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Bible Discussion Thread

  • Alex N - 2 years ago
    We cannot go to Heaven as the Kingdom of heaven has to come to us via his Word that heavenly seed as Jesus said his words are the seeds of the Kingdom of God...As our lord says neither here nor there but with in you...It can only come via a Heavenly Birth via his seeds the contents of the book and to whom the word came it made them Gods...Thats y he has to know us..Simply b/c we are gona be married to God..Thus we are gonna be made 1 with God...Thats y Jesus is saying thy kingdom come thy will be done on earth in man as it is in heaven the spirit...As God is spirit... Matthew 13 : 19 KJV...Jesus said the Kingdom of heaven is as a man who sows seed in his field...And them that understand are that field where that good seed is sown in our hearts etc.

    ..But here is the kicker..Jesus said unless you receive the Kingdom of GOD as a lil Child..This is impling that good seed is the seed of the bridegroom...which is his Word...Thus the wheat is a baby Christ which is the H.G. that Child of Promise...When he breathe on them that was his word as his words are his SEEDS that is gona form that Child of Promise in US...He was propagating very God when he breathe on them as the Children was spirit the H.G that Child of Promise which is God the ....He will multiply after the God kind meaning Gods not flesh and blood Children..But spritual Children an Israel of God that is gonna be born in us sinners...our joint heir is the H.G. the Israel of God...And a Kingdom.

    ... Romans 9 : 8 The Children of Flesh are not the Children of God its the Children of Promise that are counted for that good seed...But now its not Sarah that is gonna have a baby,..its humanity that is gona birth the Children of Promise which is the H.G. the Children of Promise...But we are just a joint heir with the H.G.....which is our new innerman...10 times in the new testament it speak of us needing to birth a new innerman which is the H.G. We refer to the H.G. as the Promise b/c he is the multiplication of Jesus.
  • Jesse - In Reply - 2 years ago

    I just have a couple questions for you.

    Do you believe that sin can enter into heaven? And do you believe a person can be forgiven for committing blasphemy of the Holy Spirit?
  • Wbfj - In Reply - 2 years ago
    No sin will enter Heaven. If you blaspheme the Holy Ghost Jesus said you will never be forgiven in this world or the world to come.
  • Alex N - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Jesse Rev 12 : 7 Speaks of WAR in heaven....Satan and his angels want to destroy the Woman that has given birth to the manchild

    And john spoke of violence in heaven...The Kingdom of heaven suffers violence and the violent take it by force.

    Bur Jesus was the kingdom of God and he ate with sinners...They that be whole need not a physician but them that are sick.

    Hope this helps you in some way Jesse....GBU
  • Jesse - In Reply - 2 years ago

    I was looking for a yes or no response so what you wrote does not help at all. Although, I think I understand why you gave that response as it does seem to fit your narrative.

    Can you please answer yes or no to this question: can a person be forgiven for committing blasphemy of the Holy Spirit?
  • Brant - In Reply - 2 years ago
    It says in the new and Old Testament, that all men will know God in His day yet to come .

    Every knee will bow every Eye will see Him .

    Why because the truth is Jesus paid for the sins of all , by his blood and death . So all belong to Jesus .

    But not all will believe in him and not all are written in the lambs book of life , therefor cast into the lake of fire .

    Many make the mistake of thinking what Alex is saying will get them into heaven etc . But no those that believe in Christ's life and follow him a the cost of their fleshly life and the things of the world will .

    Apostle Paul said I'm dead to the world and his own self . By the cross the power of God . To walk in newness of Life . This is what baptism is about . Dead to sin and alive unto God , through Christ .

    Jesus is Lord of all . He bought them with his blood and death .

    But many do not believe in his life and refuse to follow or obey .

    If you know the NT you should be familiar with my references .
  • Suze - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Hi Alex , having read through some of the responses that you get , I genuinely think that some people have difficulty understanding your posts , I don't and I'm sure others don't but I think that some defo do . This makes me a bit sad . For you , because you get a few negative responses , and for them because they just don't seem to get it . I have to wonder what some people think that 1st Corinthians Ch 15 V 13-28 means especially V 28 . I wonder what people think about the awesome depiction of the temple in Ezekiel is about and who the Prince is . Please don't be disheartened Alex , we are all at different levels and I personally love to read things that are a bit beyond me as it stimulates me to study and learn more . Keep it up please . Much love in Christ .
  • Alex N - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Thank you Suze much love in Christ Jesus...I think you are pretty far advanced in that you and I knew about Samuel the Levite but they didn't know...They don't even think in the spirit..And this steven s makes fun of the H.G...How sick is that....And this Chris knows nothin about the new covenant which is to everybody....I will know them ALL from the least to the greatest...Thats everybody.

    ....As Jeremiah saw ALL MEN IN TRAVAIL AND CHILD BIRTH... Jeremiah 30 : 6 kjv..Thus ALL men will be bornagain of his spirit..I will pour out my Spirit on ALL FLESH...Joel...Remember back a few months they didn't even know that the CROSS was a new covenant in his BLOOD.....Jesus plainly tells us if I be lifted up I will draw ALL men unto me..His BLOOD..But they scoff at that...They think that their works are gonna save them...Lil do they knew that this NEW COVENANT is all Jesus doings...not ours...And Chris there is only 1 thing that initiates Salvation which is the New Birth...Faith can only come by 1 thing hearing his word...And Faith is the evidence of a Birth of Christ in us.

    ....It wd make God a hypocrite if he applied the curse of that 1 st Adam to all men no exceptions mind you...But Not apply the blood of that 2 nd ADAM Christ Jesus the lamb of God to ALL MEN NO EXCEPTIONS...SEE the folly in your doctrine Chris...Thats y the scripture is saying In Adam we ALL die..But in Christ we will ALL ALL LIVE...Doncha see Chris Jesus cd not teach us to forgive ALL our debtors if he didn't forgive ALL HIS DEBTORS ALL of Humanity...AS God so loved the world that he gave his only son ..see the blood of that new covenant is for everybody....When that BOOK is opened the last day...And Steven Jesus tells us Every sinner will have their part in the lake of fire as our God is a consuming fire...And God is not a torment to them in Christ Jesus but only to the DEVILS AND HIS ANGELS...And our old adamic nature which is in rank to satan...But we are gonna birth Christ in us via that good seed.
  • Chris - In Reply - 2 years ago
    I see that you have referenced me Alex, to which I will return some responses, after quoting you.

    "Thus ALL men will be born again of his spirit..I will pour out my Spirit on ALL FLESH...Joel..." Joel 2:28 (cf Acts 2:17). Not all men will be born again as you believe - the Spirit will be given only to those who repent & turn to the Lord. An evidence of this first outpouring was at Pentecost, to which Peter references Joel's prophecy. ALL FLESH represents not All Men, but people of ALL Nations who respond to the Lord.

    "there is only 1 thing that initiates Salvation which is the New Birth...Faith can only come by 1 thing hearing his word...And Faith is the evidence of a Birth of Christ in us." Alex, you've got this all mixed up. Faith is NOT the evidence of a Birth of Christ - Faith is a gift of God ( Ephesians 2:8,9) & with God's Grace, brings salvation, hence a new birth. The New Birth doesn't initiate salvation - the New Birth is a product of salvation. ( Romans 10:9,10; 2 Corinthians 5:17).

    "It wd make God a hypocrite if he applied the curse of that 1st Adam to all men no exceptions mind you...But Not apply the blood of that 2nd ADAM Christ Jesus the lamb of God to ALL MEN NO EXCEPTIONS." If that were true Alex, there really would be no need to preach the Gospel, as according to you, God is bound to forgive all mankind regardless of their sinful state & hatred of Him. I ask again Alex, as I did many months ago & getting no answer, would you share the Gospel with someone who asks you for the way of salvation? If so, why? And what would be the message?

    Lastly, "God is not a torment to them in Christ Jesus but only to the DEVILS AND HIS ANGELS." Please read Revelation 20:10-15. This Lake of Fire is not for purifying nor temporary, it's for everlasting torment for both Satan & his henchmen & those not written in the Book of Life. "Behold now is the day of salvation" - no other opportunity for anyone, hence the Gospel's urgency.
  • Alex N - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Chris i neva said that we can attain salvation without the blood of the lamb....Thats your post...I have always said behold the lamb of God that taketh away the sins of the world...You are not understanding that its by the Blood of the lamb that everybody is gona be saved...If i be lifted up I will draw ALL men unto me...I have always posted this...And behold the lamb of God that taketh away the sins of the world implies everybody...You have not chosen me but i have chosen you...meaning ALL of you...God so loved the world means everybody...His love and mercy is beyond mans comprehension..Thats what i am talking about..

    ....Man wd neva seek God as the scriptures say Romans 8 : 7 mans carnal mind is not subject to the laws of God and neither indeed CAN BE...God knew this and loved the world in spite of his evil carnal mind...When we were yet sinners Christ died for us..All of us...If in this life only we have hope in Christ we are of All men most miserable.. 1 Cor. 15 : 19...In Adam we ALL DIE but in Christ that 2 nd ADAM we will ALL live...Not 1 single person will be able to escape the blessing and the Blood of that 2 nd ADAM....THE WRATH of the lamb ETC...Go ye into ALL the world and preach the gospel to every creature...Thats everybody
  • Chris - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Alex, I re-read my previous comment to you & don't see where I queried your belief about salvation through the Blood of the Lamb. What I did write was, "Yes, the Blood avails for all - but not all want to have anything to do with that Blood" (the only reference to Blood I made); but I was writing about those who have Christ's Blood available for them, but they refuse that Sacrifice.

    I know you believe that only through Christ's Blood can all be saved, but you state, "that everybody is gona be saved". That is error. Then you imply that "If I be lifted up I will draw ALL men unto me". Again error. Jesus only states that His forthcoming Death on a Cross will be the means, the only means, for all men (not only for Israel, but all of mankind) to come to salvation. Mankind who have view of the Cross (& many in the world have knowledge of it), will be drawn to the Cross - to its message of sacrificial love & payment for sin. One may be drawn to view & consider it but it's quite another thing for them to believe it & turn from their sin to Jesus.

    "The Lamb of God that taketh away the sins of the world" means just that: Jesus has come to make it possible for man to be redeemed - I believe you don't see the need for a response from man towards Christ. You say, "Man wd neva seek God". Of course you're right - in our carnal state we would not care at all about God. That is why the Holy Spirit was sent, to "reprove the world of sin, and of righteousness, and of judgment" ( John 16:7,8). No Holy Spirit, no conviction, no salvation, & man lost forever in his sin & facing certain judgement. The Spirit is the key 'Ingredient'.

    If you believe that all men, whether they give regard to Jesus or not will be drawn to Him (i.e. to be saved), then you have wiped out a whole lot of Scriptures which speak to the contrary - you come with a notion that all mankind will be saved regardless of their present carnal condition, & where Scriptures don't support your view, you re-interpret them.
  • Alex N - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Chris GBU..But do you not see that if God cd convert Saul/Paul a murdered he will draw ALL men unto himself when the book is opened that Book of life for ALL men....I will KNOW them ALL from the least to the greatest when that New Covenant is meditated. That Book of life is the book in the Fathers right hand that Jesus wrote with his own Blood that is ALL Inclusive...I will know them ALL which is an intimacy with humanity that is gonna result in a birth of Christ in ALL PPL...Thats y the Prophet saw a new heaven and a new earth meaning a new Innerman and a new Spirit which is the H.G. And no more seas meaning no more seas of HUMANITY that have not been washed in his BLOOD....The wrath of the lamb implies he is gona wash every man with his blood as God is no Respector of Persons...As Isaiah said he is gona stain ALL of his raiment...We are his raiment thats y he said i was naked and you clothe me.

    ...Chris stop trying to twist the Scripture making God a respector of persons...God so loved the world implies everybody, God is no respector of persons...Saul/Paul cd not have cared less about Jesus or the New Testament he was murdering Christians he was the one who instigated the death of Steven...But God is no respector of persons...Thats y Jesus said IF I BE LIFTED UP I WILL DRAW ALL MEN UNTO ME...God is no respector of persons...He wants everybody as Jesus died for everbody...He wants to KNOW EVERYBODY...Thats y Isaiah is saying KNOWLEDGE shall cover the earth as the waters cover the Seas...THAT IMPLIES EVERYBODY...God will KNOW everybody according to Jeremiah 31 : 31 kjv...Everybody is gona give birth to a baby Christ which is the H.G. that Child of PROMISE...As Jeremiah saw ALL men in travail and birth pains thus ALL men are gonna be bornagain when that Book IS OPENED..The BOOK of life of the Lamb...It wd make God a hypocrite if he applied the CURSE of Adam to everyman no exceptions...But NOT apply the BLOOD OF CHRIST THAT 2 ND ADAM to EVERY MAN...All means ALL
  • Chris - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Going through all you've written Alex, & which we have heard before from you, the bottom line is: IF Saul/Paul continued to be a murderer of Christians, he continued to hate this Jesus & went to his death-bed as a great sinner, you're saying that at that day, he will be given re-birth (because of Christ's Sacrifice), all will be forgiven & he will enter God's Presence? Yes/No?

    So God is no respecter of persons. I agree. The problem we have here is that God loves & forgives all people who come to Him in repentance NOW, not after they've died & stand before Him as you believe. This is where you need to discuss the matter. You need to show the facets of the Gospel message with your understanding. It seems to me that you believe that repentance is either not needed or is an option (probably the same with faith as well), because clearly, you've stated that God is bound to forgive & accept everyone, whether now or later. What type of Gospel message would you share? Maybe something like, 'Jesus died for your sins, so it doesn't matter if you repent now or not, God will ultimately forgive you, since He loves you & His Son's Blood was shed for you.'

    Please tell me that I'm wrong in my understanding of this 'Gospel message' & what is the Gospel you would give to a seeking soul? The fact that you've avoided my questions can only tell me (& maybe others) that you're unable to reconcile the Gospel that the apostles preached to what you're sharing. If they preached what you teach, I'm sure they would have lived long & care-free lives. In fact, why should they even bother evangelizing & teaching - God accepts all regardless. Alex, please share something concrete, if you wish to continue this discussion. Thank you.
  • Alex N - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Yes Chris he wd have been forgiven Thats y the scripture is saying when we were yet sinners Christ died for us All of us...Ya gotta realize what he did at calvary is gonna be applied to everyman...Its just like what Adam did was applied to everyman no exceptions...But there is a good lesson in Saul/Paul...Saul was a murderer the 1st born...But the 2 nd man was Paul ...( the 2 nd man is the lord from Heaven )...He chose us before the world began

    ...No Chris even after we die there is chance of salvation...If IN THIS LIFE ONLY we have hope in Christ we are of all men most miserable...1 ST COR. 15 :19...What you are not understanding is even death cannot separate us from the love of God... Even Paul said we know in part we prophecy in Part etc but When that which is prefect is come that which is done in part will be done away with...No body cd see clearly under early Church doctrine...Just like the blindman cd not see clearly under the 1st anointing

    ...Early Church doctrine answers the 1st Anonting...But the blind man cd not see clearly under the 1st Anointing...Modern day Christianity answers to the Blindman that cd not see clearly under early CHURCH DOCTRINE....Thats y there is a different church on every corner...No body can see clearly under early CHURCH DOCTRINE.

    ...Chris God accepts everybody simply b/c of the Blood of the lamb...When i see the Blood i will pass over you...Remember that lil diddy...It didn't matter what they did or where they were from....When the Blood was applied to the Doorpost they were saved...But now under that new covenant his blood is applied to the doorposts of our hearts..Which is H.G. baptism...

    ....Chris the most concrete Doctrine there is... NOTHIN CAN SEPARATE US FROM THE LOVE OF GOD...Absolutly nothing, not even DEATH.
  • Chris - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Alex, you quoted 1 Corinthians 15:19. You seem to pick a verse & then apply it to support your belief. Please think again & re-read the passage. Paul is talking about Christians - that they should have their hope set in Christ now & in the promised resurrection. You're applying the verse to all people (saved & lost) which is a wrong understanding & application.

    Exodus 12:27. From this verse, you write that "God accepts everybody simply b/c of the Blood of the Lamb". God "passed over" only those who obeyed God & placed the blood on their doorposts & lintels. The Egyptians suffered because they didn't have the blood there. We have the Blood of Christ upon us & as testimony before the Father & so have "passed from death to life". All who reject the Gospel are like the Egyptians, not having the Blood, & the Lord will not hold them guiltless.

    Romans 8:38,39. Paul is writing about Christians being totally secure in Christ - not that unbelievers will be secured by God even in judgement. You can't apply verses speaking about believers & then force them to apply to the unsaved.

    All the Scriptures you've given with your peculiar interpretation are completely flawed. Please read them in the context that they're given & not what you want to them to say.
  • Alex N - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Bro. Christ you are the one who does not know True Context...Jesus our lord plainly tells us they that be whole need not a physician but them that are SICK...Thats everybody simply b/c there was none Righteousness NO NOT ONE...Chris you are of the mind frame that our conduct saves us, its what he did at Calvary that is gonna save everybody...The whole world is sick...The whole world needs a Physician...Chris we have been in that time period Jesus warns us of ..a time of darkness...Remember Jesus said I AM THE LIGHT OF THE WORLD BUT THE NITE COMES WHEN NO MAN CAN WORK...Lets look at the true context...Modern day Christianity is in Darkness simply b/c we do not have the Kingdom yet...The Book has not been opened just yet with the words of life...Remember Peter asked Jesus to whom shall we go lord thou has the words of eternal life...( the book in the right hand of the FATHER ) that he wrote with his own blood.

    ....Chris keep in mind that God so loved the whole world...What Jesus did at calvary is gona save EVERYBODY....Its everybody that needs a physician Chris...I pray that God opens your understanding...You remind me so much of the Pharisees....And our Physician has a very potent cure for our illness...its His Blood...When we yet sinners ( the whole world ) Christ died for US.

    .... Romans 8 : 38...Absolutly nothin can separate us from the Love of God....he is not speaking to just Christians...this is addressed to whole world as God so loved the world that he gave us his son...neither life nor death nor angels nor things present nor things to come nor hunger nor distress etc etc...Chris we cannot limit God when we limit God we cut him out completely...Chris Doncha remember David saw ALL the world at rest and full of his Glory...shall we tear that out .
  • Chris - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Well Alex, I see that you believe that Romans 8:38,39 is Paul "addressing the whole world", when the whole chapter is clearly to Christians ONLY. With such an interpretation you give to this & most other Scriptures, there's no more that can be written that could guide you further into the Truth. So I will leave it that Alex; I was hoping that we could have had a meaningful discussion on various verses, but I see you have your own interpretations. GBU.
  • ELB - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Chris, If you were explaining the kingdom to God to someone, and possibly they had never read God's words.

    Perchance you read Romans 8:38-39 to them, would it pertain to them, not being a christian, or is it a TRUTH that brings one to TRUTH.

    God Bless You!
  • Chris - In Reply - 2 years ago
    If I were explaining the 'Kingdom of God' to an unsaved person ELB, I wouldn't share Romans 8:38,39 with him, unless he was asking about why a Christian could possibly have such a strong confidence & hope in this God - why a Christian could persevere through difficulties, even persecutions, to be faithful to such a God. Maybe, elements of this chapter could be used in such a situation.

    "Could I also have such a hope & confidence as you have", he asks. I reply, "Most certainly, when you truly repent of your sins & turn to God's Provision of a Sacrifice (found only in His Son Jesus Christ) to deal with those sins & to forgive you entirely. You are then accepted by God, & coming to Him on His Terms, you enter into His family, enjoying His Blessings, with His Spirit in you to give you such a hope & power to live this life & finally enter into His Presence. Then whatever befalls you in this life, you are eternally secure in His Love & nothing - but nothing - can separate you from that Love." Romans 8:35-39.

    If I simply gave an unbeliever this Truth in Romans chapter 8, I should expect to be derided & disdained, for such Truth would be as pearls cast before swine, unappreciated, even meaningless. This whole chapter is for those whose life is in Christ Jesus - whose "life is hid with Christ in God". And this same confidence is kept in store (waiting in hope), that one day the 'groaning in pain of all creation' will cease, when the new heavens & earth will be ushered in. But my unbeliever 'friend' who receives the witness from the Word, can only share in that hope if he repents now & is born again of God's Spirit. If he refuses, the Word stands against him: "For if they escaped not who refused him that spake on earth, much more shall not we escape, if we turn away from him that speaketh from heaven."
  • Alex N - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Chris It was Jesus our Lord that made that statement that cannot passaway...If i be lifted up I will draw ALL men unto me...You are impling that we need to Qualify ourselves for salvation..But that is not what God had in mind...God wanted our QUALIFICATION to come from the lamb of God...The Blood nothin less...When he fed the multitudes he didn't cull not 1 person...he fed them ALL...And instructed his disciples to gather even the crumbs....He didnt wana lose not 1 crumb...Thus he will not lose 1 soul.

    ...Chris God applied the curse of Adam to every man no exceptions, not 1 single person cd escape that Curse of 1 st Adam...Thus not 1 single soul will escape the wrath of the lamb that 2 nd Adam ...He is gonna stain ALL his raiment...The Blood of the lamb is gonna be applied to every person not 1 single person will escape the blessing/Blood of the Lamb...Thats what the wrath of the lamb is all about he wants to apply his blood/his Word to every man no exceptions mind you...Thus every single person will be stained with his blood in the end when that book is opened that NEW COVENANT...Which is an ALL INCLUSIVE COVENANT...I will know them ALL from least to the greatest...This know them ALL is an intimacy with God that is gona result in a birth of Christ in us...Thats y he always refers to himself as the SON OF MAN...Mankind is gonna bring forth fruit uno God... Romans 7 : 4 kjv... Jeremiah 30 : 6 KJV..Jeremiah saw ALL men in travail and birth pains....Infact 27 times in the O.T. the Prophets saw the whole world in travail and birth pains...We are gona birth a baby Christ...We are that Woman in Rev. 12 : 5 the church. Her Child is the H.G. that Child of PROMISE...The manchild that is gona rule the whole world..Not 1 single person will escape the wrath of the lamb of God...He will not lose 1 soul b/c of the Cross his blood etc.

    ....Chris this KNOW them ALL is an intimacy with God...HE wants to KNOW US ALL thats y Isaiah is saying KNOWLEDGE shall cover the earth all men.
  • Chris - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Alex you wrote, "You are impling that we need to Qualify ourselves for salvation..But that is not what God had in mind...God wanted our QUALIFICATION to come from the lamb of God...The Blood nothin less...When he fed the multitudes he didn't cull not 1 person...he fed them ALL...And instructed his disciples to gather even the crumbs....He didnt wana lose not 1 crumb...Thus he will not lose 1 soul." The rest of your comments only somewhat enlarged on this statement.

    I don't believe that I'm 'qualifying ourselves for salvation'. I wrote of the need of Faith in Christ's Sacrifice & that Faith is given by God - and all that is from the Word as written. If you don't believe Ephesians 2:8,9 then please state it.

    Yes, Jesus fed the multitudes (to take up your illustration), just as His Sacrifice avails for all men. But did Jesus force-feed them? His offer of Salvation is given to all but none are forced into accepting it. The people who readily accepted the food were hungry & were fed. What if some said, "Not today Jesus, I'll come back in a couple of days to eat the food You offer." Would it still be there for them? Their chance to be fed was on that day - tomorrow would be too late. You're implying that in the end He will save all mankind, even if they have shown no interest in the Gospel & come by the way of the Cross, while they were alive. Yes, the Blood avails for all - but not all want to have anything to do with that Blood. He is indeed not willing that any should perish, but man still prefers to face eternity without Christ believing that eternity is either non-existent or secured by some other means.

    And I am still awaiting your answers to my questions, because they're important. Thank you.
  • Suze - In Reply - 2 years ago
    I'm so passionate about the Old Testament helping us to understand the New . It frustrates me that others don't seem to get how important and helpful it is . It is God's Words , how can anyone not want to know what it says . I think that the internet can be a problem in that it allows people to find things from the Old Testament when they haven't actually read all or even any of it but verses can be cherry picked out of it and totally out of context . I get a bit over enthusiastic I think and it can sound as if I'm being aggressive so I have to bite my tongue a lot , not just on here but in real life also , smiley face . It's a big fire inside me and I have to let it out occasionally . I'm glad you are on here for me to talk to . Thanks Alex . Isaiah Ch 43 V 1 - 13 .

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