Bible Discussion Thread

  • Carlos Robalino on John 7 - 2 years ago
    Never a man spake like this man (Jesus); according to You what is Jesus' gratest statement; though every Word of Him proceed from the mouth of GOD
  • Free - In Reply - 2 years ago
    You have good answer here, i would say "I AM".

    I know a woman who was uplifted in a higher heaven. :) (reminded me of something i read).

    He took this little lady on a trip to the universe! While they moved out there among millions of stars, and different moons and suns. Other solar systems she got an indication of the Lord's Amount of what He says when He says," I Am". Some words Omniscient, All Life, Truth, Essence of Life, The Only, Unique God.

    Actually, there is no one in the human sense who knows what God really is. Because as long as we are on earth, we will be bound to our flesh. But that does not mean that we should not search for the higher insights.

    Luke 12 God bless u and yours and have thru sence in Jesus name, love u in Christ.
  • Kay - In Reply on John 7 - 2 years ago
    That is an impossible question. :) You hit it on the head - EVERY Word that proceeds from the mouth of Christ is precious, valuable, Spirit and life!

    As I considered your request, I couldn't help but to sadly consider that I, for one, far to often, speak lots of things that are unimportant or unwise. Thanks be to God, I sometimes speak some good things as well. From us weak humans, there is always a mixture of good speech and not-so-good speech.

    But our Jesus constantly speaks rich words, true words, right words, wise words; His words were and are sincere milk for babes and meat for the strong! His words instruct, correct, encourage, admonish, exhort; His Word are spoken to a purpose and are always pertinent and to the point. His words set the captives free! His words invite the penitent and strike terror in the proud! Christ's words are tender enough to support a broken reed, and strong enough to pierce stubborn, rocky hearts! Books can be written on the glories of the words of Christ. They are all wonderful, just as He Who speaks them is Wonderful!

    Let us love, cherish, and study and obey each and every one that The Lord has graciously given us. They are His love letter to us.

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