Bible Discussion Thread

  • Slue Cooper - 2 years ago
    Samuel: was a Seer, Priest, Judge, Prophet and military leader of Israel. Unquestionably a very powerful man of God.

    However, there are two passages that mention Samuel the Prophet's ancestry. They are 1 Sa 1:1, and 1 Ch 6:16-29. The latter claims he was a Levite, but the first, at least in all modern translations other than the ESV (and the KJV) states that he was an Ephraimite. What is to be made of this?
  • T. Levis - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Please read the following

    Hebrews 10:1-31, Hebrews 9:1-28,

    The law of Priests, regarding the Ark of The Covenant & Holy of Holies : Exodus 25:8-22, Exodus 26:33,34, Leviticus 16:1-34, Deuteronomy 10:8,

    note: Hebrews 9:3-5,

    1Samuel 3:1-3, 1Samuel 3:19, * 1Samuel 3:20, 1Samuel 7:15,16,17, 1Samuel 8:1, doesn't call Samuel or his sons priests, 1Samuel 9:9,10,15,19,

    * 1Samuel 4:3-11, 1Samuel 4:22, 1Samuel 5:1, 1Samuel 7:2, The Ark of The Covenant was taken,

    1Samuel 8:5,6,7,19,22,

    David didn't become King until after Samuel passed on. 1Samuel 25:1, while David was still hiding from Saul. 2Samuel 6:1-9, is David's 1st attempt to retrieve the Ark of The Covenant, 2Samuel 6, * 1Chronicles 13:3, Please also read 1Chronicles 15,

    Significant note: Luke 1:5-23, Matthew 27:51, Mark 15:38, Luke 23:45,
  • Mishael - In Reply - 2 years ago
    I've always marveled the reason for Samuels birth. His mother, etc.

    Israel was sliding into sin and ASKING TO BE RULED BY A KING. It angered God, but he gave them what they asked for.

    Later, David would be anointed by Samuel to be the king; years before he would step into the role.

    The Books of Chronicles, Kings, and Samuel are interlocking; a harmony of time periods, so you have to read them all together in order to get all the details of Israel's fall into sin as a nation.

    Something that we should do so we can understand why OUR NATION is falling into sin and ungodly leadership too. We cannot deny its reality.

    The entire nation will not repent, but the Christians can. We can forget "party" and follow what Israel eventually did. They followed King David.
  • Alex N - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Hi Slue..lemme give ya my take on Samuel...Yes he was of the tribe of Ephraim as his Father was an Ephrahamite...But in that Hannah lent Samuel.(.just a baby ) a Child to the lord ALL the days of his life....He became a Levite....only the tribe of Levi cd minister before the LORD and burn the sacrifice and wear the linen EPHOD...God only spoke to Samuel not Eli...And Samuel was just a Child when God spoke to him but not to Eli...Thus it was Samuel that became the Priest in the place of Eli...Thus according to the SPIRIT he was a Levite...As only the tribe of levi cd wear the Linen Ephod and burn the sacrifice and go into the most holy place between the 2 Churubim of Glory ....Thus lil Samuel became a Levitical Priest...and a great Judge...As he judged Israel for about 40 yrs

    ......Thus its no wonder that Samuel was considered a Levitical Priest...a Levite....Although his lineage was of Ephram....Josephs lineage....God was very upset with Eli and his sons saying he wd judge Eli's house forever saying not even burnt offerings or sacrifices cd remove their sins for ever.....All this comes from 1st Samuel...KJV
  • Tom Cooper - In Reply - 2 years ago
    One or two points I want to put forth.

    According to the book of ( Numbers 4:3, 30) the Levi's or Leviticus priests did not serve until they reach the age of 30 yrs., I believe. However, Numbers 8:24 - 26; says 25, and Ezra 3:8 says 20.

    Secondly, they retired at the age of (50) Fifty. Nevertheless, other books in the cannon also stipulate that Levite men age 25 yrs., or older could take part in the work at the tent.

    Hence, Samuel, was too young to become a priest. I don't believe Samuel in his young age was called to be a priest nor did he fulfilled any priestly functions.

    The Bible declares God regulated the priestly office and limited the age of the priests. Anyone younger or older was not eligible to serve. Also don't know of any specific purpose of this or these age limit.

    Nevertheless, military involvement age was 20 yrs., hence eligibility for priests would be that old likewise. That's the Bible.
  • Suze - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Hi Sue , I personally believe that he was definately a Levite . His mum gave him to the high priest at that time to serve in the temple , also he offered sacrifices to God , only Levites were allowed to do any service in the temple and to offer sacrifices .
  • Suze - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Samuel was devoted to God , there's no way he would break any laws by doing things that only a Levite was allowed to do , unless he himself was a Levite . I love Samuel , I love how he was so sad about Saul's downfall , he could also be ruthless ! I wouldn't want to be an Amalekite any where near him , smiley face . Much love to you Alex .
  • Alex N - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Amen Suze great post i knew you wd catch that about lil Samuel being a Levite simply b/c lil Samuel did all the services in the temple even tho God told them only a levite cd wear the linen Ephod and go into the most Holy Place etc.
  • Chris - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Hi Slue. According to the Hebrew, the word given for 1 Samuel 1:1, is 'Ephrathi'. So the KJV is correct is stating Ephrathite. 'Ephrathi' is the word used for a descendant of Ephraim (one of Joseph's sons), but is now an inhabitant of Ephrath. These people were called Ephrathites.

    Now, Ephrath is a word sometimes connected to Bethlehem ( Micah 5:2 (prophecy of our Lord's Birthplace); Ruth 1:2; 1 Samuel 17:12), as Ephrath was a nearby city to Bethlehem. Some believe that Ephrath was an ancient Canaanite name & Bethlehem was the Jewish name.

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