Bible Discussion Thread

  • Roman - 2 years ago
    End-Times Watch:

    A Russian professor told a news outlet that the new torpedo bomb, "Poseidon", can create a 1,600 foot high tsunami, and wipe out all life nearly 1,000 miles inland with a purported 200 megaton nuclear warhead ( Revelation 9:16).

    Anybody catch that?
  • Free - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Thank u for the answer. And the thruth is where u belong. I look at a day. Is it quiet? No today it will be a busy day. All i can do is to follow the day. Complete the task with humble wisdom and heavenly fairness.

    Can u please pray for me? U may understand all mine mind.

    This days i have a werry spesial task in front of me. And its simular too yours. I did not response otherwise too yours. I wish u good health, and please dont let me stop u to move too another place. All i know is that its not possible to go from a problem its follow u till the bitter end. Or unto u face it. I Welcome u too North Europe in His Holy name Jesus. Love u in Christ.

    1 John chapter 3
  • Roman - In Reply - 2 years ago
    1 John chapter 3 Behold, what manner of love the Father hath bestowed upon us, that we should be called the sons of God: therefore the world knoweth us not, because it knew him not.

    That explains a lot. Hope you are feeling better.
  • Roman - In Reply - 2 years ago

    That was a nice compliment about the truth.

    I hope you overcome the obstacles in your path.

    I'll say prayers for Free to be freer. Get some angels to you.
  • Free - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Thank you dearest. We all are in need of prayer. The Lord give us one task. That we love eath other. Love u in Christ

    2 Corinthians chapter 12 and 13. God bless us all in His Hy name Jesus.
  • S Spencer - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Hi Roman.

    They would have to catch God sleeping in order to do that.


    God bless.
  • Roman - In Reply - 2 years ago
    S Spencer,

    Here's the catch:

    Revelation 9:16 describes the beast army that's going to defeat Babylon, when the 6th trumpet army attacks the 5th trumpet army. Their army, the horseman described are munitions used in the end-time battles.

    John heard the number at 200,000,000; Russia's "Poseidon" is 200 mega tons or 200,000,000 TNT.

    Coincidence or match?
  • Roman - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Revelation 12:15 & 17

    15 And the serpent cast out of his mouth water as a flood after the woman, that he might cause her to be carried away of the flood.

    17 And the dragon was wroth with the woman, and went to make war with the remnant of her seed, which keep the commandments of God, and have the testimony of Jesus Christ.

    This is a result of the nuclear ocean attacks in context with the day of the Lord. The waters turn blood red because the 200 mega ton weapon killed everything in the water. Then the beast persecutes the saints beginning the 42 month great tribulation.

    So now we can appreciate the significance of the "number" pertaining to munitions within Russia's arsenal.
  • Roman - In Reply - 2 years ago
    S Spencer,

    It's funny you mention that. I have noticed when I lose my sense of humor, my rhythm gets knocked off balance, I'm different, my REM sleep suffers, and I have no timing. My thought pattern becomes dark and limited. Only when I can smile is when I feel at home. It doesn't happen often, even so, I have empathy for those who greatly suffer. It always makes me muse about God assuring me that things have changed into the new heaven and new earth.
  • GiGi - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Hello roman,

    It is good to meet you here.

    I will pray for you, since you mentioned that your sleep suffers and your thought patterns are dark. I am not sure if you are referring to your dreams or lack of them, or your waking time is filled with dark thoughts. So, I will pray for you now and when i know more from you as well. Good Bless You tonight, Roman.
  • Roman - In Reply - 2 years ago

    Like Santa would say: "ho ho ho no, everything is fine". Thank you.

    The last time I lost my sense of humor was when my beloved dog died 12 years ago.

    His name was "Ike The Woo".

    Please re-rout those precious prayers to all that suffer in quiet desperation.
  • GiGi - In Reply - 2 years ago

    We all need prayers from one another. I am happy to pray for you and others. I frequent the prayer request section to pray for the needs of people who post there. have a good evening and God's blessings to you as you sleep tonight.
  • Free - In Reply - 2 years ago
    I do not have it! Thanks for the info, they were heavy over Japan those who harmed humans, animals and landscapes there as well.

    We can only hope it never happens again in this world. One thing we can do every hour and day. Pray for all people and all heads of state for wisdom and understanding That they will be filled with the Fear of God. And take care of such a responsibility.

    Be blessed in His Holy Name Jesus Christ.
  • Aaron - In Reply - 2 years ago

    You are an optimist. We must go through God's plan without breaks. The bad part is coming up ( 2 Thessalonians 2:3), and the world will catastrophically change forever. ( Isaiah 24) describes the aftermath of the battle. It is a battle no different than Persia conquering Babylon without a fight, 539 BC. Unfortunately, "it won't be put off", as you say.

    About Japan, and please take this with a grain of salt, but when I study WWII events carefully, like the Feb 13-15, 1945 excessive fire bombing of Dresden, and compare that with Hiroshima and Nagasaki, they look identical, you can't tell them apart. It gets better, in photo's there's a crowded sidewalk, filled with people walking through ground zero. Where's the radiation? How could it be nuclear? Did the US strike a deal with Japan; they are allies? It wouldn't surprise me. World leaders keep secrets.
  • Free - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Dear Aaron, i see what u mean. Thank u and i belive soo the public is not the same as chiefs :D. And in public we dont know all things who have happend and dont know from day to day. We can se that in this corona virus thing. In Northen Skandinavia is all open for all now. Hospital have some restrictions. And Canada it goes beyond all bounds. And if i remember correctly, Canada was the first to also have the chip implanted in humans.

    And a few years ago, Swedish and Norwegian citizens received a survival letter delivered in the mailboxes about what they should do if something unforeseen should happen. So yes the authorities know.

    God bless us with visdom and understanding. We are the ones living in the last days, yes. And many missionaries are aware of the end-time judgment TODAY. People are killed for their faith in Jesus. We also know that the day of the Lord is near. We who seek to find His will with our lives.

    Still, it is good to know that our time is coming to an end. Therefore, it is important now that everyone who understands this. Surrenders their lives to the Lord in full surrender. This also applies to the material things. We can not even rely on our salary. And it probably will not get better. But the followers of the Lord are happy and winners always in the Holy Name of Jesus Christ, we have hope in our heart. That He have given us. Come Dear Jesus come soon. Amen. Love u all in Christ, that is the only thing left of the law. Stay blessed.
  • Aaron - In Reply - 2 years ago

    I live in the US, but all the signs, the tidings ( Ezekiel 21:7) tell me to get out so I don't partake in her bombings ( Revelation 18:4). Why would God instruct that if He didn't mean it? God told Noah to build an ark to escape the flood, God saw that Lott was taken out of Sodom and Gomorrah before it's destruction; there is a pattern here.

    You know the US is never going to stop pushing the king of the north ( Daniel 11:40) until ( Obadiah 1) settles in.

    I have been looking at English speaking areas of the Caribbean Islands, but so far it all seems iffy? I also risk danger when the world is wobbling ( Isaiah 24:20) and I'm rounded up and put in a cage for being Christian.
  • Free - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Beloved dear Aaron, think again, read again. Dont only take some scripture and not read the context of the scripture.

    The Holy Bible is so timeless that all countries and ppl can recognize themselfs.

    I belive we talk in the contigent of Israel. Look all eye is look to Israel! Its there its about. If we can think of a city i see Jerusalem.

    Or it can be Beijing or Moskow and as many ppl in Amerika think its NY. Stockholm or Oslo, all are like.

    But all this cityes are not strange to each other. All are simular today.

    If ill think of the end times, ill think we need to gather our trooos :p stay together, live together and grow vegetables. We have to go back til the old times.

    Becouse we vill not be able too buy foods like before. Sure we lives in the end time. But why are u from America? U can do your things there. Be there help ppl to understand whats coming up. I am here in Norway and here ppl runs from place to place all day long.

    It is not different. Evan if it is on the other side of the earth.

    Our blessings is often where we are. God bless u and yours. In proverbs we have some good advise 19:17. In Jesus Holy Name be comforted with the Holy Spirit. Love u in Christ forever.
  • Aaron - In Reply - 2 years ago

    We envision 2 different end-time scenes for society. You are truly an optimist.

    The day of the Lord is cruel and for America, there will be nothing left, not one brick left upon another.

    The boaters will wear Covid 19 masks when passing by for the stank.

    Who am I to tell, that will have depth to believe what I'm saying?

    Everyone I know spiritually dances to their own tune. A spell.

    No one I know says they are worried about my warning Ezekiel 33:1-7

    Should I stay to tell everyone that didn't believe me, that I was right?

    I don't mind dying, but not that way, in 2,000 degree flames.

    I have choice. Revelation 18:4

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