Bible Discussion Thread

  • Richard H Priday on Psalms 31 - 2 years ago
    The commentary here elaborates once again the prophetic implications of David's Psalm which have implications for the Messiah to come. Verse 10; however clearly implies David only as iniquities causing his ailment are mentioned; some have linked it to a sexually transmitted illness due to his many relations with women (such as veneral disease).

    Once again; a hidden place in God's "pavilion" (v. 20) are offered to those saints which fear God (v. 19). The reward in v. 23 for the evil doer once again shows that we reap what we sow. These verses referring to a "strong city" (v. 21) are indicative of the heavenly Jerusalem most likely; and could refer to the Rapture and or Resurrection of the saints.

    Verse 5 shows what Christ stated when He died "into thine hands I commit my spirit". ( Luke 23:46). The part of being redeemed is for the rest of the saints; as Christ overcame through His own Divinity. It is finished was stated in John 19:30. This shows that after death He was victorious; and by no means was "suffering in hell" but was proclaiming victory; and setting free the captives ( Eph. 4:8). Also this fits in with the penitent thief being with Him "today" in paradise ( Luke 23:43). Three days later; at the Resurrection many were brought forth from their graves and appeared to many. As to whether they went to heaven as the first of the firstfruits is of some controversy; but no other explanation seems likely. Satan was defeated and the stage was set for the verse "death where is thy sting?" ( 1 Cor. 15:55-57).

    Several other verses; particularly verse 13 seem to show the sufferings of Christ. Verse 11 is very similar to those used by Job during his trial.
  • S Spencer. - In Reply on Psalms 31 - 2 years ago
    Thanks Richard may the lord bless you in all you do.

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