Bible Discussion Thread

  • Valerie B on Ezekiel 37 - 2 years ago
    Ezekiel 37:1-14

    This is the vision that Ezekiel was given referred to as The Valley of Dry Bones.

    Verse 11 clearly states that the vision included the WHOLE HOUSE OF ISRAEL. What this says to me is that God intends to resurrect ALL JEWS.

    Verse 14 says the God will PUT HIS SPIRIT IN THEM. This says that the Holy Spirit will enter into them.

    So, the vision says that ALL (The Whole House of Israel) will not only be resurrected, but also given the Holy Spirit. Their sins will/are forgiven and have life just because of their race. Not by a choice.

    I doesn't seem that the Jews inherit everlasting life through faith. It says that God will save them ALL. Perhaps only Gentiles receive salvation "Through faith alone by Grace alone".

    God says " I will have mercy on whoever I wish" (my paraphrase). So, since Jesus paid the sin debt of all humanity, God is also JUST to declare the Whole House of Israel righteous.

    (This includes Judas Iscariot).

    I have never been taught this interpretation of this vision but it appears cut and dried to me.

    I've been taught that this is prophetically speaking that the nation of Israel will be drawn from the 4 corners of the earth and become a nation, but the vision speaks of God raising the whole house from their graves!

    So, my entire statement is out there for comments. I'm open.

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