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Bible Discussion Thread

  • Virginia on Genesis 1 - 2 years ago
    I know that the jesuits changed the sabbath day is the sabbath supposed to be Saturday as Jews celebrate? Also do we live on a flat earth with dome?
  • Chris - In Reply on Genesis 1 - 2 years ago
    Hello Virginia,

    We do in fact live in a dome, and the Bible talks about the true cosmology of the Earth a lot! I'm copying and pasting from a document I sadly only have in Spanish (I trust you can translate the naming of the books at least), but it's a collection of parts in the Bible that talk about flat earth:

    La tierra fue fundada, cimentada. Mateo 13:35, Mateo 25: 34, Lucas 11:50, Juan 17:24, Enoc 17:8, Provervios 3:19

    El cielo tiene un extremo (final) Marcos 13:27

    El cielo tiene columnas. Job 26:11

    Los cielos tienen cimientos (Mosadoth) 2 Samuel 22:8

    La tierra tiene un circulo. Isaias 40:21, 22

    Los cielos tienen forma de una carpa. Isaias 40:22

    La tierra tiene un centro. Daniel 4:10-11

    Dios sabe la diferencia entre una esfera y un circulo. Isaias 22:18

    El sol, la luna y las estrellas estan sobre la tierra y no alrededor de ella o debajo de ella. Genesis 1:15-17

    Las estrellas no se siguen multiplicandose ni el cielo sigue expandiendose. Genesis 2:1-3

    La superficie del cielo es firme y solido. Job 37:18

    El cielo tiene compuertas y ventanas (arubba) - cataratas. Genesis 7:11

    Hay agua arriba del cielo. Salmo 148:4

    Dios establece sus aposentos entre las aguas. Salmo 104:3, Genesis 1:2

    La tierra es firme y no gira alrededor de si misma. Salmo 93:1

    La tierra tiene 4 esquinas. Apocalipsis 20:8, Apocalipsis 7:1

    La tierra tiene cimientos. 2 Samuel 22:16, Salmo 104:5, Salmo 18:15, Isaias 24:18, Isaias 40:21,Miqueas 6:2

    La tierra proviene y esta sostenida por agua. 2 Pedro 3:5

    La tierra tiene un ancho. Job 38:18

    La tierra es extendida y su anchura tiene medidas exactas. Job 38:5

    Las puertas del abismo esta en el fondo del mar. Job 38:16-17

    La tierra no se mueve. 1 Cronicas 16:30, Salmo 93:1, Salmo 96:10, Salmo 104:5

    La tierra tiene columnas Salmo 75:3-1,Samuel 2:8, Job 9:6, Salmo 75:3

    I'll leave my e-mail here if you want to have the document, I couldn't put all because of word limit: kitopedi123@gmail (dot) com
  • Ronald Whittemore - In Reply on Genesis 1 - 2 years ago
    Hi Virginia,

    The Jesuits were not founded until the 1500s, some involve the Jesuits with end-time teaching, with the black Pope, and more, and their past is not filled with a lot of good. The Sabbath is the seventh day, keeping the Sabbath is more than going to a church on that day, Exodus 20:8-11.

    Constantine created the earliest Sunday law known to history in 321A.D. The main reason was the conflicts between the Jews and the Christians and since the pagans did their thing on Sunday. Constantine claimed to be Christian, but this law does not read like it.

    "On the venerable Day of the Sun let the magistrates and people residing in cities rest, and let all workshops be closed. In the country, however, persons engaged in agriculture may freely and lawfully continue their pursuits: because it often happens that another day is not so suitable for grain sowing or for vine planting: lest by neglecting the proper moment for such operations the bounty of heaven should be lost". Codex Justinianus, lib. 3, tit. 12, 3.

    Council of Laodicea -364 AD named Sunday the Lord's Day. One reason was to stop the Sabbath-keeping tendencies in the Eastern Roman Empire. The Council of Laodicea produced sixty rulings, or canons, covering a broad range of topics and punishments.

    Many worship on Sunday because the day Jesus resurrected was on the first day of the week and some on Saturday. We are also told not to judge, Colossians 2:16 read all of chapter 2. Every day is a good day to worship in the spirit and truth, John 4:23-24.

    Some point to the phrase "four corners of the earth" that appear in the Bible. Isaiah 11:12 Revelation 7:1, and Daniel 4:11 is said the earth would have to be flat to see the tree, and more, but even if people in the past believed the earth was flat, in my opinion, the Bible does not teach that.

    God bless,

  • Mac - In Reply on Genesis 1 - 2 years ago
    Sunday is a tradition of man, as you pointed out, not God. God chose the Sabbath and blessed it. And Christ said he wouldn't change a dot of the law, and he didn't. Man did. But Christians only give a couple of hours on the first day of the week, Sunday, to feel they did what they should. What if 321 AD started the mark of the beast. Then those who observe Sunday would be following Satan. Would Satan do something like this and leaves just a remnant to follow Christ. Like today Christians are worshiping Easter, which comes from a Pagan holiday where the rolling of eggs meant fertility and Ishtar with orgies were practice as a form of celebration. I find it very hard to keep my mind on God from sundown Friday to sundown Saturday, the actual time frame God setup. That's why we must work out our salvation with fear and trembling. and study God's work through the Holy Spirit. And personally I think we are going to see things getting worse and worse, quicker and quicker. If so, could Christ be coming. Come, Father, come.
  • Ronald Whittemore - In Reply on Genesis 1 - 2 years ago
    Hey Mac,

    Deception is sly as a serpent and with a sleight of hand has us looking in the wrong direction and causing division, the Sunday law was just that. What Christ did, we in the past were strangers without God, Christ making of two in one body, and both have access by one Spirit unto the Father, Ephesians 2:10-18. Is it wrong to gather on Sunday? No. Can we call Sunday the Sabbath? No. Can we be justified by keeping the Sabbath? No.

    The Sunday law was made to divide the Christians and the Jews even though many of the Jews were Christians. My understanding, the mark of the beast has nothing to do with Sunday and it will not come about until Satan is cast out of heaven and gives his power, seat, and authority to the beast, Revelation 12, 13.

    Greek philosophy has influenced traditions and theories and I agree we work out our salvation with fear and trembling. Not sure of the meaning of Friday sundown till Saturday sundown? Jesus said in John 4:23-24, that we should do it every day not just one day of the week.

    Many things divide us but only one thing makes us one, the simplicity that is in Christ, 2 Corinthians 11:3.

    God bless,

  • Mac - In Reply on Genesis 1 - 2 years ago
    Have to disagree with you about the Sunday law diving the people, as it changed the day God blessed and sanctified and gave to all creation. It causes God's children to worshiped him on the day of the pagan Sun god day of worship. It joined the Christians to the pagans. It only divided Christians from God. Sunday is the only day God blessed and sanctified, and for God to change it would make him a liar. As it would also make Christ a liar to except any day his God and ours chose for himself and us.

    And any Christian should be worshiping God every day, but His chosen day of rest is the Sabbath; unless someone can show me in the bible were it was changed. (Mamatos5, there is a good book about Passover, the bible) And Christ becoming our Passover has nothing to do with a day of the week. Christ is our Passover, the blood over our "door" that gives us eternal life by forgiving our sins. And my comments about Sunday being the mark of the beast was only to make those reading to consider what might be, and to search their bibles for answers. No one knows what is it unless God has chosen them to be a last days prophet. All you can do is pray that the Holy Spirit will guide you to where God wants you in your knowledge of his word. And Friday sundown to Saturday sundown is the Sabbath, as explained by Genesis 1:5,8,13,19 and 23 "And the evening and the morning where the first day"; 12 hours of light, morning through evening ( John 11:9)
  • Chris - In Reply on Genesis 1 - 2 years ago
    Hello Mac. Btw, I'm not the same Chris who wrote to you much earlier; and also, I think you should have written in your first paragraph, "Saturday is the only day God blessed", in keeping with your belief.

    Those, like yourself, who believe that the Sabbath is the "day God blessed & sanctified", need to also consider some other questions on this matter.

    Questions such as: to whom was this Law (& indeed all Laws), given? What was the purpose of these Laws?

    What is the meaning & requirements of the Sabbath? Was it any more than a rest day, a cessation of all work?

    Is the Church that is formed under the New Covenant, obliged to come under those Laws (this Church which now comprised both saved Jews & Gentiles)?

    When there was an instance in Acts 15:1-31, where the demand for Gentiles to be first circumcised & to keep the Law of Moses to be saved had to be dealt with, what was the response & apostolic decision? I'm sure you know the passage well. Did the apostles ever require the Gentiles, or any new believer, to come under the Mosaic Law?

    If the Old Law only brought condemnation ( 2 Corinthians 3:6-17) & had to be done away with through Christ's Death, how is the Christian now able to know & fulfil the Laws of God?

    If a believer now believes that he needs to keep the Laws & Sabbath in particular, can he condemn another who doesn't & who has understood the liberty Jesus gained for him to obey, to live, to worship God, as the Holy Spirit directs ( Romans 8:1-4; Galatians 5:1-4,18,25)?

    Just a few questions to consider - not expecting answers, but hopefully to direct your mind to the full meaning of the full redemption we now have in Christ Jesus: redemption from sin's penalty & redemption from the Law's curse. We now obey many more Laws of God, more than what was given to the Jews to obey, & we do so from the continual ministry & power of God's Spirit.
  • Mac - In Reply on Genesis 1 - 2 years ago
    I would prefer your prayers than your direction of my mind. That I try to leave to God. I had to read Romans 12:9-21 after your comments. Everyone knows you can pic a verse or a sentence out of the bible to "prove" your point. And just "mindful" questions for occupying time; I wouldn't expect an answer either. The bible does tell us that God told us everything we needed to know. And since you seem not to believe the bible, were God said he "Blessed the seventh day, and sanctified it"; Gen 2:3. Then I'm not sure what you do believe. and yes, those like myself who do believe God's word that it as the truth. Now, instead of question to direct my mind, it's very simple. Just tell me the book, chapter and verse where God changed his mind and took away the day he gave his children. I'm sure you must be right, when he said he NEVER changes, he really couldn't have meant that, as Christ couldn't have meant he wouldn't even change the punctuation in the commandments. God forgive both of us for our attitudes here. I've already ask him for forgiveness, as it's easy to trip over our long robes.
  • Chris - In Reply on Genesis 1 - 2 years ago
    I'm sorry if you think that I've responded to you in an unacceptable way. This is a general discussion section, where comments of various types are presented, so one should be prepared to defend their beliefs, if they wish to do so. Personally, I love questions: they make me think, pray, search the Scriptures for the answer, as well as for the knowledge I can build up on.

    Just to answer the one question you posed: "Just tell me the book, chapter and verse where God changed his mind and took away the day he gave his children." The Law, including the Sabbath, still holds true for Israel, from the first day it was given till now - therefore there can never be a verse to rescind that Law for THEM, i.e. they will be judged by the Law ( Romans 2:12). But for those of us not under the Law (both saved Jew & Gentile) & have found redemption in Christ Jesus, that Law that only brought condemnation & death to those under it ( 2 Corinthians 3:6-17) was entirely done away with (verses 11-13) & has no application or power to the one IN Christ. If the believer should say that I'm in Christ & also want to keep the Law to be right with God, he has fallen from grace ( Galatians 5:4).

    I'll stop here - just wanted to answer your question. You may not care for the answer, & that's fine, but when we take in the whole Word of God & not a single verse, the proper understanding of a matter can be appreciated.
  • Mac - In Reply on Genesis 1 - 2 years ago
    Chris, I probably worded what I was trying to say incorrectly. I'm not trying to say the law wasn't done away with, as I was actually talking about the Sabbath, which is included in the law, but was given centuries before the law was given to Moses. So doing away with the law has nothing to do with God giving the Sabbath to Adam and Eve and their children, who continue to this day. Christ keep the Sabbath until his death, and if you read the Ten Commandments you'll see you honor nine of them.. And I, like you, will stop for now as we both see things in our on way. We'll finish this discussion in heaven in the near future.
  • Giannis - In Reply - 2 years ago
    It wasn't the Jesuits who changed the Sabbath.

    Sabbath was the last day of the Jewish week (ours Saturday) and it was a Holly day for Jews. They were not permitted to do any work during that day.

    The early church soon try to figure out which day to use for the Holly Communion, that is taking the Body and Blood of Jesus Christ. The church rejected Sabbath, which for christians is just an ordinary day, because they didn't want to mix up Jedaism with Christianity so the selected the next day to Sabbath, the first day of the jewish week which they called it the '"Day of the Lord" and had the Holly Communion at that day. Unfortunately the english speaking nations as well as the germanic ones kept the roman names of the days of the week. Thus in english Sunday, in german Sontag which is day of sun, Monday, german Montag day of moon. That is not the case though in other languages that kept the initial names of the days. So that change was done at the very begging of Christianity. The very first mention of this day in Gospel is in Revelation 1:8. by apostle John.

    As far as flat earth with dome, that was what the ancient people believed. We now know that earth is spherical and that dome is now called atmosphere.

    God bless you.
  • Giannis - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Sorry i made a mistake it is in Revelation 1:10 that the Day of the Lord is first mentioned in the Gospel.
  • Roman - In Reply - 2 years ago

    The Lord's day, and the day of the Lord are 2 very different things.
  • Giannis - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Dear Roman

    Thats right but... The original text says the "Day of the Lord" which is how Greeks call Sunday ( in greek Kyriaki) even now in modern times. If it was just another day apart from Sunday like a day devoted to God or something else like the second coming of Jesus Christ a different phrase would have been used instead. Instead of " tin Kyriaki hemera" it would have been " tin hemera tou Kyriou" . For Greeks it is very obvious that means Sunday but translated in English becomes a bit confusing to what it means.

    God blessings.
  • Mamato5 - In Reply on Genesis 1 - 2 years ago
    Hello Virginia,

    While the Jesuits have done much damage to Christianity, they did not change the Sabbath. Christians do not have to celebrate a Sabbath. Christ is our Sabbath rest! There is a good website with a book about this: biblebasedministries.co.uk

    That being said, a day of rest & for the Lord is excellent!

    Also, John Doerr, and Lamp in the Dark have good teaching videos on Youtube, as well as a channel called 'Rescuing the Church.'

    The Earth is a globe, it is not flat. Now I definitely don't trust all of what NASA puts out, but the Earth is a globe. Google 'himawari-8' this is a Japanese satellite that sends photos daily, an image of Earth every 10 minutes.

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