Bible Discussion Thread

  • How We Turn Around a Nation to Truth - 2 years ago
    Scriptures pertaining to modern day practice of child sacrifice or, abortion.

    2 Kings 23:10

    Leviticus 20:4

    1 Kings 11:7

    Leviticus 20:3

    Leviticus 18:21

    Leviticus 20:5

    Leviticus 20:2

    Jeremiah 32:35

    Hosea 4:6

    My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge: because thou hast rejected knowledge, I will also reject thee, that thou shalt be no priest to me: seeing thou hast forgotten the law of thy God, I will also forget thy children.

    Proverbs 28:27

    He that giveth unto the poor shall not lack: but he that hideth his eyes shall have many a curse.

    James 1:5

    If any of you lack wisdom, let him ask of God, that gives [wisdom] to all men liberally, and upbraideth not; and it shall be given him.


    We do not need to be angry or go on a rampage. We do need to repent on behalf of ignorance as a nation. Intercede; stand in the gap. Ask the Lord to open all hearts of mercy to heal this curse. We can't fix it, but the Lord can. We only open the gate for the healing to begin. Mishael
  • Justice Makatisi - In Reply - 2 years ago
    How can I understand words from bible
  • Mishael - In Reply - 2 years ago
    The Holy Spirit is Your Teacher. He helps us understand Scripture. Just ask Him to teach you, what you are reading in the Bible.

    People in here will give you their help to answer some questions about scripture. We do it because we love you too.

    Always ask Holy Spirit what is the Truth; and to open Gods Word, and the meaning, to your newborn spirit.

    Matthew 11:25-30. Verse 27, you are WHOMSOEVER

    Matthew 14:23 is something Jesus did every day. Get alone, quiet and pray in your own words to the Lord. Be assured that He is hearing your prayers.
  • Mishael - In Reply - 2 years ago
    You have to do what we all did; every one of us. We ran from the knowledge of God for years. The Holy Spirit draws us towards Gods love.

    There are many distractions that try to keep us away from that love. But there is a hole inside of us that only God can fill.

    It's like Jesus told Nicodemus in John 3: unless we are born again, we Cannot See The Kingdom of God. John 3:16, "for God so loved THE WORLD (that is you).

    That's what I found 36 years ago. Don't let anything, or anyone separate you from that love. Nobody ever loved me like Jesus does. It is easy to hang onto Him, when you accept that much truth. The world says it loves you but it takes and takes and takes until you don't have anything left again and then it leaves you alone.

    There's a box in the comment rooms or a link out on the red entry page: BECOME A BELIEVER. It's Thoughtfully written to help you get started.

    In the book Song of Solomon, God says 3 times: I am my Beloveds (you), My Beloved (you), is MINE. I found myself to suddenly be wrapped in that Love. I never went back to the World; which hurts us and lies to us every day.

    You can use that prayer on the Link, to be a shell for what you need to confess to God. Our hearts are not just a beating organ. It is a Throne that God sits upon. The world is gonna hurt us, disappoint us and make us doubt. We have to become His precious child, and keep Him on that throne. Make your love strong by reading His Bible. Start in the New Testament about Jesus. He is the one who brings us to the Fathers Love.

    Everyone in this room will answer your questions and help you to become stronger in your faith. Hold on to Jesus tight. If anything threatens that faith, out loud, say the Blood of Jesus. His blood is so HOLY that no evil spirit can touch you. Time is running out, so hang on tight.

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