Bible Discussion Thread

  • Larry B. on Revelation 11 - 2 years ago
    The Jews is continuing its efforts to ruin the worship in Jerusalem let's hope and pray that this does not grow big

    Rev 11;7
  • Streetpreacher - In Reply on Revelation 11 - 2 years ago
    Jesus trusted us "to pray for the peace of Jerusalem."

    They are surrounded on all sides by their enemies. We are all seeing the End Times fulfilled in our lifetime. At this moment in time, we Gentiles are the Elect.

    ( Galatians 3). We are being given time, to be grafted into the Vine.

    As prophesy unfolds, we are going to see them attacked. Now, American media has seen fit to exclude daily reporting of unfolding events in Israel. That's why I let people know of a born again Jewish reporter, that gives daily reports on what is happening in Israel. His name is Erick Stackelbeck & he's on YouTube. Subscribe so you can be informed of daily events in Jerusalem and all over Israel.

    Unfortunately the Palestinians have flooded YouTube with their teachings of a leader named Mahdi, that will appear to them and lead them against all (non-Palestinian) infidels. They're getting ready for war. Take a brief look at some of their videos. The hatred is shocking.

    I don't know why our current leaders in Wash DC are funding the Palestinians now, and de-funding Israel? Since USA's inception in colonial times, now our leaders are acting anti-Israel. We must elect leaders that actually know Bible Prophesy. Follow Erick Stakelbeck on his channel. We are living in confusing times.

    It's getting more dangerous to tour the Holylands. Their are disasters, landslides and quakes in Palestinian regions. I see it on Two Preachers youtube site. They do outreach to India and Pakistan.

    Everyone have a blessed holiday. Life jackets for the little ones :D
  • Free - In Reply on Revelation 11 - 2 years ago
    Beloved "Larry B." in peace, no one man can stand against the Lord so much. Or shall we say, for so long. It is probably not the Jews who are destroying Jerusalem. remember that the Gentiles have trodden there for over 2000 years. The Jews love Jerusalem. They defend Jerusalem, with prayer and fasting every day, for Jerusalem. In fact, i thought about it today. What are the Jews made of since they still year after year manage and stand in everything they do, without the Holy Spirit as we have. And think about what they have experienced over the years.

    Think of the injustice they have experienced. Who do you think caused it? Look at all the hatred and destruction. That ignorant people distort the word of God. It's a shame to say it, but it's needed. There are even Christians who oppose the Jews! None of them have hurt me!

    Repent, dear friend, see and love the Jews because they have given us the Bible, the Holy Scriptures, which is the Living Word! Romans 1:16-17 See also that those who do not see Jesus live under the law. There we are lucky you! It is the Jews who have arranged that matter for us, in a way. And because in the eyes of God, the Jews are the cornerstones like us.

    But there is nothing we can do without Jesus. So here no one should boast because everything is by grace.

    I love the Jews they are a special people who are beautiful creatures before God and all people on earth.

    When we talk about the Jerusalem of the earth today. It is full of confessions of all faiths and all will glorify God in their own way. It is a song of praise that is heard from the Jerusalem of the earth from every language on earth. It's an experience and see it. The Jews are not to blame for any misery. They are defenders of God and His Word, just as i am. Rather remember that where the eye stone is, so is the enemy. And there are many of them in Jerusalem! Still, but one day everything will be put in order and that is the day we are waiting for. Jeremiah 29.11 Love u in Christ

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