Bible Discussion Thread

  • Lloyd smith on 2 Samuel 6 - 2 years ago
    Why exsactly was Michal the daughter of Saul remain childless unto her death as it relate to the return of the ark of God , and the dancing of David before the Lord ?
  • T. Levis - In Reply on 2 Samuel 6 - 2 years ago

    1Samuel 15:9-35, 1st, is Haman in Esther the Agagite the result of this disobedience? Because 1Samuel 15:32, shows time passed, that Haman tried to have every Jewish person put to death & property, possessions taken Esther 3:6,9,12,13,

    2nd, 1Samuel 13:9-13, 1Samuel 13:14, it was already promised to Saul his kingdom would not continue. GOD's WORD stands. 1Samuel 16:1, 1Samuel 18:17-28, 1Samuel 25:44,

    3rd, 2Samuel 6:16, why wasn't she with them celebrating? 2Samuel 6:15,19, There's a point made here "as well to the women"._. 2Samuel 6:20, instead despising as David came to bless them. 1Chronicles 15:29,

    4th, 1Samuel 18:16, 1Samuel 18:6-7, yet 2Samuel 3:13, he honored Saul & Michal, when he had choices

    Hopefully this is helpful,
  • The First Wife of King DVid - In Reply on 2 Samuel 6 - 2 years ago
    So David said to Michal, "It was before the LORD, who chose me instead of your father and all his house, to appoint me ruler over the people of the LORD, over Israel. Therefore I will play music before the LORD. And I will be even more undignified than this, and will be humble in my own sight. But as for the maidservants of whom you have spoken, by them I will be held in honor." Therefore Michal the daughter of Saul had no children to the day of her death.

    It was before the LORD: David didn't let Michal's sarcastic criticism ruin his day. He simply explained the truth: "I did it for God, not for you."

    I will be humble in my own sight: What David did was humbling to Him. He didn't dance to show others how spiritual he was.

    David would more and more abase himself before the Lord. He felt that whatever Michal's opinion of him might be, it could not be more humbling than his own view of himself.

    Therefore Michal the daughter of Saul had no children to the day of her death: Michal's barrenness was not necessarily the result of Divine judgment. It may be that David never had marital relations with her again.

    David evaded Saul and was living in the hills many years. Absence does not make the heart finder.

    While fleeing Saul, David married 3 other women and had children with them.

    Note: a movie titled, King David, is going to be shown on YouTube in the near future. It's a good movie.
  • Suze - In Reply on 2 Samuel 6 - 2 years ago
    Yes , that is a pretty good film .

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