Like Job, God let the devil on me while I was still good. I compare it to Jesus taking a lamb and throwing it into a pen with wolfs who attack it. And while being attacked the lamb looks up at Jesus and cries for help but Jesus turns his back. I feel that happened to me. God eventually removed the devil from attacking Job. But he seemed to forget he put the devil on me. Decades later at age 57 I am now covered with sin from being overwhelmed by God lack of presence in my life despite searching for him. Various times I gave up and my faith concluded perhaps there is no God or he just doesn't care or has already written me off. And when I earnestly try to regain my faith and come back there is still emptiness. My life has been stagnation, loneliness, failure, broken dreams. No friends, no wife, no home of my own, scraping by financially. No matter how hard I try supernatural blocks are placed before me to prevent progress. I'm forced to watch peers from high school gain fruit. I go on facebook and see they are married, have kids, a house, vacation while I'm still stuck behind. I even see generations pass me by as I see my siblings living large. Wonderful life milestones. I watch my brother climb up the ladder in life, marry, have kids, then see his kids graduate, get married, have kids, buy a house. Meanwhile I'm 57 years old and still stuck. I fear I will live this hellacious life only to then die and go to Hell for God seems not to be with me. What gives? Please pray God will restore the years the locust have eaten and end this horror show.
Mike, are you born again? We must be indwelled w the Holy Ghost (Spirit) as it is the promise. This is a supernatural birth from above. He will teach you all truth.
Lord God, I pray for Mike your son, my brother in Christ Lord you know all that Mike has been through you know his heart and what he needs. Lord God please intervene in his life help him to feel your love again help him to feel the peace you provide. Lord God, if he has a hardened heart please Lord disharden it. Remove any spirit that may be on him such as confusion or depression spirit. You are with us always Lord and you love us and you want what is best for us Lord. Please give us eyes to see and ears to hear in Jesus name amen
Mike, I'm praying for you but I have a question. What did you mean exactly when you said " while I was still good"?
I'm just wondering because our perceived goodness doesn't win us any merit with God. Salvation isn't about how good we are. We can't earn our way into God's kingdom with our goodness or works that we do. It's about how much God loves us. I'm just gonna keep this short and give you two scriptures that come to mind. Make that three.
Jobs wife said " Do you still retain your integrity? ,why don't you just curse God and die!" Needless to say she got replaced.
#1 Read JOB 2:9
Job did not sin with his lips bringing accusation against the Lord.
#2 Read Romans 3:10
No one is righteous, nope, not me, not you. God owes us nothing. All of our righteousness is as filthy rags. Salvation is a gift. And friendship with the world is enmity with God. Prosperity is a false gospel. But if you'll seek Gods kingdom with your truest heart, He will give you the truest desires of your heart. He knows better than you what will make you happy.
I don't believe that Jesus threw you in to a pen with wolves. That doesn't sound like Jesus. But the devil is the adversary. He roams the earth seeking whom he may devour. We cannot be saved our way. We must do it the Bible way. Submit to the Lord. Repent or perish, for the kingdom of Heaven is at hand.
#3 Read John 3:16
It's all about His love for us. God sent His Son to take our sin. That's the gift. That our souls would not perish.
So much for keeping it short right?
Let me ask you this question in closing.
Do you honestly think that if you would have been blessed With houses and cars and wives and children and money raining from the heavens and friends and FB followers that you would even be seeking the Lord at all? Be honest with yourself.
Here's a bonus scripture :-)
Read Mark 8:36
All you have to do is touch the links to the scriptures I've referenced and they will open.
The Lord bless and keep you safe_Streetpreacher - In Reply - 2 years ago
Matthew 12:22-37
You prayed the prayer, but you didn't walk the walk. The good seed was tossed on unplowed ground (your heart). The devils birds came and ate the seed. You're starving to bones, for a serious walk with Jesus. He has been waiting on you, all of these years, To Seek Him; with all of your strength.
I have a friend like you, in Ohio. I have tried every way possible to get him to crack open his grandmothers Bible. Nothin doing. I've preached every way I can to get him to believe something. 18 years. His story is your story too. Finally he has one grown son to do things with.
When this website opens up to the red-brown page, and look for the BECOME A BELIEVER link. You need to go in there until you've read all the way through, and prayed the prayer to Re-Dedicate your life to Jesus. Confess your deeds to Jesus. He will hear you. He knows what we've done, but confession and tears will cleanse you, like living water. Open up the dam and let it all out. I'll be here every day to encourage you.
You are about to embark on the most exciting years of your life. This time, turn off the noise of TV, and read your Bible. People have gates: the eye gate, the ear gate, and the mouth gate. If you'll read aloud in soft tones; you'll feel the balm of Gods Word, mend the tears in your starving soul.
I'm 70. We're all gonna die someday. You can have life with meaning and joy now. Jesus told all of His Disciples, and Paul: FOLLOW ME. That's what you need now. You fed the bitterness and jealousy. Two emotions that hurt us inside. We eat regular Bible every day. Driving in your car, tune the radio to a Bible teaching station.
I WILL BE BACK TOMORROW and write more. I will pray for you to be faithful and true, just like Jesus. I am so sorry I haven't been in this room for some time. I'm here now and I will be back. Use the reply button to contact me, anytime. I care.
Thanks street preacher for your prayers. I've read the Bible back and forth multiple times. Still don't understand it. Is the language translation right? Is this part supposed to be taken symbolically or literally? "Turn the other cheek", Or "an eye for an eye"? "Eat this don't eat that". Forgiveness or eternal hell grudge? It all seems so confusing. I know about the law of the old Bible and the "good news" from Christ changing things, but it's still confusing. Bible isn't clear. It's like reading instructions in Chinese. Is it a sin to masturbate if you pretend you are with your imaginary future wife? The bible doesn't specifically mention this. Is premarital sex a sin? Fornication or pornea. What is the right translation? So on and so forth. As you recall when God set the devil on Job his friends told him the reason God did so was because Job was sinning. But he wasn't. That is why I said he set the devil on me while I was still good. I was a good kid. Honest. It all started before the doubt and being dragged through the mud. I appreciate you taking the time to write me. And thankyou again for praying for me. I figured since it seems I'm unable to get through perhaps if I storm God's throne with prayers he will listen. I know, I know, you will tell me God hears all our prayers. I just hope he answers.
I saw me in Job's life too. It's one of my favorite books. It wasn't a matter of God saying "go get him" snd tear up his life.
God knew exactly what was inside of Job. He saw Job, beginning to ending. He had confidence in Job to make it through. So He gave Satan permission up to a point.
Satan had been spying on what Job was doing. Job was concerned about his adult childrens much partying and feasting. Job went to church every day to make sacrifices on their behalf. He was doing what he thought best.
Meanwhile satan spied on what he thought was lack of faith. He stirred up a F5 tornado and killed Jobs kids, their houses, the livestock, everything! Job doubted in himself, in Gods Love and Power, everything. He sat down in the dirt and mourned. He thought life was over, until the pain of his wife's accusations pierced him. Curse God and die. (her last words)
Satan put sores on Job, until Job despaired. Then the "helpful friends" show up. Accusing and making Job doubt himself. He was laid wide open. A quivering mass of hurt, pains of loss, doubts God loved him, " what did I do to deserve this?" Wave upon wave of pain pushed Job to the limit.
Then God shows up. He tells of His power, majesty, he reveals through descriptions of animals__his wisdom and power. Job is dealt with for his wavering faith. Had not God always been there to bless Jobs family? Bless him with abundance?
Satan is defeated and gone by now. God ministers to Job. At the end, God restored Jobs health. He multiplied back to Job, all that he had lost and much more. Job would never lose his faith in Gods love and provision again. We have to take our eyes off circumstances and lock them on God; without doubting and wavering in our trust and faith.
Job was not sinning. He just had to let go of his interpretation of how good God is; and pick up the reality of just who God is. Almighty, all powerful, the beginning and the end, a rewarder of good and faith. And so much more!
It will be much easier on you, to draw a line in the sand and step over it, to Jesus. Let go of the past and allow the Lord Jesus, to lead. All we do is to Follow Him. I didn't know not one smidge of Bible wham I met Jesus. Every day I had to hang on tight and do what the Holy Spirit showed me to do. Acts 19:19. I had to rid myself of all shreds of my past as an astrologer. I burned it without knowing why. I read the Bible beginning in the New Testament; the new Covenant that Jesus ratified with His own blood, on the Cross. He makes all things new. It's best to not speed read through scripture.
Receive Jesus's baptism. He will give you the indwelling Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit will be all you need, to live your new life IN CHRIST. John 3. Kind of like Elijah, when he was hiding under a bush, being fed by the Lords ravens: who brought him food and water every day. (The Bible)
Jesus is going to rebuild you according to His Master plan just for you. You are here now. So learn how to lean into His love and care for you. The Holy Spirit is your Teacher. You don't have to prove anything to other people. HS needs your attention and obedience. We have to get past Acts 19:19 first. Ask Him what goes, what stays?
I burned up 1000's of dollars of books & worldly music; liquor, drugs, self-love. I quit going out with party friends.
You will have to give up all the pain and resentment over what family members Have. Self-love has to be gone, so Jesus can show you real love. It's on the way, but first we have to be rid of the past ways of fulfilling our creature needs. Then Follow Jesus. He will direct you through the Holy Spirit he has sealed you with. Listen to some Greg Laurie ministry on YouTube. He's close to your age. Rely on Jesus for love, acceptance, and giving you new purpose, and goals, just for you. Ask Jesus to heal your memories. He did it for me and others. Let Him love you to wellness. Give thanks.
Dear Mike, Born again believers walk by faith, not by sight or feelings. There have been times when I didn't feel His presence, but by faith I knew He was with me because He promised never to leave us. You must have faith. I can't stress that strong enough.
2 Corinthians 5:7 - (For we walk by faith, not by sight:)
Trust him, believe His promises, lean on Him no matter the situation or your feelings, or your own understanding.
Proverbs 3:5-6 - Trust in the LORD with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding.
If you are not born again, read the following.
That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved. For with the heart man believeth unto righteousness; and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation. For the scripture saith, Whosoever believeth on him shall not be ashamed. For there is no difference between the Jew and the Greek: for the same Lord over all is rich unto all that call upon him. For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved.- Romans 10:9-13
Dont give up. Keep seeking. Keep praying.
I'm just wondering because our perceived goodness doesn't win us any merit with God. Salvation isn't about how good we are. We can't earn our way into God's kingdom with our goodness or works that we do. It's about how much God loves us. I'm just gonna keep this short and give you two scriptures that come to mind. Make that three.
Jobs wife said " Do you still retain your integrity? ,why don't you just curse God and die!" Needless to say she got replaced.
#1 Read JOB 2:9
Job did not sin with his lips bringing accusation against the Lord.
#2 Read Romans 3:10
No one is righteous, nope, not me, not you. God owes us nothing. All of our righteousness is as filthy rags. Salvation is a gift. And friendship with the world is enmity with God. Prosperity is a false gospel. But if you'll seek Gods kingdom with your truest heart, He will give you the truest desires of your heart. He knows better than you what will make you happy.
I don't believe that Jesus threw you in to a pen with wolves. That doesn't sound like Jesus. But the devil is the adversary. He roams the earth seeking whom he may devour. We cannot be saved our way. We must do it the Bible way. Submit to the Lord. Repent or perish, for the kingdom of Heaven is at hand.
#3 Read John 3:16
It's all about His love for us. God sent His Son to take our sin. That's the gift. That our souls would not perish.
So much for keeping it short right?
Let me ask you this question in closing.
Do you honestly think that if you would have been blessed With houses and cars and wives and children and money raining from the heavens and friends and FB followers that you would even be seeking the Lord at all? Be honest with yourself.
Here's a bonus scripture :-)
Read Mark 8:36
All you have to do is touch the links to the scriptures I've referenced and they will open.
You prayed the prayer, but you didn't walk the walk. The good seed was tossed on unplowed ground (your heart). The devils birds came and ate the seed. You're starving to bones, for a serious walk with Jesus. He has been waiting on you, all of these years, To Seek Him; with all of your strength.
I have a friend like you, in Ohio. I have tried every way possible to get him to crack open his grandmothers Bible. Nothin doing. I've preached every way I can to get him to believe something. 18 years. His story is your story too. Finally he has one grown son to do things with.
When this website opens up to the red-brown page, and look for the BECOME A BELIEVER link. You need to go in there until you've read all the way through, and prayed the prayer to Re-Dedicate your life to Jesus. Confess your deeds to Jesus. He will hear you. He knows what we've done, but confession and tears will cleanse you, like living water. Open up the dam and let it all out. I'll be here every day to encourage you.
You are about to embark on the most exciting years of your life. This time, turn off the noise of TV, and read your Bible. People have gates: the eye gate, the ear gate, and the mouth gate. If you'll read aloud in soft tones; you'll feel the balm of Gods Word, mend the tears in your starving soul.
I'm 70. We're all gonna die someday. You can have life with meaning and joy now. Jesus told all of His Disciples, and Paul: FOLLOW ME. That's what you need now. You fed the bitterness and jealousy. Two emotions that hurt us inside. We eat regular Bible every day. Driving in your car, tune the radio to a Bible teaching station.
I WILL BE BACK TOMORROW and write more. I will pray for you to be faithful and true, just like Jesus. I am so sorry I haven't been in this room for some time. I'm here now and I will be back. Use the reply button to contact me, anytime. I care.
God knew exactly what was inside of Job. He saw Job, beginning to ending. He had confidence in Job to make it through. So He gave Satan permission up to a point.
Satan had been spying on what Job was doing. Job was concerned about his adult childrens much partying and feasting. Job went to church every day to make sacrifices on their behalf. He was doing what he thought best.
Meanwhile satan spied on what he thought was lack of faith. He stirred up a F5 tornado and killed Jobs kids, their houses, the livestock, everything! Job doubted in himself, in Gods Love and Power, everything. He sat down in the dirt and mourned. He thought life was over, until the pain of his wife's accusations pierced him. Curse God and die. (her last words)
Satan put sores on Job, until Job despaired. Then the "helpful friends" show up. Accusing and making Job doubt himself. He was laid wide open. A quivering mass of hurt, pains of loss, doubts God loved him, " what did I do to deserve this?" Wave upon wave of pain pushed Job to the limit.
Then God shows up. He tells of His power, majesty, he reveals through descriptions of animals__his wisdom and power. Job is dealt with for his wavering faith. Had not God always been there to bless Jobs family? Bless him with abundance?
Satan is defeated and gone by now. God ministers to Job. At the end, God restored Jobs health. He multiplied back to Job, all that he had lost and much more. Job would never lose his faith in Gods love and provision again. We have to take our eyes off circumstances and lock them on God; without doubting and wavering in our trust and faith.
Job was not sinning. He just had to let go of his interpretation of how good God is; and pick up the reality of just who God is. Almighty, all powerful, the beginning and the end, a rewarder of good and faith. And so much more!
Receive Jesus's baptism. He will give you the indwelling Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit will be all you need, to live your new life IN CHRIST. John 3. Kind of like Elijah, when he was hiding under a bush, being fed by the Lords ravens: who brought him food and water every day. (The Bible)
Jesus is going to rebuild you according to His Master plan just for you. You are here now. So learn how to lean into His love and care for you. The Holy Spirit is your Teacher. You don't have to prove anything to other people. HS needs your attention and obedience. We have to get past Acts 19:19 first. Ask Him what goes, what stays?
I burned up 1000's of dollars of books & worldly music; liquor, drugs, self-love. I quit going out with party friends.
You will have to give up all the pain and resentment over what family members Have. Self-love has to be gone, so Jesus can show you real love. It's on the way, but first we have to be rid of the past ways of fulfilling our creature needs. Then Follow Jesus. He will direct you through the Holy Spirit he has sealed you with. Listen to some Greg Laurie ministry on YouTube. He's close to your age. Rely on Jesus for love, acceptance, and giving you new purpose, and goals, just for you. Ask Jesus to heal your memories. He did it for me and others. Let Him love you to wellness. Give thanks.
We are praying for you. :)
2 Corinthians 5:7 - (For we walk by faith, not by sight:)
Trust him, believe His promises, lean on Him no matter the situation or your feelings, or your own understanding.
Proverbs 3:5-6 - Trust in the LORD with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding.
If you are not born again, read the following.
That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved. For with the heart man believeth unto righteousness; and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation. For the scripture saith, Whosoever believeth on him shall not be ashamed. For there is no difference between the Jew and the Greek: for the same Lord over all is rich unto all that call upon him. For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved.- Romans 10:9-13
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