taught in the Christian faith since the beginning of the gospel.
I do believe that the Holy Spirit will teach us from the Word, but the apostolic writings also tell us that Christians were taught the doctrines of the faith by appointed, pastors, elders, teachers, etc. in the church fellowships. (See 1 Timothy 4)
Alex, I know that you love the Lord Jesus, as I and Mishael do. And so, because we are brethren, we are to teach one another, building one another up in the most holy faith. All Christians should have an openness to receive and learn sound doctrine from one another. And as Christians, we should test ALL doctrine (even our own) against the whole Word of God-not by picking words out of context and weaving them together with one's own words to create a completely different narrative that teaches falsely, like your narrative here does.
When it comes to teachings about the nature of God, the Trinity, Jesus, I feel obligated to offer orthodox teaching when I encounter false doctrines being put forth. So, it is in the spirit of good will that I state these things to you, as I have in past posts, because you continue to re-post the same false doctrines without repentance.
Alex, can you not perceive how what you detail, is confusing to an unbeliever? A new Christian?
This is a King James Bible forum. We should use the verses that explain the Godhead. Simple.
When you mix in all the threesomes like Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, and the heavenly creatures around Gods Throne_ it sounds confusing. It confuses me.
I think we should teach what Jesus taught in the Gospels. I don't know about you, but I've piled up miles I've walked on city streets, preaching the Good News. What it says on the 'Become A Believer' Link, is more than helpful; to lead people to the Savior.
When I am in heaven finally, I will then see all the people and creatures myself. I'll probably lay on my face a lot too.
One of my favorite passages is Isaiah 6. It is how I learned to fully worship and adore the holiness of the Godhead, and those in Heaven around Gods Throne. Just preach that. It's hard for new believers to lay down the world, and live for Heaven.
Jesus told us to GO YE as well as everyone else who names the name of Jesus. Jesus is Who we follow. His Way, His Truth, leads us to His Life.
I understand your feelings about Alex's comment though I don't believe that we can assume that the only people reading these comments r new to the Bible and Christianity . I'm not new to the Bible or Christianity and the enjoy reading posts that r a bit above my level , I want to learn also . I don't believe that we should censor our comments in order to appeal to the lowest common denominator only . As we all have different personalities and r at different levels in our understanding our posts r liable to b very different from each other . I don't c this as a bad thing , variety is stimulating and it's good to b stimulated into wanting to learn and understand more , I think so anyway . If we all said exactly the same things all the time there wouldn't b any need for more than one person on here . God uses different people to do different things . We r all valid on here and we can all help each other , I hope .
The Holy Trinity is one of the greatest mysteries of the Catholic faith, and is an attempt to describe the mysterious nature of God.
'The mystery of the Most Holy TRINITY is the central mystery of Christian faith and life'
(Catechism of the CATHOLIC Church {CCC} 234)
The Trinity refers to the idea that God is one, but can be experienced in three different Persons.
****The word 'trinity' comes from the word 'tri' meaning 'three' and 'unity' meaning 'one'.
CATHOLICS believe that there are three distinct Persons to this one God and that these three Persons form a unity. This belief is called the doctrine of the Trinity:
God the Father - the creator and sustainer of all things
God the Son - the incarnation of God as a human being, Jesus Christ, on Earth
God the Holy Spirit - the power of God which is active in the world, drawing people towards God.
[see Romans 1:20 in the King James Bible]
with And Isaiah lived about 250 yrs after the Jesse ,David and Solomon had died ...But Isaiah was still using this Davidic Kingdom as a type of a kingdom/trinity coming in the last days when God wd set his hand again,the 2 nd time to gather his ppl...Isaiah said there shall come a rod outa of the stem of Jesse and a branch shall grow outa of his roots....This is prophetic of a father son and Granson scenario type of Kingdom.....Solomon being the Granson....But Jesse David and Solomon were all dead....But Jesus says he was the root and the offspring of David...A heavenly KiNGDOM ....is now the Significance...Read Isaiah 11 : 1 kjv
....But my point is Isaiah was still using this Davidic kingdom as prophetic of another KiNGDOM OF father son and GRANSON COMING IN THE LAST DAYS....Jesus uses this Comforter as a Greater then Solomon....The H.G will build a greater Temple in our Hearts....and Solomon was the Granson..God wd not allow David the son to build the great temple.....He wd only let Solomon the Granson build that great temple...Symbolic that only the H.G. THE COMFORTER can build the temple in our hearts...i will give them a new heart etc...a new temple a new covenant etc...As Jesus said he was the root and the offspring of DAVID...THE BRIGHT and morning star...That Heavenly Promise was by the Father himself...So this Father Son and Granson Kingdom is not going away....That lil Child that Isaiah said was gonna lead them....( All the animals ) is the H.G. Immanuel that is gonna lead this whole world....Unless you receive the Kingdom of God as a lil Child you will in no wise enter there in....And there is another scripture saying the house of DAVID WILL BE AS THE HOUSE OF GOD...This should NOT BE CONFUSING if you are familar with the Bible any at all . The 11 th chapter of Isaiah is all 2 nd coming....That Mountain is the KiNGDOM OF God..
The way I look at this is; that between the book of Malachi and Luke, is about 430 years.
Then bam, the prophetic begins to confirm Old Testament prophesy; with great speed really. The push at this point in time is "Loading the Ark". Getting folk INTO CHRIST.
Prophesy is happening as fast as disaster events and political hook-ups, around the World.Today.
I'll be back this afternoon. Stay cool :D
Moses. Moses cd not have built the Ark of the Covenant without Gods plans ..See said HE ( GOD ALMIGHTY ) that
You make ALL things according to what was showed YOU on the MOUNT.... ExODUS 25 : 40 tells us this...This is not complicated.
Everything in the TABERNACLE was built according to Gods plans..Not according to the levitical Priesthood.
..This Trinity was 3 distinct beings.....As the FATHER DWELT between the 2 CHERUBIM OF GLORY..
thus the 2 Churubim wd have to be Gods also..Absolute sons..Just like ABRAHAM ISSAC AND JACOB were father
son and Granson..Thats what Abraham means exaulted Father..God even tells Moses that his name was ABRAHAM
...God cd not share his GLORY with the 2 Cherubim unless they were Gods......like son and Granson like Issac and
Jacob came out of ABRAHAM LOINS.....They were humans just like Abraham...The 2 Churubim are Gods
Absolute sons......Jesus was an absolute son impling God the son..Jesus was 1 of the Churubim..The other was
Emanuel the H.G. God with US..But Emanuel is the Granson..Jesus is his Father, Father of the H.G. as the H.G
cannot be born in us without his SEED the WORD..When he breathe on them that was his WORD his seed that can
propagate the H.G.in us..The name of the H.G. is Emanuel..God with us..Thats y Jesus has to know us he wants
to pregnate the world with his seed th Word. Thus there is gona be an ISRAEL OF God
Thats y he mentions the babes and the sucklings..As that which is born of the spirit is spirit which is the H.G. But these
things are HID from the wise and prudent but revealed unto Babes..That new BORN BABE IS THE H.G DESIRING
THE SINCERE MILK OF THE WORD..The Trinity is just the basis for an ISRAEL OF God..A heavenly Jacob..the 12 manner of fruit
gonna be born in US via the seed of Christ. There cd neva have been a nation of ISRAEL without this Abrahamic Trinity.
Thank you for your, explanation of the Trinity. It really is such a mystery yet the Bible clearly shows three distinct persons in the Godhead, and also states that God is truly one LORD ( Deut. 6:4). we can see the manifestation of the trinity at Jesus' baptism with the Son incarnated in Jesus, the Father speaking in an audible voice from heaven, and the Holy Spirit's descent upon Jesus. If one reads the Last Supper Discourse in John 14-17 one will note that Jesus speaks of the Father and the Holy Spirit as distinct persons but then He states the oneness of the three persons.
It is not just the Catholic church that affirms this, rather most traditional Protestant churches affirm this doctrine also. However, it was the Catholic church through those early centuries that repeatedly refuted the various heresies that evolved in those times concerning the nature of God. Among those heresies, there are a few that have emerged in recent times:
Modalism: teaches that God is only one person yet manifests Himself at different times as Father, Son, and Spirit. Scripture references Jesus speaking at the Last Supper Discourse of the Father and Spirit as real persons He was in relationship with. Yet Jesus also speaks of these Persons also being one with Him. ( John 14-18)
Adoptionism: teaches that Jesus attained godhood by living a perfect sinless life. Yet Scripture shows us that Jesus pre-existed His conception in Mary when He said to the Pharisees, "before Abraham was I am." During the Last Supper discourse, Jesus also asked the Father "glorify Me together with You, with the glory which I had with You before the world was." ( John 17:5) Paul states that the world was created by Jesus, so He existed eternally as God the Son before anything was created. ( Hebrews 1:1-3) and elsewhere.
Rejection of Jesus' divinity: Some sects in Christianity that hold to this doctrine teach that Jesus was just a perfect man, not part of the Godhead.
I came from churched, chicken frying, horseshoe throwing, hymn singing, Baptist upbringings. Everyone was thrilled to be Baptized. Everyone got hugged. We all had to listen to "I knew your grandmother way back when stories." I loved those people!
That is fine, Mishael, for you to have your own opinion.
I must add, you might be surprised to find how much of what you believe is actually what the RCC church has taught over the centuries. But there are many things added to their teachings during Medieval times on that are not Biblically sound.
Covenant....but he didn't build it according to anymans plans or designs.....God told Moses SEE said HE that you make
All things according to what was shown you when you were on the Mount with God..... Exodus 25 : 18 And inside the most holy place above the mercy seat were the 2 Cherubim OF GLORY And the Father dwelt between them....thus we see 3 ..All this was in a tent.....God does not share his GLORY with anybody or anything.....Thus these 2 CHerubim wd have to be related to God as Sons.....Just as Abraham dwelt in tents with ISAAC and JACOB his Sons that partook of the same Promise....This is the Abrahamic trinity......Father Son and Granson.....Abraham issac and Jacob.....And the great Promise
of multiplication was only made to these 3 Men, But when God swore by his very self in Gen. 22 : 15 & 16 It included the
heavenly Kingdom of the Son and the H.G the Granson ..... The Heavenly Trinity.....God wanted his own Israel a perfect Israel that is gonna become as the Stars of Heaven.....THese are the Children of the Kingdom his Good seed that are gonna be sown in humanity.......The new covenant that will make everyone righteous via a birth of his good seed b/c of his death ......An Israel of God......Of Jew and Gentile a like.....God so loved the world right.
.......He took of the twain ( Jew and Gentile ) and made 1 newman which is the H.G. The Child of Promise......Our new innerman....Our new heart and new spirit that is the new Creature.....Jesus said they will bring forth things new and old
outa of their hearts.....The new IS HE IS OUR NEW INNERMAN THE H.G.......The OLD IS HE WAS WITH GOD B/F THE WORLD WAS.....He was in the ARK of the COVENANT...He was 1 of the Cherubim ty Jesus.....Yo le doy gracias para el Spirtu Santo mi Padre.
To me, this theme you seem stuck in is constructed of much heresy. As Mishael stated, those who are new Christians or who have not been properly taught the basic essential doctrines of the faith (as Paul mentions existed in the early church to be taught to believers) will be confused and led astray by your doctrinal presentation here (and which you have repeatedly posted about over months). I know you believe that one does not need any one else to teach oneself, just the Bible and the Holy Spirit and that you have followed this strategy. yet, what you have presented her about the Trinity shows how such an approach to learning can go awry, as you have veered far from what has been taught in the Christian faith since the beginning of the gospel.
I do believe that the Holy Spirit will teach us from the Word, but the apostolic writings also tell us that Christians were taught the doctrines of the faith by appointed, pastors, elders, teachers, etc. in the church fellowships. (See 1 Timothy 4)
Alex, I know that you love the Lord Jesus, as I and Mishael do. And so, because we are brethren, we are to teach one another, building one another up in the most holy faith. All Christians should have an openness to receive and learn sound doctrine from one another. And as Christians, we should test ALL doctrine (even our own) against the whole Word of God-not by picking words out of context and weaving them together with one's own words to create a completely different narrative that teaches falsely, like your narrative here does.
When it comes to teachings about the nature of God, the Trinity, Jesus, I feel obligated to offer orthodox teaching when I encounter false doctrines being put forth. So, it is in the spirit of good will that I state these things to you, as I have in past posts, because you continue to re-post the same false doctrines without repentance.
In His Love and By His Grace-
This is a King James Bible forum. We should use the verses that explain the Godhead. Simple.
When you mix in all the threesomes like Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, and the heavenly creatures around Gods Throne_ it sounds confusing. It confuses me.
I think we should teach what Jesus taught in the Gospels. I don't know about you, but I've piled up miles I've walked on city streets, preaching the Good News. What it says on the 'Become A Believer' Link, is more than helpful; to lead people to the Savior.
When I am in heaven finally, I will then see all the people and creatures myself. I'll probably lay on my face a lot too.
One of my favorite passages is Isaiah 6. It is how I learned to fully worship and adore the holiness of the Godhead, and those in Heaven around Gods Throne. Just preach that. It's hard for new believers to lay down the world, and live for Heaven.
Jesus told us to GO YE as well as everyone else who names the name of Jesus. Jesus is Who we follow. His Way, His Truth, leads us to His Life.
Let us be in agreement on this, ok?
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