This chapter shows the wonderful Victory Song Moses sand for the people extolling the LORD for delivering them through the Red Sea and destroying the Egyptians that followed in after the Israelites. The song not only praises the LORD, but recounts to God and the Israelites what God had done. This is a good example to us. When we face a situation where there seems to be no way out and the LORD makes a way in a miraculous way, she should stop and take the time on the "other side" to praise God and remind oneself and others what had just happened. This song is a new song, not one the Israelites had sung before. It was current and spoke to their present situation where they are now delivered. Before the crossing, God had told the Israelites that He would fight for them, and He did. The Israelites just needed to follow Moses through the sea on dry land. This took faith since the sea was divided into two extremely high walls on either side of the path. They had to trust that God would maintain the sea in that way until they ALL had made it to the other side.
Moses also spoke prophetically in this song about the surrounding nations becoming fearful of them when these hear what God has done for the Israelites.
Miriam took up the song with the women and led them in song and dance. She must have learned the song quickly or else under inspiration. This was a whole group response since the crossing event was experienced by every Israelite.
After this celebration, the large group set out across the wilderness of Shur. Traveling for three days, they did not find any water along the way, and so the group grumbled to Moses about this. At Marah, there was water but to was too bitter to drink. Instead of bending a knee and seeking the Lord themselves, the Israelites complained. They had not learned yet that they could turn to God themselves and ask for what they needed. Moses placed a tree into the waters and miraculously the water became drinkable.
Moses also spoke prophetically in this song about the surrounding nations becoming fearful of them when these hear what God has done for the Israelites.
Miriam took up the song with the women and led them in song and dance. She must have learned the song quickly or else under inspiration. This was a whole group response since the crossing event was experienced by every Israelite.
After this celebration, the large group set out across the wilderness of Shur. Traveling for three days, they did not find any water along the way, and so the group grumbled to Moses about this. At Marah, there was water but to was too bitter to drink. Instead of bending a knee and seeking the Lord themselves, the Israelites complained. They had not learned yet that they could turn to God themselves and ask for what they needed. Moses placed a tree into the waters and miraculously the water became drinkable.
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