Bible Discussion Thread

  • Rachel on Proverbs 25 - 2 years ago
    Hello brothers and sisters, I just wanted to share with you, as of now, Instagram is blocking & removing my content. I posts scripture from this site, the KJV, daily, & they will not allow me to do so anymore. I only have 18 followers lol . Anyways, stand firm til the end! We are going back home! All Praises to The Most HighJesus The Holy Spirit
  • Daniel - In Reply on Proverbs 25 - 2 years ago
    Good morning Rachel,

    Christians have been persecuted anywhere in which the Gospel is preached. Now, there are two things to take into consideration:

    1. Is Social Media a healthy environment/platform for Christians?

    Answer (which is an opinion): Social media is one of the most toxic environments Christians can immerse themselves in. In times past, other generations warned of some of the secular programming on TV. The same came when internet became more widely available. The same should be said of social media. Not everyone who claim to be saved on social media is and by disclosing your private life to the public; it allows the wicked on social media to use your own person against you without knowing you. The best platform for evangelizing or exercising any form of the great commission would be to meet with a physical local group of Christians to reach the lost.

    2. If used (Social Media) , have you tried creating a private group and filtering those who join & limiting posts to be previewed before posting? These are options to take into consideration. You can create a group but you'd need to become a page monitor to filter out people/posts which would cause conflict or lack of fellowship.

    3. Censorship in Social Media?

    Christ says we're not of the world and the world hates us (paraphrased). That said, social media was designed to glamorize the flesh and seek virtue signaling for favor and self indulgence ("likes" for praise). Now, Facebook operates by what the secular world also deems as politically correct. Therefore, any multitude of Bible verses or entire chapters would offend unbelievers or lukewarm "christians." For example, can you imagine what a secular Facebook moderator would do if they read Romans chapter 1? Social media belongs to the world and they'll censor anything that goes against the new corrupt views of the world. If you're banned...maybe it's time to reconsider where you outreach to Christians.
  • Dr. Billl - In Reply on Proverbs 25 - 2 years ago
  • Rachel - In Reply on Proverbs 25 - 2 years ago
    Daniel, thank u !! You are absolutely right! I just loveJesus so much I may get over zealous sometime, I am working on proficiency, & I believe Jesus has opened a door that no man can shut! I appreciate your time very muchAll Praises To The Most High Jesus The Holy Spirit
  • Free - In Reply on Proverbs 25 - 2 years ago
    "Rachel" God bless u
  • Rachel - In Reply on Proverbs 25 - 2 years ago
    Thank u Free, yes God Bless you as well!
  • Free - In Reply on Proverbs 25 - 2 years ago
    Thank you to. I got really blessed yesterday, all glory to Jesus.
  • Rachel - In Reply on Proverbs 25 - 2 years ago
    Free, Yay!!I'm happy to know you were blessed yesterday All Praises To The Most High Jesus The Holy Spirit
  • Ty - In Reply on Proverbs 25 - 2 years ago

    Did you post screenshots? If so, do they contain the website address as seen at the top of your screen? If so, it could be this simple.

    Otherwise, someone would have reported you, to which you can respond and request a review of your account. Hope this helps!

    Don't give in that easy!

  • Rachel - In Reply on Proverbs 25 - 2 years ago
    Ty, thank u!!! Yes they were screenshots! I was showing occult symbols like the ones Freemasons are associated with, how the occult uses non verbal communication. I've been posting about the Anti christ & how the whole world (all religions) are looking for a savior & all this "order out of chaos" & war will come the man of perdition to bring " peace & safety" ( which will be a lie) I take screenshots then put scriptures on them Ty, I appreciate your time! All Praises To The Most High JesusThe Holy Spirit
  • Anne - In Reply on Proverbs 25 - 2 years ago
    Wicked people do wicked things

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