Bible Discussion Thread

  • Phil Jackson - 2 years ago
    The bible is very clear that Jesus Christ was from the tribe of Judah..

    What 'qualified' him to be of this tribe?
  • GiGi again - In Reply - 2 years ago

    A bloodline is established by the transference of DNA from the gametes (egg and sperm) of each parent. A bloodline is not passed down through blood, but by DNA in these gametes.

    And I do not have any Scripture saying Joseph adopted Jesus. But he did raise Him as his son having married Mary before Jesus was born. Maybe he did adopt him and maybe not. I think that adoption was much simpler back then. But the Scripture is silent about these things.
  • Luke - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Christ is going to sit on the throne of his father David. Christ is a descendant of King David. Look up Christ's genealogy.
  • Alex N - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Jesus was not of the tribe of Judah,...MARY was of the tribe of Judah...But a womans Blood is not mingled with her fetus, it wd kill her fetus...But the bible says he was of the tribe of Judah according to the flesh The seed of DAVID according to the flesh... Romans 1 : 3 ...Jesus told the Jews you are of this world but i am not of this world, You are from beneath but i am from above....He was made of a woman and under the law and that woman was Mary of the tribe of Judah...But here is how God looks at it...He was the living word made flesh and blood...According to his Spirit....And his spirit was not of this world...And his flesh was also God the son....He cd not tell us to eat his flesh and drink his blood if his flesh were not God...But he cd not tell us to eat his flesh and drink his blood if he were of the tribe of Judah....He had to be 100% God and nothin less.

    .....The great miracle was his Spirit made his flesh and blood God,...The Living Word Christ Jesus became Flesh and blood...When he told us to drink his blood and eat his flesh...He was refering to his spritual word...As in hearing his Word that good seed....His Voice....The Plasenta is a very complex organ, its keeps the womans blood separate from the fetus's blood.....

    ....The Living Word was made flesh and blood and we beheld his Glory as of the only begotten of the Father.... John 1

    .....Thats y I say that he cd not be of the tribe of Judah....Simply b/c the tribe of Judah carried the spot and stain of ADAM and the lamb of God cd carry no such spot....He had be the perfect lamb of God....No kind of spot or stain cd be in him..PERIOD

    .....Jesus told the Pharisees if David refered to Christ as LORD how cd he be Davids son, His bloodline etc...How cd he be of the tribe of Judah...ok...leme go
  • Phil Jackson - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Alex N... Please attach a bible verse to each of your comments.... I didn't want your 'personal theology'; I wanted 'biblical author' for what qualified Jesus Christ to be from the tribe of Judah....

    Chapter and verse please!

    Thank you,

  • Phil Jackson - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Thanks for getting back with me....

    How could Joseph quality the Lord Jesus Christ to be of the tribe of Judah, when Jesus Christ was not of his seed? Jeremiah 22:28-30..... In Matthew 1 it lets us know that the physical seed of the father determines the tribe!

    God bless,

  • GiGi - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Hi Phil, I have wondered about his myself. It is through Mary's lineage that Jesus is blood related to Judah (and also from David who came after Judah). Alex is correct in that maternal and baby blood do not mingle across the placenta, but it is thought that Mary contributed one set of chromosomes (DNA of David's lineage) and God provided the other set of chromosomes (the Y and other sets that compliment the set Mary supplied. Jesus was fully God and fully human. We know how DNA is transmitted in humans and Mary did that through her egg. But we do not really know how God provided the DNA for the other set of chromosomes that fertilized Mary's egg. Did He create a sperm to be implanted in Mary by a miracle done by the Holy Spirit so that Jesus was truly fully human? We really do not know. Since the Father is wholly Spirit, I don't think He possesses DNA of His own, since DNA is material, made of matter.

    Also, Jesus qualified as being from Judah through Joseph because Joseph adopted Jesus as his own son.
  • Phil Jackson - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Also, where does it state that Joseph "adopted" Jesus..... He is called the carpenter's son in Matthew, but what verse teaches he was adopted? It seems that the daughter's of Zelophehad had a similar situation over an inheritance... In Numbers 36 the answer is given....If the woman is a widow, she is to marry under the same tribe as she and her dead husband was... Then and only then could the daughter's get the inheritance.... Mary had to marry a man of the same tribe as her, then Jesus would qualify....This was new revelation from Jehovah. See Numbers
  • Alex N - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Hi Phil wd you plz give me more info. on Jesus qualifing for an inheritance....I many not be understanding your post. thanks
  • Phil Jackson - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Sure Alex, In Numbers 27:6-11; & Chapter 36 it states that there is a controversy about the inheritance for the daughters of Zelophehad.... Their father dies and they are worried about receiving their inheritance.... So Moses seeks more insight from the LORD and gets it... It is new revelation.... Apparently, if the widow marries again and her new husband is from the same tribe as the widow and dead husband, the daughters are able to receive the inheritance as if their father never died.....

    Jesus doesn't have an 'earthly' father(seed)to pass the tribeship to him; so if Mary marries Joseph I was thinking that this same new revelation would apply to Christ qualifying to be from the tribe of Judah.... The woman does not determine what tribe the children will be of; it is the father, Matthew 1! Jesus Christ's Father was Jehovah, and not Joseph..... I still think it was by "oath" that Jesus qualified to be a Prophet, Priest and King; and that is what qualified him to be of the tribe of Judah- by 'oath'!

    Your thoughts,

  • Alex N - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Ok phil thanks gbu
  • Phil Jackson - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Thank you.... The answer you have given seems like speculation.... You state that Jesus Christ was of the blood line of Mary, and yet you defend the fact that there is no blood passed from the mother to the baby.....

    In Hebrews 7:21 it states the our Lord was a Priest by "oath"... Why couldn't he be from Judah by the same: Genesis 49:10.....

    Your thoughts....

    Thanks, Phil
  • GiGi again - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Hello again Phil,

    It seems to me like you want to be argumentative on this thread, so I am exiting now. Have a good evening.
  • Phil Jackson - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Not at all.... I am just wishing for a good bible dialogue in this subject... I am not sure the bible gives an answer..... Thank you for your time....

    God bless,

  • GiGi again - In Reply - 2 years ago
    My apologies Phil. I concur with you that the Bible does not give us a definitive clear answer on this. have a good evening.
  • Phil Jackson - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Agreed.... See u in heaven:)
  • Jacob - In Reply - 2 years ago
    His father joseph qualifies him to be of the tribe of Judah, seeing joseph is from the house and lineage of David.

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