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Warning: session_start(): Failed to read session data: files (path: /var/lib/lsphp/session/lsphp80) in /home/kjv.site/public_html/Discussion-Thread/index.php on line 2 BIBLE DISCUSSION THREAD 192480
There's Judgment for sinners and There's chastening for believers.
Ether way I don't wish this on no one!
Hebrews 10:26-31.
That's one reason why we preach the cross Continuously! There's blessings and on the other hand There's consequences therefore we preach repentance.
If there's no damnable consequences why preach?
We've been given an urge to preach God's grace. OUR MESSAGE HAS VIRTUE! IT IS SALVATION!!
It has eternal security for the believer! and it has the ONLY escape from Hell. It brings those out of darkness.
If there is another Gospel out there that don't have repentance, Holiness, no wrath of God and no hell. THEN IT CAN'T HAVE SALVATION. " What are you saved from? And if all go to heaven no matter what. Why do you preach and stand in the way of THE Gospel that we preach? It shouldn't bother you unless we have opposing spirits.
Here's what that heresy looks like .
They treat wrath as if it's reward. This is a errored teaching against the effects of the cross.
It speaks in this manner, "Forget the cross, We needs God's wrath!
Forget Holllyness, do evil so we can be thrown in the lake of fire and be purified.
It says Jesus died in vain!
It says God Love on display when Christ died on the cross was pointless.
They look at John 3:16. and
John 15:13, They don't say thank you Lord, They say it was unnecessary.
There's no preaching forgiveness for sins to those who trust In Christ, It says hell and the punishment reserved for Satan and his Angels is what you need.
Here's a direct quote from one just a few days ago "
.....Every sinner will have their part in the lake of fire....thank you Jesus that is what we ALL NEED....His baptism of the HG and Fire.
That's their Goodnews/Gospel.
They say this is from God but they can't take that to their local Church. But they come on the site to attack the truth.
They say that flesh carries man's sinful nature. Which is true. They use this verse to validate their belief that Hell is a symbol of the refining fire and man must die and brought through that fire to enter the kingdom.
Here's the verse.
Now this I say, brethren, that flesh and blood cannot inherit the kingdom of God; neither doth corruption inherit incorruption. 1 Corinthians 15:50.
But they leave these verses out.
1 Corinthians 15:51-54. Behold, I shew you a mystery;... WE SHALL NOT ALL SLEEP,...BUT WE SHALL ALL BE CHANGED,
In a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trump: for the trumpet shall sound, and the dead shall be raised incorruptible, AND WE SHALL BE CHANGED.
For this corruptible must put on incorruption, and this mortal must put on immortality.
So when this corruptible shall have put on incorruption, and this mortal shall have put on immortality, then shall be brought to pass the saying that is written, Death is swallowed up in victory.
We know this as the rapture.
But did you notice what's missing in those being raptured? No Death! and No fire! They shall forever be with the Lord. 1 Thessalonians 4:17.
Now let's go back and look at another hole in their theology concerning Kingdom.
They say the Kingdom of God started 2000 years ago. They use this verse to make their point.
Matthew 4:17 From that time Jesus began to preach, and to say, Repent: for the kingdom of heaven is at hand.
But when preaching about Hell they use this verse. 1 Corinthians 15:50 Now this I say, brethren, that flesh and blood CANNOT INHERIT THE KINGDOM OF GOD; neither doth corruption inherit incorruption.
Expect some more spiritualizing to cover up the errors.
S Steven let me remind you of Luke 4 : 24...And 2 nd COR 3 : 6....Which teaches us we cannot worship God in the literal with our carnal minds etc ...The letter is a killer, we must worship God in the Spirit as the Spirt is life that new Covenant.
.....God is spirit and them that worship him must worship him in SPIRIT and truth for the Father seeketh such to worship him.
.....He does not seek carnally minded ppl to worship him...Remember when he was in Jerusalem on the feast day many believed in his name when they saw the miracles he did. But Jesus did not commit himself unto them b/c he knew ALL men and needed not that any should testify of man....Which is mans Adamic nature his Carnal mind etc...mans literal understanding of the Scripture.....He has made us unto our God able ministers of the New COVENANT. Not of the letter ( the literal )..The letter is a killer but the spirit giveth life.
.....In the O.T. it was literal Moses's face was glorious...As the law was the written word...But the O.Covenant was done away with as far as the law....The law was replaced with a New Covenant that is by the blood of the lamb.....John the bap. was of the tribe of Levi but he was preaching behold the lamb of God that taketh away the sins of the world....Not the blood of bulls and goats etc....The O.C...Now the living word is written in our hearts which is in the Spirit, the in Dwelling of the H.G. via the his good seed the living word....
Yep, there will be the usual unprofitable spiritualizing to put up another smokescreen rather than admit they are in error nor repent. I have been praying for those who continue to re-iterate the same errors over and over again as if this will somehow make them true. But we know that God is not mocked. Have a good night. Off to bed.
Good Afternoon, Bro Dan. I agree with you wholly. The Bible writings include many different literary genre's. I f someone is unsure whether the bible passage is meant to be taken in a way other than literally, then they can use the internet to get help with that from reputable Bible scholars.
But we know that some will not do so, trusting their own fallen minds and hearts and saying these are being led by the Spirit and they don't need anyone else to help them understand the Scripture.
Also, You and I and most likely others know that when Paul was talking about the letter killing in 2 Corinthians 3:6, he was talking about the O.T. Law (verses 3-11 to read the quoted Scripture by Alex in context) which condemns all of us because we have all broken this law, therefore bringing the penalty of sin on us, which is death.
Paul was not speaking of the written words of Scripture in both the O.T. and the N.T., otherwise the Scriptures that record the words of our Savior, Jesus, would be lethal, too, but He said that His Words are Spirit and Life ( John 6:63). We know this is not true. And we know that those who say that Paul was referring to the written words (letters) of Scripture kills are using this illogical view as a smokescreen to excuse themselves from refutation and to give creedance to the erroneous way they interpret much of Scripture as being allegorical, prophetic, and illustrative of deeper, hidden meanings and the way they mish-mash isolated Scriptures together, spattered with their erroneus interpretations to create a narrative that (like you said) rarely makes sense, is illogical, and does violence to the actual God-inspired Words He had the writers write with the context and genres He directed them to write.
Thank you for your response to A. I appreciate that you did.
Thanks for your reply, and it's always so nice to hear from you.
I appreciate all of your input on all of the various biblical scriptures, and always find your posts on point, knowledgeable, and very informative.
I also concur with you regarding Paul, 2 Cor 3:6 I too, also believe that Paul is referring directly to the OT law per this scripture. In my mind I believe Paul was emphasizing the New Covenant was not of the law, but of Christs Gospel. This New Gospel is the "Good News" that, if we hear it, and take it to heart, we will live it, and if we truly live it - will be also be conforming with Gods laws, thereby receiving Life rather than death.
S Steven its you that makes his blood of no effect by preaching our conduct takes us to heaven...When its only by the blood of the lamb that saves us....When we were yet sinners Christ died for us, all of us...He paid the price for everybody...and not only us but every person....Jesus is the propitiatiton for our sins and not our sins only but for the sins of the world world...1 st John 2 : 2
.....Steven you have contempt for that lake of fire...That refiners fire and fullers soap which is the H.G...Baptism of the H.G. and Fire....You do not realize its what we need is that cleansing fire....Satan fears that refiners fire and fullers soap....its the end of his kingdom that is within us...Its an internal fire as we need to be washed internally..Water Baptism is an external washing but to be baptised with the H.G. AND FIRE IS INTERNAL...As our new heart and new spirit is internal.
....What he did at Calvary is for everybody and anybody....When we yet sinners Christ died for us ALL of US
...The very fact that he makes his rain and his sun to shine on every person, no exceptions....Proves we are all gonna be saved in the end....Jesus cd not teach us to forgive our debtors if he didn't forgive all his debtors humanity this world..
...When his blood dropped on the earth its was just prophetic that this whole world is gonna be made clean by his BLOOD...Thats y he said if i belifted up i will draw ALL men unto me.
...In Adam we all died but in Christ we will ALL live...The scripture cd not even refer to Christ as being that 2 nd Adam if his blood was not applied to every man....AUTOMATICALLY IN THE END WHEN THE BOOK IS OPENED....The vert fact that Paul a murderer was saved when he didn't even have salvation on his mind proves God is gonna save every person in the end...He is gonna pour out his spirit on all flesh wither ya want it or not..As mans carnal mind is not subject to the laws of God AND NEITHER INDEED CAN BE...Thus its gona be to everybody everyman. GBU
Jesus told of the rich man in torments in hell. Jesus also warned sinners on earth not to turn away from God and end up in hell where the worm does not die and the fire is not quenched. There is no indication that hell is a temporary place of minimal suffering.
This is a Prophecy, and it contradicts your understanding of the parable of Lazarus and the rich man.
Isaiah 66:23 And it shall COME TO PASS, that from one new moon to another, and from one sabbath to another, shall ALL FLESH come to WORSHIP before me, saith the Lord.
Isaiah 66:24 And they (all flesh, worshipping God) shall go forth and look upon the carcases of the men (themselves) that have transgressed against me; for their (all flesh, worshipping God) worm shall not die, neither shall their (all flesh, worshipping God) fire be quenched, and they (all flesh, worshipping God) shall be an abhorring to all flesh (themselves).
Job 25:6 How much less man, that is a worm? and the son of man which is a worm?
S Steven you do greatly err.. Luke 12 : 49 Jesus said i come to bring fire on the earth and what if it is already kindled...Steven he is talking to everybody we all need that BAPTISM OF THE H.G. and FIRE....His Fire..Which is spirit as God is Spirit...
Can you not understand that our God is a Consuming fire Hebrews 12 : 29 ....But our God is also Spirit....
......Steven its the result of the Cross that he will baptise us with the H.G. and fire...which is his love for humanity....Remember the H.G. was not yet given b/c that Jesus was not yet glorified....The Great Promise of the H.G. did not come till after the Cross.
The H.G. is that fire that we soo need...And the H.G. is his Judgement but the H.G. is also his love for humanity.
.....Steven even in the natural....We chastise our Kids simply b/c we love them....Our judgement/wrath is our love for our kids...God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son that whosover believeth on him will have eternal life....Steven I pray for you in Jesus name....You are eat up with hate and lies....Just yesterday i said its not his will that any should Parish but ALL SHOULD COME TO REPENTANCE..2 nd peter 3 : 9....Then you told us that the refiners fire and the fullers soap was done away with which is the H.G. and fire... Mal 3 : 2...STEVEN YOU ARE CONFUSED....Steven do you not see that the refiners fire is the H.G. that will neva be done away with ...ok smh ...GBU Steven....Judgement and love are attributes of the Father steven
The scripture such as Isaiah 66 and of course Rev. 22 along with the gospels make it clear that there is punishment for the wicked.
And of course Antichrist and the False Prophet are already in torment 1000 years before Satan meets his fate. For the believer; perhaps certain verses such as "if I make my bed in hell you are still with me" ( Psalm 139:8) would be for those who such as Jonah who literally may have been dead and under the earth while simultaneously in the whale as some would surmise. God's presence in some sense is there even with His wrath; but there is no comfort in that.
What should be considered here is that there is no love of righteousness for the wicked. A house cannot be indwelled with the Holy Spirit as resident unless a transformed heart takes place; and that in this life. Unregenerate man rarely blasphemies the Spirit as the Pharisees did (being the unforgiveable sin); but in the end it likely happens in the Tribulation. As Jeremiah 17:9 states the heart of man is despereately wicked; who can understand it? We are incapable of selfless love for the wicked; or loving Christ in our old nature. We have two alternatives; dying to self and renouncing our own wicked; hopeless state; or choosing to own our own wills and thus forever be stuck in our sin nature which simply means doing things OUR way. It is only an attempt in this life to avoid consequences of sin; not being affected because we have offended a Holy God; or true remorse and realization of our state before a Holy God. The Spirit reminds us of sin; righteousness and judgment to come. Without it; we cannot make sense of the fact that there is no good in us or our works; or that others we know and love apart from Christ are also doomed. We put our hopes in emotional affection for family or friends; alive or dead-oblivious to where they are spending their eternity. And all we see is evil in others and the world but cannot trust God will bring any good out of it.
Thank you Steven, You have spoken well here. Those who speak of universal salvation without a need for repentance and faith in Jesus are preaching another gospel than the one preached by Jesus, Pau, and the apostles. It is wise for believers not to heed such a "gospel" but expose it's errors like you have done here in this post.
I so appreciate how well you explained this matter here.
Amen. I agree with much that you have stated here in this thread.
I believe that we should all agree, that the Bible is God's Word, and I believe we are to read the words literally. Another good reason to read the bible in a literal manner is because Jesus Christ took it literally. From time to time, Jesus quotes directly from the OT. When Jesus was tempted by Satan in Luke 4, he answered using quotes from the OT., God's commands in Deuteronomy 6:13, 8:3, are literal, and Jesus used them in this manner.
So, if Jesus shows us in scripture that He took the bible literally, I believe we should too!
Even when it's a parable ir a allegory or what ever that spiritual insert will not make the Lord a killer or a crooked judge.
This type of onslaught is nothing new. I just ignore direct confrontation with this evil. And try to represent the majority of the Good people on this site so when new people come on they can take it serious instead think we all have those devilish views.
literal means without allegory or parable or metaphor....But without a parable our lord did not speak to them... Mark 4 : 34 kjv...Thus we cannot take the bible literal....Simply b/c its packed with parables and allegories and metaphors....Without a parable he spoke not unto them.....k
I realize there are parables, allegories, and metaphor's intertwined in the bible. But for the most part, there are also logical and literal explanations for most. When Jesus spoke in parables he also took His time to explain the logical meaning of the parables so that we can understand the meanings - in the literal sense! Correct? God wants us to understand His Word!
The book of Revelation is a good example of these allegories, of which you speak. We really can't hope to decipher the exact meaning of each of the Apocalyptic revelations, or the bizarre imagery, and symbolic representations of reality, but we can "literally interpret" some of it. Example: in reading Revelations we know that God is going to end this earth as we currently know it - and He has said he will create New Heavens and Earth. So if we are to believe God Words, then we are believing this literally - Correct?
When we start trying to read between the lines, emphasizing some scripture, and discarding other scripture, and molding the scripture to mean something that we "secretly envision", "seeing hidden meanings" that's taking a path that can lead to confusion, including distorting the bible scripture that would inevitably render the scriptures meaningless for most people to understand.
Lastly, I believe the Bible is God's Word to us, and He meant His Words to be believed by us - literally and completely.
Bro, Dan we cannot take the bible literally...The letter is a killer but the Spirit of the word is life...As Jesus said my words are SPIRIT and LIFE...Thats y he always spoke in parables....There things are hid from the wise and prudent but revealed unto Babes and sucklings which are Spirits...Baby Spirits...Which is that Child of Promise that has to be born in us via his seeds his words etc.
.....He has made us able ministers of the living Word....Not the written word a killer...The written word was the old covenant but the new covenant is the living Word...2 nd Cor...3 : 6 KJV
.....Thats y the new birth is in the SPIRIT....Simply b/c that good seed is spirit and life...The new COVENANT....Yielding a new innerman which is the H.G. that is SPIRIT....We war in the SPIRIT not in the flesh....We must be born again of the Spirit that new Covenant...Not the letter of the word that old covenant death.
....Yes Dan Jesus did quote from the O.T....But his words are the New Covenant much greater then the old Covenant. He wrote the New Covenant with is own blood....I will make a new Covenant with the house of Judah and ISRAEL...NOT ACCORDING TO THE COVENANT I MADE WITH THEIR FATHERS ETC...I will put my words n their hearts and minds and those WORDS are SPIRIT AND LIFE....And hid from the wise and prudent simply b/c they are of the Spirit...Thus not literal words....If his words were literal we wd not need the anointing to teach us Spritual things....The New Covenant.
......The Law and the Prophets were till John ( the literal word the LAW ) since that time the Kingdom of God is preached and all men press into it simply b/c its in the Spirit....Its not a literal Kingdom but a spritual kingdom....Which is the H.G.
For some, this isn't just being led astray by a false belief, it is promulgating a false belief given to them by Satan and refuse to repent. Perhaps they cannot. And so, I continue to pray for those who continue to repeat very unsound and damaging doctirnes.
This is nothing new, It takes conviction from the Holyspirit to repent. All can be done by us for the individual is pray for them. I've been busy the last couple of days.
I haven't read much of there material, Hardly any of Alex material, once I see my name then I just read maybe the first line and that's it. I'm very familiar with him and I'm sure it's just a repeat of something I've already heard from him.
But I will read and perhaps engage if he or Earl gave an answer to what I've asked several times.
"If a every sinner goes to heaven whether they believe or not why is it that they work so hard to pitch their point of view. Why is it so important to them that there message is accepted when salvation is never at stake?
We believe what we preach is vital to salvation and ones salvation is at stake pending on ones belief.
Romans 10:13-14. For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved.
How then shall they call on him in whom they have not BELIEVED? and how shall they BELIEVE in him of whom they have not heard? and how shall they hear without a preacher? THEREFORE WE PREACH.
Secondly concerning this business of fire. Have either used this passage of scriptures? If not I wonder why.
1 Corinthians 3:11-15. For other foundation can no man lay than that is laid, which is Jesus Christ.
Now if any man build upon this foundation gold, silver, precious stones, wood, hay, stubble;
Every man's work shall be made manifest: for the day shall declare it, because it shall be revealed by fire; and the fire shall try every man's work of what sort it is.
If any man's work abide which he hath built thereupon, he shall receive a reward.
If any man's work shall be burned, he shall suffer loss: but he himself shall be saved; yet so as by fire.
Perhaps because it's already symbolic and very well explained! It won't serve them well in their agenda. This speaks of conditions and works being tried to a already saved person. And it's clear to them as well. In other words it's hard to compromise these well explained verses to benefit them in their theology.
It's not mine nor Alex's message, it's God's message.
Man doctrine says believe and go to heaven, do not believe and go to hell.
God GOSPEL is, I'M going to raise all the dead back to their flesh, here on EARTH, none of them KNOW ME, I need WORKERS for my vineyard. RIGHTEOUS JUDGES, to bring all the lost into my kingdom.
God's gospel is; Come to MY TRUTH, and be a worker, a judge; INSTEAD OF being the ONE JUDGED.
You CANNOT be a Judge, if you don't believe that Christ IS GOING TO SAVE THE WORLD.
Concerning the gospel, you said Gods gospel is I'M going to raise all the dead back to their flesh, here on EARTH, none of them KNOW ME, I need WORKERS for my vineyard. RIGHTEOUS JUDGES, to bring all the lost into my kingdom.
You said God's gospel is Come to MY TRUTH, and be a worker, a judge; INSTEAD OF being the ONE JUDGED.
I see no mention of the cross, or the death and resurrection of Christ! INFACT NO MENTION OF JESUS AT ALL!
And you call what we believe "is man's doctrine"!!
Earl, you said man's doctrine says, "believe and go to heaven, do not believe and go to hell". You gave it to us "LITERAL." You indicate that's man's doctrine, and you were once deceived also.
Jesus LITERALLY says the exact same thing here in Mark 16:16. "He that believeth and is baptized shall be saved; but he that believeth not shall be damned."
Note: Baptism is a result of one believing, that's why in the second part of that verse it says he who believe not shall be damned. It doesn't say who is not baptized shall be damned, or he believe not and is not baptized shall be damned. BELIEF HERE INITIATES EVERYTHING. (An argument for another day on baptism).
You call it deception if we believe what Jesus literally said! Who deceived us, Jesus?
I don't get your reasoning; you say we are deceived, but whether we believe or not we go to heaven. Show me anywhere in scripture where deception doesn't have consequences. What's the purpose on you working so hard on changing our beliefs when believing doesn't have no bearing on salvation?
Right now, were talking not sharing scripture. OK? We don't agree on scripture at all. I can respect a conversation with you if you desire to have it. Alex doesn't talk to me; he responds to me, but Hes actually is talking to the forum.
I believe you are responding after reading what I wrote to sister Gigi. "But I will read and perhaps engage if he or Earl gave an answer to what I've asked several times."
Again, here is what I'm asking.
"If a every sinner goes to heaven whether they believe or not, why is it that they work so hard to pitch their point of view. Why is it so important to them that their message is accepted when salvation is never at stake?
We believe what we preach is vital to salvation and one's salvation is at stake pending on one's belief.
Your belief is the complete opposite, (all will be saved no matter what.)
You stated. "God GOSPEL is, I'M going to raise all the dead back to their flesh, here on EARTH, none of them KNOW ME, I need WORKERS for my vineyard. RIGHTEOUS JUDGES, to bring all the lost into my kingdom.
God's gospel is Come to MY TRUTH, and be a worker, a judge; INSTEAD OF being the ONE JUDGED"
You also stated We " you and Alex" ALSO were ONCE DECEIVED.
You state this as if there is a condition to being saved when you say "INSTEAD OF being the ONE JUDGED" but you say all is going to be saved!
You are conscious of one being deceived. So what? according to you deception doesn't keep you out of Hell anyway. There's no need to believe anything, just live. Whether you kill or be killed, whether you worship and honor God or an Idol it makes no difference, we all suffer the same fate.
And again, Earl no scriptures. We don't agree on scripture. just an explanation.
S Spencer let me have your attention just a minute PLZ I love ya but ..There is a time element involved when that book is gona be opened...Its was after the book was opened that they sang a New SONG Rev 5 : 9 kjv ...Then the woman goes into travail and birth pains And humanity is the woman the world as Jesus said the field is the world where that good seed will be sown...And this has to happen no matter what you or I believe...Even Jeremiah saw ALL men in travail and birth pains Jeremiah 30 : 6 ...But the book has to be opened 1st...Simply b/c the contents of that book are the seeds of the sower that is gonna impregnate this whole world...Thus the babes and suckling he mentions....Remember Jesus said the good seeds are the words of God ( the book ) in the fathers right hand....But we cannot do anything till the book is opened but rejoice every second thanking God for the lamb of God and that baptism of the H.G. and FIRE...
......Steven we are NOT our own we are ALL bought with a price his blood which means every sinner has to have his part in the lake of fire...Wither he wants it or not its Gods JUDGEMENT AND HIS LOVE for humanity ...That FIRE is his words as he told Jeremiah i will make the WORDS in your mouth as FIRE and this ppl the wood....As our God is a Consuming fire and the word is God that new Covenant his (words of life)...Remember Paul didn't want any part of Christ...he was antichrist...murdering folks that even believed in Christ...But God saved him anyway...So we rejoice in the lord every day b/c of what he did at calvary and his baptism of the H.G. AND FIRE..That refiners fire and fullers soap...As Jesus said if i be lifted up i will draw all men unto me.
.....The bible cd not even refer to Jesus as the 2 nd ADAM if his spot and stain ( his blood ) were not applied to everyman no exceptions.. The curse of 1 st ADAM was applied to all men no exceptions...Thank God for that lake of fire it simply a lake of Godliness...as our God is a Consuming fire.
You said I never answer your question about everyone going to heaven,
No one goes to heaven in the sense that the church believes.
Nowhere in the prophecies does it teach heaven is man's abode.
It teaches a Kingdom. This why the first children missed out. They were looking for the wrong kind of kingdom.
For sixty five years I believed exactly like you believe today.
I know, you know that the Holy Spirit works in each of as as HE sees fit.
Christ shut every door, and caused me to spend hundreds of hours studying mostly the Law and Prophets.
I come to understand that repentance has more to do with coming to truth than sins of the flesh; already forgiven.
I had to repent hundreds of times.
I though I had found truth; and then a scripture would contradict what I believed, I would repent of that belief.
Then over and over repenting, till the scriptures aligned together.
What make the difference in our beliefs is whether we are in the first resurrection of the second resurrection.
I can tell you from my experience in the Holy Spirit teaching me; until I repented of my belief in hell, and that all would be children of God, very little truth was revealed to me.
You are right, I said you have not answered my question after I asked multiple times.
I didn't ask you about everyone going to heaven, we have heard that multiple times all year.
Here are copies of what I asked.
1) "If a every sinner goes to heaven whether they believe or not, why is it that they work so hard to pitch their point of view. Why is it so important to them that their message is accepted when salvation is never at stake?
We believe what we preach is vital to salvation and one's salvation is at stake pending on ones belief.
2) "If a every sinner goes to heaven whether they believe or not, why is it that they work so hard to pitch their point of view. Why is it so important to them that their message is accepted when salvation is never at stake?
3) You are conscious of one being deceived. So what? according to you deception doesn't keep you out of Hell anyway. There's no need to believe anything, just live. Whether you kill or be killed, whether you worship and honor God or an Idol it makes no difference, we all suffer the same fate.
S Steven let me remind you of Luke 4 : 24...And 2 nd COR 3 : 6....Which teaches us we cannot worship God in the literal with our carnal minds etc ...The letter is a killer, we must worship God in the Spirit as the Spirt is life that new Covenant.
.....God is spirit and them that worship him must worship him in SPIRIT and truth for the Father seeketh such to worship him.
.....He does not seek carnally minded ppl to worship him...Remember when he was in Jerusalem on the feast day many believed in his name when they saw the miracles he did. But Jesus did not commit himself unto them b/c he knew ALL men and needed not that any should testify of man....Which is mans Adamic nature his Carnal mind etc...mans literal understanding of the Scripture.....He has made us unto our God able ministers of the New COVENANT. Not of the letter ( the literal )..The letter is a killer but the spirit giveth life.
.....In the O.T. it was literal Moses's face was glorious...As the law was the written word...But the O.Covenant was done away with as far as the law....The law was replaced with a New Covenant that is by the blood of the lamb.....John the bap. was of the tribe of Levi but he was preaching behold the lamb of God that taketh away the sins of the world....Not the blood of bulls and goats etc....The O.C...Now the living word is written in our hearts which is in the Spirit, the in Dwelling of the H.G. via the his good seed the living word....
S Steven I love ya but you do greatly err, Here you are talking about corruption and incorruption...Not understanding that we ALL must be bornagain of an incorruptible seed....Even by the words of God as Peter says in 1st Peter 1: 23...kjv...Didn't our lord tell us you are made CLEAN by the WORD i have spoken unto you....Which is that New Covenant that is ALL inclusive....I will KNOW them ALL from the least to the greatest ....And knowledge shall cover the earth as the waters cover the seas Isaiah 11 ...How can you not see that this New Covenant is all inclusive....I was found of them that sought me NOT and was made manifest unto them that asked not after ME. Isaiah 65 : 1 kjv....And if in this LIFE only we have hope in Christ we are of all men most miserable 1 ST Cor. 15 : 16 ...There is another life, another world after this one as Jesus tells us....In this life there are few that are saved...billions have neva heard the name of JESUS....But in the life to come...In the world to come....B/c of the Cross that new covenant everybody will be washed in the blood of the lamb....Thats y Jesus is saying the hr. is coming when ALL that are in the graves shall hear my voice and come forth to the ressurection of life or damnation....Our old adamic nature is in rank with Satan the TARES that is gonna be damned..The tares are burned but the wheat is taken to his barn...His kINGDOM.
.....Steven Jesus was Flesh and blood and he IS the Kingdom of God.
Steven if ya study the New COVENANT you will see its ALL Gods doings....They shall NO more teach their neighbors and their friends KNOW THE LORD....They shall ALL know me from the least to the greatest... Jeremiah 31 : 34 kjv...There is not gonna be a NEED for Evangelists. Teachers and Preachers etc...And no more temples made with hands...As that manchild the H.G that Child of Promise is gonna Rule ALL nations....There is gona be a new heaven and a new earth and no more seas of humanity that has not been washed in his blood. GBU
Ether way I don't wish this on no one!
Hebrews 10:26-31.
That's one reason why we preach the cross Continuously! There's blessings and on the other hand There's consequences therefore we preach repentance.
If there's no damnable consequences why preach?
We've been given an urge to preach God's grace. OUR MESSAGE HAS VIRTUE! IT IS SALVATION!!
It has eternal security for the believer! and it has the ONLY escape from Hell. It brings those out of darkness.
If there is another Gospel out there that don't have repentance, Holiness, no wrath of God and no hell. THEN IT CAN'T HAVE SALVATION. " What are you saved from? And if all go to heaven no matter what. Why do you preach and stand in the way of THE Gospel that we preach? It shouldn't bother you unless we have opposing spirits.
Here's what that heresy looks like .
They treat wrath as if it's reward. This is a errored teaching against the effects of the cross.
It speaks in this manner, "Forget the cross, We needs God's wrath!
Forget Holllyness, do evil so we can be thrown in the lake of fire and be purified.
It says Jesus died in vain!
It says God Love on display when Christ died on the cross was pointless.
They look at John 3:16. and
John 15:13, They don't say thank you Lord, They say it was unnecessary.
There's no preaching forgiveness for sins to those who trust In Christ, It says hell and the punishment reserved for Satan and his Angels is what you need.
Here's a direct quote from one just a few days ago "
.....Every sinner will have their part in the lake of fire....thank you Jesus that is what we ALL NEED....His baptism of the HG and Fire.
That's their Goodnews/Gospel.
They say this is from God but they can't take that to their local Church. But they come on the site to attack the truth.
Romans 10:15.
Mark 16:15.
God bless."
They say that flesh carries man's sinful nature. Which is true. They use this verse to validate their belief that Hell is a symbol of the refining fire and man must die and brought through that fire to enter the kingdom.
Here's the verse.
Now this I say, brethren, that flesh and blood cannot inherit the kingdom of God; neither doth corruption inherit incorruption. 1 Corinthians 15:50.
But they leave these verses out.
1 Corinthians 15:51-54. Behold, I shew you a mystery;... WE SHALL NOT ALL SLEEP,...BUT WE SHALL ALL BE CHANGED,
In a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trump: for the trumpet shall sound, and the dead shall be raised incorruptible, AND WE SHALL BE CHANGED.
For this corruptible must put on incorruption, and this mortal must put on immortality.
So when this corruptible shall have put on incorruption, and this mortal shall have put on immortality, then shall be brought to pass the saying that is written, Death is swallowed up in victory.
We know this as the rapture.
But did you notice what's missing in those being raptured? No Death! and No fire! They shall forever be with the Lord. 1 Thessalonians 4:17.
Now let's go back and look at another hole in their theology concerning Kingdom.
They say the Kingdom of God started 2000 years ago. They use this verse to make their point.
Matthew 4:17 From that time Jesus began to preach, and to say, Repent: for the kingdom of heaven is at hand.
But when preaching about Hell they use this verse. 1 Corinthians 15:50 Now this I say, brethren, that flesh and blood CANNOT INHERIT THE KINGDOM OF GOD; neither doth corruption inherit incorruption.
Expect some more spiritualizing to cover up the errors.
God bless.
.....God is spirit and them that worship him must worship him in SPIRIT and truth for the Father seeketh such to worship him.
.....He does not seek carnally minded ppl to worship him...Remember when he was in Jerusalem on the feast day many believed in his name when they saw the miracles he did. But Jesus did not commit himself unto them b/c he knew ALL men and needed not that any should testify of man....Which is mans Adamic nature his Carnal mind etc...mans literal understanding of the Scripture.....He has made us unto our God able ministers of the New COVENANT. Not of the letter ( the literal )..The letter is a killer but the spirit giveth life.
.....In the O.T. it was literal Moses's face was glorious...As the law was the written word...But the O.Covenant was done away with as far as the law....The law was replaced with a New Covenant that is by the blood of the lamb.....John the bap. was of the tribe of Levi but he was preaching behold the lamb of God that taketh away the sins of the world....Not the blood of bulls and goats etc....The O.C...Now the living word is written in our hearts which is in the Spirit, the in Dwelling of the H.G. via the his good seed the living word....
Yep, there will be the usual unprofitable spiritualizing to put up another smokescreen rather than admit they are in error nor repent. I have been praying for those who continue to re-iterate the same errors over and over again as if this will somehow make them true. But we know that God is not mocked. Have a good night. Off to bed.
But we know that some will not do so, trusting their own fallen minds and hearts and saying these are being led by the Spirit and they don't need anyone else to help them understand the Scripture.
Also, You and I and most likely others know that when Paul was talking about the letter killing in 2 Corinthians 3:6, he was talking about the O.T. Law (verses 3-11 to read the quoted Scripture by Alex in context) which condemns all of us because we have all broken this law, therefore bringing the penalty of sin on us, which is death.
Paul was not speaking of the written words of Scripture in both the O.T. and the N.T., otherwise the Scriptures that record the words of our Savior, Jesus, would be lethal, too, but He said that His Words are Spirit and Life ( John 6:63). We know this is not true. And we know that those who say that Paul was referring to the written words (letters) of Scripture kills are using this illogical view as a smokescreen to excuse themselves from refutation and to give creedance to the erroneous way they interpret much of Scripture as being allegorical, prophetic, and illustrative of deeper, hidden meanings and the way they mish-mash isolated Scriptures together, spattered with their erroneus interpretations to create a narrative that (like you said) rarely makes sense, is illogical, and does violence to the actual God-inspired Words He had the writers write with the context and genres He directed them to write.
Thank you for your response to A. I appreciate that you did.
Thanks for your reply, and it's always so nice to hear from you.
I appreciate all of your input on all of the various biblical scriptures, and always find your posts on point, knowledgeable, and very informative.
I also concur with you regarding Paul, 2 Cor 3:6 I too, also believe that Paul is referring directly to the OT law per this scripture. In my mind I believe Paul was emphasizing the New Covenant was not of the law, but of Christs Gospel. This New Gospel is the "Good News" that, if we hear it, and take it to heart, we will live it, and if we truly live it - will be also be conforming with Gods laws, thereby receiving Life rather than death.
God Bless.
.....Steven you have contempt for that lake of fire...That refiners fire and fullers soap which is the H.G...Baptism of the H.G. and Fire....You do not realize its what we need is that cleansing fire....Satan fears that refiners fire and fullers soap....its the end of his kingdom that is within us...Its an internal fire as we need to be washed internally..Water Baptism is an external washing but to be baptised with the H.G. AND FIRE IS INTERNAL...As our new heart and new spirit is internal.
....What he did at Calvary is for everybody and anybody....When we yet sinners Christ died for us ALL of US
...The very fact that he makes his rain and his sun to shine on every person, no exceptions....Proves we are all gonna be saved in the end....Jesus cd not teach us to forgive our debtors if he didn't forgive all his debtors humanity this world..
...When his blood dropped on the earth its was just prophetic that this whole world is gonna be made clean by his BLOOD...Thats y he said if i belifted up i will draw ALL men unto me.
...In Adam we all died but in Christ we will ALL live...The scripture cd not even refer to Christ as being that 2 nd Adam if his blood was not applied to every man....AUTOMATICALLY IN THE END WHEN THE BOOK IS OPENED....The vert fact that Paul a murderer was saved when he didn't even have salvation on his mind proves God is gonna save every person in the end...He is gonna pour out his spirit on all flesh wither ya want it or not..As mans carnal mind is not subject to the laws of God AND NEITHER INDEED CAN BE...Thus its gona be to everybody everyman. GBU
If you mind me saying, I see those scriptures the way you do.
Isaiah 66 speaks on the millennium. Job and Hebrews don't connect to those verses at all.
I'm going to do a comment on Isaiah 66on a new thread.
God bless.
I see those scriptures the way you do. Im
This is a Prophecy, and it contradicts your understanding of the parable of Lazarus and the rich man.
Isaiah 66:23 And it shall COME TO PASS, that from one new moon to another, and from one sabbath to another, shall ALL FLESH come to WORSHIP before me, saith the Lord.
Isaiah 66:24 And they (all flesh, worshipping God) shall go forth and look upon the carcases of the men (themselves) that have transgressed against me; for their (all flesh, worshipping God) worm shall not die, neither shall their (all flesh, worshipping God) fire be quenched, and they (all flesh, worshipping God) shall be an abhorring to all flesh (themselves).
Job 25:6 How much less man, that is a worm? and the son of man which is a worm?
Hebrews 12:29 For our God is a consuming fire.
God Bless YOU!
Can you not understand that our God is a Consuming fire Hebrews 12 : 29 ....But our God is also Spirit....
......Steven its the result of the Cross that he will baptise us with the H.G. and fire...which is his love for humanity....Remember the H.G. was not yet given b/c that Jesus was not yet glorified....The Great Promise of the H.G. did not come till after the Cross.
The H.G. is that fire that we soo need...And the H.G. is his Judgement but the H.G. is also his love for humanity.
.....Steven even in the natural....We chastise our Kids simply b/c we love them....Our judgement/wrath is our love for our kids...God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son that whosover believeth on him will have eternal life....Steven I pray for you in Jesus name....You are eat up with hate and lies....Just yesterday i said its not his will that any should Parish but ALL SHOULD COME TO REPENTANCE..2 nd peter 3 : 9....Then you told us that the refiners fire and the fullers soap was done away with which is the H.G. and fire... Mal 3 : 2...STEVEN YOU ARE CONFUSED....Steven do you not see that the refiners fire is the H.G. that will neva be done away with ...ok smh ...GBU Steven....Judgement and love are attributes of the Father steven
Thank you
And of course Antichrist and the False Prophet are already in torment 1000 years before Satan meets his fate. For the believer; perhaps certain verses such as "if I make my bed in hell you are still with me" ( Psalm 139:8) would be for those who such as Jonah who literally may have been dead and under the earth while simultaneously in the whale as some would surmise. God's presence in some sense is there even with His wrath; but there is no comfort in that.
What should be considered here is that there is no love of righteousness for the wicked. A house cannot be indwelled with the Holy Spirit as resident unless a transformed heart takes place; and that in this life. Unregenerate man rarely blasphemies the Spirit as the Pharisees did (being the unforgiveable sin); but in the end it likely happens in the Tribulation. As Jeremiah 17:9 states the heart of man is despereately wicked; who can understand it? We are incapable of selfless love for the wicked; or loving Christ in our old nature. We have two alternatives; dying to self and renouncing our own wicked; hopeless state; or choosing to own our own wills and thus forever be stuck in our sin nature which simply means doing things OUR way. It is only an attempt in this life to avoid consequences of sin; not being affected because we have offended a Holy God; or true remorse and realization of our state before a Holy God. The Spirit reminds us of sin; righteousness and judgment to come. Without it; we cannot make sense of the fact that there is no good in us or our works; or that others we know and love apart from Christ are also doomed. We put our hopes in emotional affection for family or friends; alive or dead-oblivious to where they are spending their eternity. And all we see is evil in others and the world but cannot trust God will bring any good out of it.
Great truths God bless you.
I so appreciate how well you explained this matter here.
There's so much going on in the world today with all of the evil in front of us. The invasion in Ukraine,
The murders of those kids in Texas and all over the world it gets worse and worse. Turn to God, repentance and the wrath of God should be preached.
What do the scripture say about fear the Lord? Alot!!
What I think is most evil is they don't believe in it, Why does it bother them that we preach it?
Better yet why come on here where the extreme majority believe in atleast Satan. Maybe slightly less in Hell.
It's to much evil in the world to try and encourage a sinner by way of telling him he's going to heaven regardless.
Let me be clear, This doesn't seem like individuals being deceived! It seems a lot worse than that!
It takes energy for one to be this far off the fundamentals of the faith!!
God bless.
Amen. I agree with much that you have stated here in this thread.
I believe that we should all agree, that the Bible is God's Word, and I believe we are to read the words literally. Another good reason to read the bible in a literal manner is because Jesus Christ took it literally. From time to time, Jesus quotes directly from the OT. When Jesus was tempted by Satan in Luke 4, he answered using quotes from the OT., God's commands in Deuteronomy 6:13, 8:3, are literal, and Jesus used them in this manner.
So, if Jesus shows us in scripture that He took the bible literally, I believe we should too!
God Bless.
Even when it's a parable ir a allegory or what ever that spiritual insert will not make the Lord a killer or a crooked judge.
This type of onslaught is nothing new. I just ignore direct confrontation with this evil. And try to represent the majority of the Good people on this site so when new people come on they can take it serious instead think we all have those devilish views.
Thanks and God bless.
I realize there are parables, allegories, and metaphor's intertwined in the bible. But for the most part, there are also logical and literal explanations for most. When Jesus spoke in parables he also took His time to explain the logical meaning of the parables so that we can understand the meanings - in the literal sense! Correct? God wants us to understand His Word!
The book of Revelation is a good example of these allegories, of which you speak. We really can't hope to decipher the exact meaning of each of the Apocalyptic revelations, or the bizarre imagery, and symbolic representations of reality, but we can "literally interpret" some of it. Example: in reading Revelations we know that God is going to end this earth as we currently know it - and He has said he will create New Heavens and Earth. So if we are to believe God Words, then we are believing this literally - Correct?
When we start trying to read between the lines, emphasizing some scripture, and discarding other scripture, and molding the scripture to mean something that we "secretly envision", "seeing hidden meanings" that's taking a path that can lead to confusion, including distorting the bible scripture that would inevitably render the scriptures meaningless for most people to understand.
Lastly, I believe the Bible is God's Word to us, and He meant His Words to be believed by us - literally and completely.
God Bless.
Please see my response above in this thread. I think I hit the wrong reply button.
.....He has made us able ministers of the living Word....Not the written word a killer...The written word was the old covenant but the new covenant is the living Word...2 nd Cor...3 : 6 KJV
.....Thats y the new birth is in the SPIRIT....Simply b/c that good seed is spirit and life...The new COVENANT....Yielding a new innerman which is the H.G. that is SPIRIT....We war in the SPIRIT not in the flesh....We must be born again of the Spirit that new Covenant...Not the letter of the word that old covenant death.
....Yes Dan Jesus did quote from the O.T....But his words are the New Covenant much greater then the old Covenant. He wrote the New Covenant with is own blood....I will make a new Covenant with the house of Judah and ISRAEL...NOT ACCORDING TO THE COVENANT I MADE WITH THEIR FATHERS ETC...I will put my words n their hearts and minds and those WORDS are SPIRIT AND LIFE....And hid from the wise and prudent simply b/c they are of the Spirit...Thus not literal words....If his words were literal we wd not need the anointing to teach us Spritual things....The New Covenant.
......The Law and the Prophets were till John ( the literal word the LAW ) since that time the Kingdom of God is preached and all men press into it simply b/c its in the Spirit....Its not a literal Kingdom but a spritual kingdom....Which is the H.G.
For some, this isn't just being led astray by a false belief, it is promulgating a false belief given to them by Satan and refuse to repent. Perhaps they cannot. And so, I continue to pray for those who continue to repeat very unsound and damaging doctirnes.
I believe you hit the nail right on the head.
This is nothing new, It takes conviction from the Holyspirit to repent. All can be done by us for the individual is pray for them. I've been busy the last couple of days.
I will share some more tonight.
God bless.
I haven't read much of there material, Hardly any of Alex material, once I see my name then I just read maybe the first line and that's it. I'm very familiar with him and I'm sure it's just a repeat of something I've already heard from him.
But I will read and perhaps engage if he or Earl gave an answer to what I've asked several times.
"If a every sinner goes to heaven whether they believe or not why is it that they work so hard to pitch their point of view. Why is it so important to them that there message is accepted when salvation is never at stake?
We believe what we preach is vital to salvation and ones salvation is at stake pending on ones belief.
Romans 10:13-14. For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved.
How then shall they call on him in whom they have not BELIEVED? and how shall they BELIEVE in him of whom they have not heard? and how shall they hear without a preacher? THEREFORE WE PREACH.
Secondly concerning this business of fire. Have either used this passage of scriptures? If not I wonder why.
1 Corinthians 3:11-15. For other foundation can no man lay than that is laid, which is Jesus Christ.
Now if any man build upon this foundation gold, silver, precious stones, wood, hay, stubble;
Every man's work shall be made manifest: for the day shall declare it, because it shall be revealed by fire; and the fire shall try every man's work of what sort it is.
If any man's work abide which he hath built thereupon, he shall receive a reward.
If any man's work shall be burned, he shall suffer loss: but he himself shall be saved; yet so as by fire.
Perhaps because it's already symbolic and very well explained! It won't serve them well in their agenda. This speaks of conditions and works being tried to a already saved person. And it's clear to them as well. In other words it's hard to compromise these well explained verses to benefit them in their theology.
So their is no Integrity in their reasoning.
God bless.
Another thing, when you are studying, be honest. and ask yourself, did I learn this from man, or did God teach me.
It's hard to admit that our parents, and pastors, and Sunday school teachers could have taught us wrong.
But they unknowingly were taught wrong, it becomes a chain reaction.
Just like the religions of the world teach their children from the cradle, their beliefs; these are very hard to overcome.
God Bless You!
You are also a man.
It's not mine nor Alex's message, it's God's message.
Man doctrine says believe and go to heaven, do not believe and go to hell.
God GOSPEL is, I'M going to raise all the dead back to their flesh, here on EARTH, none of them KNOW ME, I need WORKERS for my vineyard. RIGHTEOUS JUDGES, to bring all the lost into my kingdom.
God's gospel is; Come to MY TRUTH, and be a worker, a judge; INSTEAD OF being the ONE JUDGED.
You CANNOT be a Judge, if you don't believe that Christ IS GOING TO SAVE THE WORLD.
Amos 3:3 Can TWO walk together and NOT AGREE.
All the PROPHECIES are of a KINGDOM, not A PLACE.
Alex and I are NOT AGAINST YOU, we are FOR YOU.
Concerning the gospel, you said Gods gospel is I'M going to raise all the dead back to their flesh, here on EARTH, none of them KNOW ME, I need WORKERS for my vineyard. RIGHTEOUS JUDGES, to bring all the lost into my kingdom.
You said God's gospel is Come to MY TRUTH, and be a worker, a judge; INSTEAD OF being the ONE JUDGED.
I see no mention of the cross, or the death and resurrection of Christ! INFACT NO MENTION OF JESUS AT ALL!
And you call what we believe "is man's doctrine"!!
What do you believe it means to be the image of God.
A new creation in Christ Jesus.
As we are one, that they may be one.
Flesh and blood cannot inherit the next age.
God Bless You!
Jesus LITERALLY says the exact same thing here in Mark 16:16. "He that believeth and is baptized shall be saved; but he that believeth not shall be damned."
Note: Baptism is a result of one believing, that's why in the second part of that verse it says he who believe not shall be damned. It doesn't say who is not baptized shall be damned, or he believe not and is not baptized shall be damned. BELIEF HERE INITIATES EVERYTHING. (An argument for another day on baptism).
You call it deception if we believe what Jesus literally said! Who deceived us, Jesus?
I don't get your reasoning; you say we are deceived, but whether we believe or not we go to heaven. Show me anywhere in scripture where deception doesn't have consequences. What's the purpose on you working so hard on changing our beliefs when believing doesn't have no bearing on salvation?
Thanks for your reply.
Right now, were talking not sharing scripture. OK? We don't agree on scripture at all. I can respect a conversation with you if you desire to have it. Alex doesn't talk to me; he responds to me, but Hes actually is talking to the forum.
I believe you are responding after reading what I wrote to sister Gigi. "But I will read and perhaps engage if he or Earl gave an answer to what I've asked several times."
Again, here is what I'm asking.
"If a every sinner goes to heaven whether they believe or not, why is it that they work so hard to pitch their point of view. Why is it so important to them that their message is accepted when salvation is never at stake?
We believe what we preach is vital to salvation and one's salvation is at stake pending on one's belief.
Your belief is the complete opposite, (all will be saved no matter what.)
You stated. "God GOSPEL is, I'M going to raise all the dead back to their flesh, here on EARTH, none of them KNOW ME, I need WORKERS for my vineyard. RIGHTEOUS JUDGES, to bring all the lost into my kingdom.
God's gospel is Come to MY TRUTH, and be a worker, a judge; INSTEAD OF being the ONE JUDGED"
You also stated We " you and Alex" ALSO were ONCE DECEIVED.
You state this as if there is a condition to being saved when you say "INSTEAD OF being the ONE JUDGED" but you say all is going to be saved!
You are conscious of one being deceived. So what? according to you deception doesn't keep you out of Hell anyway. There's no need to believe anything, just live. Whether you kill or be killed, whether you worship and honor God or an Idol it makes no difference, we all suffer the same fate.
And again, Earl no scriptures. We don't agree on scripture. just an explanation.
I'm standing by.
......Steven we are NOT our own we are ALL bought with a price his blood which means every sinner has to have his part in the lake of fire...Wither he wants it or not its Gods JUDGEMENT AND HIS LOVE for humanity ...That FIRE is his words as he told Jeremiah i will make the WORDS in your mouth as FIRE and this ppl the wood....As our God is a Consuming fire and the word is God that new Covenant his (words of life)...Remember Paul didn't want any part of Christ...he was antichrist...murdering folks that even believed in Christ...But God saved him anyway...So we rejoice in the lord every day b/c of what he did at calvary and his baptism of the H.G. AND FIRE..That refiners fire and fullers soap...As Jesus said if i be lifted up i will draw all men unto me.
.....The bible cd not even refer to Jesus as the 2 nd ADAM if his spot and stain ( his blood ) were not applied to everyman no exceptions.. The curse of 1 st ADAM was applied to all men no exceptions...Thank God for that lake of fire it simply a lake of Godliness...as our God is a Consuming fire.
You said I never answer your question about everyone going to heaven,
No one goes to heaven in the sense that the church believes.
Nowhere in the prophecies does it teach heaven is man's abode.
It teaches a Kingdom. This why the first children missed out. They were looking for the wrong kind of kingdom.
For sixty five years I believed exactly like you believe today.
I know, you know that the Holy Spirit works in each of as as HE sees fit.
Christ shut every door, and caused me to spend hundreds of hours studying mostly the Law and Prophets.
I come to understand that repentance has more to do with coming to truth than sins of the flesh; already forgiven.
I had to repent hundreds of times.
I though I had found truth; and then a scripture would contradict what I believed, I would repent of that belief.
Then over and over repenting, till the scriptures aligned together.
What make the difference in our beliefs is whether we are in the first resurrection of the second resurrection.
I can tell you from my experience in the Holy Spirit teaching me; until I repented of my belief in hell, and that all would be children of God, very little truth was revealed to me.
This took two years.
All the answer to Revelation are in God's word.
We are Brothers.
God Bless YOU!
You are right, I said you have not answered my question after I asked multiple times.
I didn't ask you about everyone going to heaven, we have heard that multiple times all year.
Here are copies of what I asked.
1) "If a every sinner goes to heaven whether they believe or not, why is it that they work so hard to pitch their point of view. Why is it so important to them that their message is accepted when salvation is never at stake?
We believe what we preach is vital to salvation and one's salvation is at stake pending on ones belief.
2) "If a every sinner goes to heaven whether they believe or not, why is it that they work so hard to pitch their point of view. Why is it so important to them that their message is accepted when salvation is never at stake?
3) You are conscious of one being deceived. So what? according to you deception doesn't keep you out of Hell anyway. There's no need to believe anything, just live. Whether you kill or be killed, whether you worship and honor God or an Idol it makes no difference, we all suffer the same fate.
.....God is spirit and them that worship him must worship him in SPIRIT and truth for the Father seeketh such to worship him.
.....He does not seek carnally minded ppl to worship him...Remember when he was in Jerusalem on the feast day many believed in his name when they saw the miracles he did. But Jesus did not commit himself unto them b/c he knew ALL men and needed not that any should testify of man....Which is mans Adamic nature his Carnal mind etc...mans literal understanding of the Scripture.....He has made us unto our God able ministers of the New COVENANT. Not of the letter ( the literal )..The letter is a killer but the spirit giveth life.
.....In the O.T. it was literal Moses's face was glorious...As the law was the written word...But the O.Covenant was done away with as far as the law....The law was replaced with a New Covenant that is by the blood of the lamb.....John the bap. was of the tribe of Levi but he was preaching behold the lamb of God that taketh away the sins of the world....Not the blood of bulls and goats etc....The O.C...Now the living word is written in our hearts which is in the Spirit, the in Dwelling of the H.G. via the his good seed the living word....
.....Steven Jesus was Flesh and blood and he IS the Kingdom of God.
Steven if ya study the New COVENANT you will see its ALL Gods doings....They shall NO more teach their neighbors and their friends KNOW THE LORD....They shall ALL know me from the least to the greatest... Jeremiah 31 : 34 kjv...There is not gonna be a NEED for Evangelists. Teachers and Preachers etc...And no more temples made with hands...As that manchild the H.G that Child of Promise is gonna Rule ALL nations....There is gona be a new heaven and a new earth and no more seas of humanity that has not been washed in his blood. GBU
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