Bible Discussion Thread

  • Richard H Priday on Isaiah 47 - 2 years ago
    When we look at Babylon and it's "daughter" (verse 1); we see many characteristics similar to the USA. Our nation certainly has occult practices associated with the construction of cities such as Washington DC (the monument and street patterns of downtown); the back of the dollar bill; and the more recent proliferation of the drug (pharmakia) and pornography industry which is now characteristic of online websites that infect the entire world. The "lady" of kingdoms mentioned in verse 5 certainly could be an analogy to the pagan origin of the Statue of Liberty in New York City; where many consider the city representing economic Babylon is. Our prosperity and military strength is unparalleled; and we are situated on many waters; as other verses in Jeremiah describe. It is true; of course that such activities in the occult also are present in other areas of the world; including the Mideast where it appears an ecumenical plan for one world religion is well underway. The patience of God in forestalling judgment over the roughly 60 million abortions our nation has performed certainly isn't unique either; although we pioneered the industry and sadly; upon examination it appears such practices were fairly widespread going well back into the 19th Century in America. Sudden destruction stated in verse 11 will bring the fire of hell of verse 14 which no one can deliver themselves from. We do have a Christian heritage as well; but this world is not our home. We do best to keep the mindset of being adopted children who are pilgrims in this life. It is when things seem comfortable that we are at greatest risk to become lukewarm and think things will always remain the same. Remember Revelation; He comes quickly.
  • Roman - In Reply on Isaiah 47 - 2 years ago

    The lady of kingdoms is America, who else can it be? This chapter is about the day of the Lord and Mystery Babylon's fall.

    Compare verses 8-9 to Jeremiah 15:8-9 as they compliment each other. "Their widows are increased....I have caused him (beast) to fall upon it suddenly (in one moment in one day), and terrors upon the city (nation)".

    The Spoiler is the beast at noonday = 3 PM EST when the sun is high in the sky. This is why Mystery Babylon falls while it was yet day, by 4 PM EST.

    America is that city (metaphor) that sits on 7 continents, Mystery Babylon, working hand in hand with her allies. They will all go dark judgment day.
  • GiGi - In Reply on Isaiah 47 - 2 years ago
    Hi Richard,

    I agree that U.S.A. has so much repentance to do. We have degraded this lovely nation by abandoning Christ and His principles. Another thought, perhaps the "Lady" is actually the Queen of England. But who knows. Queen Elizabeth has only a few more years left to live, but the monarchy will continue. so, England is considered the mother land and it is surrounded by many waters.

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