Bible Discussion Thread

  • The End of Days - 2 years ago
    Revelation 18:1-24

    I just saw a link on here pointing at America as being the subject of these verses.

    I never saw this before now. But we are seeing this as our nation is sliding into Apostasy. Leaders are persecuting Israel instead of blessing it.

    Pandemics, incredible escalation of crimes and violence. ( Google crime in Seattle and Portland. It boggles the mind, the results of defunding police and forcing emergency services to be vaccinated or they are fired.

    We have this unfounded optimism that things will soon return back to normal. However, Bible Prophesy is beginning to repel that optimism. I don't think "we" can fix this or stop it's momentum. Our communities may seem Safe to us and our children, but reality is on the evening news every day.

    Our nation voted for this and we are stuck with that action. A whole nation would have to repent in sackcloth and ashes to turn this momentum [like Nineveh in the Bible].

    Evangelize your loved ones now.

    If you don't have any prophesy books handy, you can watch some Nelson Walters videos on YouTube, when you read daily news. Israel is the "Apple" of Gods eye.

    Keep your eyes on that. What's happening there. Read Matthew 24 and Luke 21.

    Jesus IS the 2nd ARK. We must be in Christ to survive. There are unbelievable disasters going on, all over the earth. Google that, every week.

    People: it's not about GLOBAL WARMING. "Green Deals" will not fix it. 2 PETER 3, days it's all going to Burn. The earth is heating up by the Word of God. It is happening now. Disasters will increase. Forests will burn. Icebergs will melt and raise sea levels. Move to higher ground NOW. Move out of the forests. Big cities don't have enough money or votes to stop the crime. Move!

    EVANGELIZE those that you love. I'm doing what God told me to do. PLEASE check this information out for yourself.

    I say this with much love and concern for everyone. Let's not watch the clock zero out.
  • Suze - In Reply - 2 years ago
    I think that we now need to watch out for the false peace , I think we will be lured into a false sense of security and then the enemies of Israel will join in the affray . Thy Kingdom come Dear Heavenly Father , when it is Your will . Sooooon I hope !
  • Free - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Dear "The End of Days" Well written, I totally agree. The time is now. Be blessed in the name of the Lord Jesus, Love u all in Christ.

    John chapter 11 og 12
  • Adam - In Reply - 2 years ago
    I agree that we are seeing more and more signs of end times. Bible gave us warning signs for a reason. Yes, we should evangelize while we can with those who seem open to it. It's not everyone's gift, some feel ignored and don't feel listened to. If I yelled fire in a building I'm not sure many people would care or respond. Somehow it depends on WHO is shouting it to have credibility and whether the recipients are OPEN to it.

    So, while we should be prepared and do all we can I believe we are supposed to put all our trust in God that He is in control. It's very hard seeing society unravel before our eyes and turn to lies and evil. Very difficult to see things appear to go backwards, but I trust that God is watching and that someday justice will be served for all the evil. It's unfair to have so many innocents trampled on by self entitled people who think they're on high moral ground and woke. This false religion will someday crumble fast. I'm probably not the best person to offer help to anyone on this subject because I'm quite disturbed by what I see every day. I've never seen so many lies told and people no longer seem ashamed of blatant lies told in the media and by the white house.

    I like Ray Comfort's evangelism videos on YouTube and think if everyone tried to learn his techniques it could drastically help evangelize the lost.
  • Mishael - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Pray for all of us in Texas with tornadoes and floods everywhere.

    Sometimes I watch: A Call To Anguish by David Wilkerson on YouTube. He's been gone a long time now, but I get mail from his son, Gary, who is continuing the ministry.

    David's sermons are still alive and motivating me when the cares of life crowd in and sap the energy to be brave and speak to anyone who will listen.

    I buy CHICK TRACTS online. Everybody loves them. On good weather days I go over to Goodwill, Home Depot, Lowes, Walmart; and drop a tract on the ground in the garden depts.

    Everybody loves a comic book and pick them up. ( I watch sometimes from a distance.

    Pray to the Lord of the Harvest to bring the right person to where you left tracts. :)

    Walmarts have McDonalds inside the store. It's easy to start a conversation over coffee. "Can you believe all the crises going on now? (I never encourage political rants.)

    I might say, I think maybe all that stuff my pastor speaks on might be true all the trouble in the world? Just drop a line and see if they'll pick it up.

    We are fishers of men and women; teenagers.

    I trust the lead of the Holy Spirit. If we are available, He'll use our skills. Sometimes I say, " if you could ask God any question, what would you ask? The worst that will happen, is they will smile and excuse they must get back to work.

    Wilkerson's sermons always get my mind straight.
  • Adam - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Hi Mishael, those are good ideas you shared. I have compassion for the homeless and like to offer food gift cards and like to listen to what they have to say. I usually ask them if they believe in God and see where that leads. I tend to be more of a listener compared to evangelists like Ray Comfort who lead the conversation and maybe even get aggressive at times. I think those in society who often feel ignored can feel validated if someone just cares by listening with interest in who they are as a person rather than go with an agenda to "change them" without even knowing them.

    In general I find a high % of homeless believe in God compared to the general population, maybe because the general population doesn't yet think they "need" God. Many homeless have full trust that God will provide day by day. In a way it seems like I see way more signs of a healthy child-like faith in the ones who are the most destitute. In a way the sickest in society are those with many roots in earthly things and assume they are fine without God, not realizing they built their house on sand.
  • Aaron - In Reply - 2 years ago
    The End of Days,

    It took you longer to see the tidings, but you are coming around. Before, and for the past year, you denied what you now are saying to be truth. That goes to say that only God can show you the way, when your time comes.

    God says the day of the Lord attack is "UPON MY PEOPLE". Ezekiel 21:12 God calls the northern tribes "Israel", the lower 3 tribes, "Judah" America, from its origin, is a co-birthright tribe, son of Joseph, Genesis 48 The same attack is also portrayed against Mystery Babylon, so if you are weighing the end-time narrative out, you'll see that Mystery Babylon (and it's allies) = Israel = America. Judah is invaded, Joel 3:1, at the same time America falls.

    America was envisioned as a shining star for the nations, but its star has fallen. The woman, America, became a whore, unrighteous, fomenting modern day Sodom and Gomorrah, the antithesis of what God intended. Therefore, God brings forth Russia to destroy them, Isaiah 47 This coming attack is similar to when Assyria took "Israel" captives in 721 BC, or "Judah" being taken by Nebuchadnezzar in 604 BC.

    Noah escaped the flood in a boat, Lott was rescued from Sodom and Gomorrah, the Israelites in Egypt covered their doorways from death. It is America that the beast Russia destroys within 1 hour, and the only cure is to leave. You have been warned to not partake in her plagues, Revelation 18:4, you have choice. The next big event is Revelation 6:14, the "scroll". If you know what's coming afterwards, it's up to you to prepare an exit.
  • Grae - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Who ever u r God bless u but please don't b so worried . This is what we want : Thy Kingdom Come . If u belong to God then u have no reason to b afraid . For sure , it's distressing to c all the awful things going on all over the globe but they r signs of the times . God is every where , we belong to Him so wether we live or die we r His , in life in death in ressurection , we r His so have nothing to fear . He sees all and none of us who belong to Him should b afraid , look up , for your redemption draweth nigh . Be not soon shaken .

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