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Jesus said that no man can come unto me unless the father draws him....Thus its the Father that draws us not any man.. John 6 : 44....They shall ALL be taught of God...Not man....Thats y the scrip. is saying I was found of them that sought me NOT...I was made manifest unto them that asked NOT after me... Romans 20 : 10 kjv
I wd like to add something to my post....talking bout the kingdom....and Perfection....Read Rev. 12 : 10....After the woman births the Children..The manchild that is gonna rule all nations....That Israel of God....verse 10 says ...Now is come salvation...( not untill then ) and the kingdom of our God and the power of his Christ. And the accuser of our brethren etc.
.....Plz note the Kingdom does not come till the woman births the manchild which is the H.G...The babes and sucklings...
.....The contents of the book....THE WORDS OF THE NEW COVENANT...Remember Jesus said the Good Seed are the Children of the Kingdom....in Matthew 13 : 38 kjv....My lil Children of whom i travail in birth AGAIN AGAIN A second Child....Bathsheba had to travail a 2 nd time b/f the great king Solomon was born...Which is just symbolic of the H.G. our king that is gonna be born in us sinners via the seed of Christ a type of DAVID...OK
Firstly just to mention that the original text uses the word attract instead of draw. Attract is a more powerful word than draw. How does God attract people to Jesus? The answer is by showing Jesus' love to people. How does God show Jesus' love to people? By His only Son's sacrifice for the salvation of people. Does God's love attracts all people to Jesus? The answer is no. Most of people do not want to know anything about Jesus and the salvation He offers. ( Matthew 7:13-14, John 5:40). And here is where the free will of people comes in. God will not force anybody to accept His offer. You either accept it or you don't. Now how do people get to know about God's love? Is God actually going to tell them Himself or use an angel for that? No, this task is for us to do it. See what Paul says in Romans 10:14-15
" How then shall they call on him in whom they have not believed? and how shall they believe in him of whom they have not heard? and how shall they hear without a preacher?
And how shall they preach, except they be sent? as it is written, How beautiful are the feet of them that preach the gospel of peace, and bring glad tidings of good things!" So it is our responsibility to bring the Good News to all people. We are the tools that God wants to use for this task. So let us make ourselves ready for this ministry. GBU
Giannis you do greatly err....We are in a New Covenant.... Jeremiah 31 : 34 They shall no more teach their brothers or their neighbors know the LORD...They shall ALL KNOW ME FROM THE LEAST TO THE GREATEST...and their sins and inquities will i remember no more...The Blood of the lamb was a new Covenant...Behold the lamb of God that taketh away the sins of the WORLD...Jesus told the Pharisses and Sadducees, Hypcrites You compass seas and land to make 1 Proselyte then he becomes 2 fold more the Child of hell then YE yourselves....Todays Churches answer to the great Abomination of Desolation...Darkness shall cover the earth and gross darkness the ppl....Isaiah
....Jesus said I am the light of the world but the NIGHT comes when noman can work...THE LAST 2000 YRS Answer to the 2 days 2 k yrs he was in the tomb...But he rose the 3 rd day...In Rev. 14 : 6 ..God has to send an Angel to preach the everlasting gospel to ALL THAT DWELL ON THE EARTH, Simply B/C ALL the CHURCHES ARE IN DARKNESS...Money Hungry...That Angel is the H.G. The Angel of the LORD..As Joel 2 :28 says I will pour out my spirit ( THE H.G. ) on ALL FLESH your sons and daughter will prophesy...Thats indicative of the whole family..and every family..If i belifted up I will DRAW ALL MEN unto ME.
.....Giannis we must remember what the New Covenant is ALL about ,...Its not something man wants but what God wants...God said I, me God Almighty is gonna make a new Covenant...Wither we want it or nor...You have not Chosen me but I have chosen you..Wither we like it or not ...Mans carnal mind wd neva want God simply B/C mans CARNAL MIND is the very enemy of God...Mans carnal mind is not subject to the laws/words of God and neither indeed can be Romans 8 : 7 kjv...We must remember what Jesus did at Calvary by his blood which was this New Covenant...The essence of this New Covenant is that all men will be saved in the end by the Blood of CHRIST...The 2 nd Adam's spot and stain will be applied to everybody th blood.
"They shall no more teach their brothers or their neighbors know the LORD...They shall ALL KNOW ME FROM THE LEAST TO THE GREATEST..."
But does that literally mean that there is no need to be tought anything about Jesus because God's Spirit will do that Himself? Is that literal? Have we so far, for 2 th. years, seen something like that? Have you met any person, any church, that can claim that God tought him/them the Gospel personally? I haven't heard or read anything like that. As far something like that hasn't existed so far, it makes me believe that the above scripture must be interpeted in a different way.
2. Angels do not evangelize people. We don't see that anywhere in the NT. Remember the angel that was sent to Cornelious? He pointed out apostle Peter to him, he himself didn't say or teach anything about salvation. You are right about the angel in Revelation, but my belief is that he was send to evangelize people because after the rapture of the church just before the appearance of antichrist there will be no church to speak to people, and hence an angel will be sent together with the 2 prophets to do this task.
3. The New Covenant was made by God actually. But in any case that we have a covenant or a testament both sides involved must sign or accept it so it becomes valid. If either side do not accept it never becomes valid. God will never step back. So it is in man's hand to accept it or reject it. Some accept it and some, the most, reject it. If one rejects the salvation offered by God, will God eventually force him in Heaven? Sorry but I don't think so. If that was the case why do we bother to evangelize people? Stay home, God will do that. Why live a pure life and restrict ourselfs from the pleasures of sin, we will be saved anyway. Why the early christians threw themselves to the lions and fires and suffer so many persecutions if saved anyway?
Hey Bro. Giannis so nice to hear from you....Ok let me give ya my feeling on all this..1 st of all this New Covenant was not validated by man...As mans carnal mind is not subject to the laws of God and neither indeed can be...It was the blood of Jesus that validated this New Covenant....Behold the lamb of God that taketh away the sins of the world...And we must remember what Jesus said I am the light of the world BUT the night comes when no man can work impling that great abomination of desolation that was coming that great falling away....But Giannis it don't matter what mans wants as God is gonna pour out his spirit on ALL FLESH whether we like it or not... Joel 2 ...Thats what the N.C. is all about, I ME GOD ALMIGHTY will know them ALL from the least to the greatest thats everybody...If i belifted up I will draw ALL men unto me
.....And Giannis this N.C. is a personal teacher...Simply b/c the gift of God is the H.G. our new Innerman ,...Jesus says he will lead you into all truth....This is very personal as the H.G Is our New Innerman...Our new heart and new spirit...Thats y God is saying they shall ALL BE TAUGHT OF GOD...As Jesus is saying when he the spirit of truth is come he will lead you into all Truth. YE NEED NO MAN TEACH YOU the anointing you have received of him will teach you all things....We are not our own, We are all bought with a price thus we need to worship him every second of every day....Its the H.G. that is our pastor and teacher and he does not want to live in temples made with mans hands.
.....This Know them ALL, THIS N.C. is an intimacy with humanity that is gona result in a birth of Christ in everybody....Thats y Isaiah is saying KNOWLEDGE IS GONNA COVER THE EARTH AS THE WATERS COVER THE SEAS...Thats y Jeremiah saw all the world in travail and birth pains....This New Covenant is a birthing COVENANT..Thats y we must be bornagain ....Unless ya receive the Kingdom of God as a lil CHILD YOU WILL IN NO WISE ENTER IN...Thats y he has to KNOW US..
When the Scriptute says that God will pour His Spirit to all people, does it is literally mean to ALL people no matter what they want or believe? If this is the case then the muslims, the buddhists and all other people have got the Holly Spirit that "leads them to the truth?" The truth of their religion? This can't be right, can it?
Lets see what Jesus said about this.
John 14:16-17
" And I will pray the Father, and he shall give you another Comforter, that he may abide with you for ever; Even the Spirit of truth; whom the world cannot receive, because it seeth him not, neither knoweth him: but ye know him; for he dwelleth with you, and shall be in you."
Jesus said that the world can not receive the HS because they don't know It.
Read also Galatians 4:6
" And because ye are sons, God hath sent forth the Spirit of his Son into your hearts, crying, Abba, Father."
The above says that the HS is given by God only to His children. Can we agree on that?
Now if we don't really need anybody else than the HS to teach us the Word of God, how come there are so many different beliefs amongst Christians? Don't we all have the HS that leads us to the truth? Which one (truth)? If that is the case why God has placed teachers in the church? If all churches are falling away during these last days how come that that Isaiah said about the knowledge of God covering the whole world comes true? Because the HS will teach people? Do you see many people outside churches that know or want to know anything about God? Since this practically doesn't happen, shouldn't we think that the scripture means something else? Remember that Paul said to Timothy that people of the last days will be the worst of all ages? 2 Timothy 3:1-5
Question. Can one be saved if one doesn't believe in Jesus? There are so many scriptures that say the opposite. I give you some. John 3:18-19, John 5:24, John 5:28-29, Acts 2::38 etc
Giannis GBU I know you have many questions....As the N.T. is full of mysteries...Even Paul said i see like thru a Glass darkly, Even Paul cd not see clearly under early Church doctrine Nobody can see clearly under early Church doctrine...Thats y there are a Zilllion different Churches on every corner....There are not even 2 ppl that can agree on just 1 scripture in any Church.....It All goes back to the blindman...The Blindman cd not see clearly under the 1st anointing...Jesus had to anoint the blindman a 2 nd time b/f he cd see clearly...Thats us the Church we cannot see clearly under early Church doctrine....What i am trying to say is there has to be a 2 nd advent a 2 nd coming...The Church is symbolic of the blindman that can not see clearly under early Church doctrine.
...Thats y Paul is saying when that which is perfect is come that which is done in part ( early Church doctrine ) will be done away with...Paul said we see in part we prophesy in part etc ..That iMAGE in Daniel 2 was all in parts ..The gold and then the silver and then the bronze and the iron and the clay answer to the gold..Pastors th head Evangelists the silver and it goes down getting weaker as the deacons are the feet...But Daniel saw a stone cut without hands that completly destroyed the image....Thats y Paul is saying when that which is perfect is come that which is done in parts will be done away with..Which is early Church doctrine.
... Micah 5 tells us that God was gonna give them up till the woman is in birth pains etc... Micah 5 : 3 ...Which answer to the time Jesus told us of the night comes when no man can work...The great abomination of Desolation is now standing in the pulpits...Satan himself..Thats y there are a Zillion different Churches on every corner simply b/c nobody can see clearly under early Church doctrine...The Blindman answers to all the CHURCHES that cannot see clearly under early Church doctrine..WE need that 2 nd anointing...The book needs to be opened...2 nd coming.
You quoted 1 Corinthians 13:8-13 and explained it as this implies that there is going to be a second church doctrine not like the early churche's one which, the latter, is not quite the truth. But look at verse 12 "For now we see through a glass, darkly; but then face to face: now I know in part; but then shall I know even as also I am known." What does the expression "face to face" mean? It means we will see God face to face. So these verses about the perfect to come are meant for the time we will eventually enter Heaven and see God face to face and get to know Him, know about Heavenly things etc, not partly as we know those now. Prophesies, tongues etc will cease, no reason for these to exist any more, but love will remain, it is the only thing from this world which will accompany us in Heaven.
In addition to the above please read how apostle Paul describes the church to Timothy, the church in his time. 1 Timothy 3:14-15 "These things write I unto thee, hoping to come unto thee shortly:But if I tarry long, that thou mayest know how thou oughtest to behave thyself in the house of God, which is the church of the living God, the PILLAR AND GROUND THE TRUTH." That early church!
Now lets go to that statue in Daniel's book. Please read verses Daniel 2:36-45. It is obvious that talks about the kingdoms/countries that will rule the world untill the Kingdom of God finally comes. Daniel tells the king what is going to happen after him, see verse 29. The statue starts with Nebuchadnezzar's rule and ends with the last kingdom on earth. It goes from Babylon to ... Rome to the country of antichrist omitting the ones in between because those 2000 years are the times of the gentiles.
I still do not get where it states about a second church true doctrine. Paul says that christians in the future will believe what is nice to their ears ( 2 Timothy 4:3-4), which means that false beliefs amongst us in the future are to come/came.
Hi Giannis...GBU...1st of all we are not going to Heaven, ....Heaven is coming to us...Thy Kingdom come etc...Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven...The H.G. is the kingdom and he has to be born in us...Unless ya receive the Kingdom of GOD as a lil Child you will in no wise enter there in....Remember Jesus said take heed that you despise not one of these lil ones.... Matthew 18 : 10...I tell you that in heaven their faces do always behold the face of my father in heaven....impling within us...via his seed....We are gona birth a lil one which is the H.G. that beholds the very face of God...All this is with in us, in our hearts and minds as Jesus said the Kingdom is gonna be with in you...As God is spirit...And that Spirit can be born in us thats y Jesus is saying that which is born of the spirit ( the Word ) is spirit but the living word is also the good seed to initiate a birth of Christ in us...our king
.....The kingdom of God is not in meat or drink but in Righteousness and Joy and Pease in the H.G.... Romans 17 : 14
When we speak of the manchild that is gonna rule all nations...we have to remember what Jesus said outta of the mouths of babes and suckling thou has PERFECTED PRAISE...The manchild which is the H.G. is that which is Perfect and is soon to come the woman giving birth to the manchild answers to that which is perfect and is to come when we birth Christ in our hearts from the contents of the book that NEW covenant....The early Church was ordained of God but it was not Perfect...Perfection does not come till the book is opened then the woman goes into birth pains and delivers the manchild the babes the H.G. ...outta of the mouths of babes and suckling thou has PERFECTED PRAISE...Thats y Elijah has to come and turn the hearts of the fathers to the Children...The babes n sucklings that are gonna result from his seed the words of the book....Paul plainly tells us when that which is PERFECT IS COME...That which is done in part will be done away with.
I wd like to add something to my post....talking bout the kingdom....and Perfection....Read Rev. 12 : 10....After the woman births the Children..The manchild that is gonna rule all nations....That Israel of God....verse 10 says ...Now is come salvation...( not untill then ) and the kingdom of our God and the power of his Christ. And the accuser of our brethren etc.
.....Plz note the Kingdom does not come till the woman births the manchild which is the H.G...The babes and sucklings...
.....The contents of the book....THE WORDS OF THE NEW COVENANT...Remember Jesus said the Good Seed are the Children of the Kingdom....in Matthew 13 : 38 kjv....My lil Children of whom i travail in birth AGAIN AGAIN A second Child....Bathsheba had to travail a 2 nd time b/f the great king Solomon was born...Which is just symbolic of the H.G. our king that is gonna be born in us sinners via the seed of Christ a type of DAVID...OK
Also, I would like to add that Jesus' promise of the Spirit to the disciples at the Last Supper indicates that the Holy Spirit already existed. So, like you said, with so many different views even among believers, what does one believe is true? The person who says that there is one Holy Spirit who is eternally everywhere present (which is how He can dwell within every believer) or the person who claims that the Holy Spirit comes into existence in believers by gestation, (as Alex states), and that since every believer births a new Holy Spirit, there are multitudes of Holy Spirits rather than one.
This is why we are to test the spirits and what others put forward as "truth" to see if what is being presented aligns with Scripture or not and that Scripture is "rightly divided". I am thankful to teachers and pastors and fellow believers who help me understand the Word of God, filter out false views, and reinforce truthful views for me.
I believe that Jesus sent the Holy Spirit to the church as a whole so that, even though each individual believer is given the Spirit, the church is a unit (a body of believers) and we are to strengthen, instruct, and correct one another in matters of the faith handed down by Jesus through the apostles.
God Bless you. Keep up the good work you do on here. You have much of value that you add to our conversations here.
Hiya Giannis good questions...But Jesus tells us in that New Covenant they shall ALL ALL be taught of God....Its Jesus himself that is gonna trigger our belief system....If i be lifted up i will DRAW ALL ALL men unto me....Thats y Isaiah is saying i was found of them that sought me NOT and i was made manifest of them that asked NOT after me...Its Jesus who is gonna draw all men unto him...via the words of that New Covenant....I will KNOW them All from the least to the greatest,,, Jer. 31 : 34 kjv
......This KNOW them ALL is an intimacy that is gonna result in a Birth OF Christ in all of US.... Isaiah 11...Thats y Isaiah is saying KNOWLEGE shall cover the EARTH As the waters cover the seas ...He is gonna KNOW us all....Then Isaiah saw no more seas impling no more seas of humanity that has not been washed in his blood...Remember Jeremiah saw ALL the world in travail and birth pains Jer. 30 : 6 and everybody was in birth pains...The Child is the H.G. that Child of Promise...Our New Heart and New spirit...He has to KNOW us thats the only way the H.G. immanuel can be born in us is via his seeds ...Being bornagain of an incorruptible seed which are his words...Living WORDS...Peter....K
During the days of antichrist most of the inhabitants on earth will have the mark 666 been placed on their hand, right? It's known that they can't be saved, remember the angel and the 2 prophets that are sent to warn people? Remember the 100 million army sent to fight Jesus at Armageddon? How are these events are combined with what you wtite about all ppl believing in Jesus and get saved in the end?
Giannis ty for your reply....But we have to wait for the book to be opened...After the book is opened then they sang a new song, we are not gonna sing this churchanity Song much longer...He is gonna pour out of his spirit on all flesh...Thats when the sower will go forth to sow his seed in all the World then the woman will go into birth pains and thats when the Kingdom will come... Rev 12 : 10 kjv....The manchild which is the H.G. is gonna rule all nations....We are the woman...the Bride
.....Plz note the Kingdom does not come till the woman births the manchild which is the H.G...The babes and sucklings...
.....The contents of the book....THE WORDS OF THE NEW COVENANT...Remember Jesus said the Good Seed are the Children of the Kingdom....in Matthew 13 : 38 kjv....My lil Children of whom i travail in birth AGAIN AGAIN A second Child....Bathsheba had to travail a 2 nd time b/f the great king Solomon was born...Which is just symbolic of the H.G. our king that is gonna be born in us sinners via the seed of Christ a type of DAVID...OK
My thoughts about this.
Firstly just to mention that the original text uses the word attract instead of draw. Attract is a more powerful word than draw. How does God attract people to Jesus? The answer is by showing Jesus' love to people. How does God show Jesus' love to people? By His only Son's sacrifice for the salvation of people. Does God's love attracts all people to Jesus? The answer is no. Most of people do not want to know anything about Jesus and the salvation He offers. ( Matthew 7:13-14, John 5:40). And here is where the free will of people comes in. God will not force anybody to accept His offer. You either accept it or you don't. Now how do people get to know about God's love? Is God actually going to tell them Himself or use an angel for that? No, this task is for us to do it. See what Paul says in Romans 10:14-15
" How then shall they call on him in whom they have not believed? and how shall they believe in him of whom they have not heard? and how shall they hear without a preacher?
And how shall they preach, except they be sent? as it is written, How beautiful are the feet of them that preach the gospel of peace, and bring glad tidings of good things!" So it is our responsibility to bring the Good News to all people. We are the tools that God wants to use for this task. So let us make ourselves ready for this ministry. GBU
....Jesus said I am the light of the world but the NIGHT comes when noman can work...THE LAST 2000 YRS Answer to the 2 days 2 k yrs he was in the tomb...But he rose the 3 rd day...In Rev. 14 : 6 ..God has to send an Angel to preach the everlasting gospel to ALL THAT DWELL ON THE EARTH, Simply B/C ALL the CHURCHES ARE IN DARKNESS...Money Hungry...That Angel is the H.G. The Angel of the LORD..As Joel 2 :28 says I will pour out my spirit ( THE H.G. ) on ALL FLESH your sons and daughter will prophesy...Thats indicative of the whole family..and every family..If i belifted up I will DRAW ALL MEN unto ME.
.....Giannis we must remember what the New Covenant is ALL about ,...Its not something man wants but what God wants...God said I, me God Almighty is gonna make a new Covenant...Wither we want it or nor...You have not Chosen me but I have chosen you..Wither we like it or not ...Mans carnal mind wd neva want God simply B/C mans CARNAL MIND is the very enemy of God...Mans carnal mind is not subject to the laws/words of God and neither indeed can be Romans 8 : 7 kjv...We must remember what Jesus did at Calvary by his blood which was this New Covenant...The essence of this New Covenant is that all men will be saved in the end by the Blood of CHRIST...The 2 nd Adam's spot and stain will be applied to everybody th blood.
1. You qouted Jeremiah 31:34.
"They shall no more teach their brothers or their neighbors know the LORD...They shall ALL KNOW ME FROM THE LEAST TO THE GREATEST..."
But does that literally mean that there is no need to be tought anything about Jesus because God's Spirit will do that Himself? Is that literal? Have we so far, for 2 th. years, seen something like that? Have you met any person, any church, that can claim that God tought him/them the Gospel personally? I haven't heard or read anything like that. As far something like that hasn't existed so far, it makes me believe that the above scripture must be interpeted in a different way.
2. Angels do not evangelize people. We don't see that anywhere in the NT. Remember the angel that was sent to Cornelious? He pointed out apostle Peter to him, he himself didn't say or teach anything about salvation. You are right about the angel in Revelation, but my belief is that he was send to evangelize people because after the rapture of the church just before the appearance of antichrist there will be no church to speak to people, and hence an angel will be sent together with the 2 prophets to do this task.
3. The New Covenant was made by God actually. But in any case that we have a covenant or a testament both sides involved must sign or accept it so it becomes valid. If either side do not accept it never becomes valid. God will never step back. So it is in man's hand to accept it or reject it. Some accept it and some, the most, reject it. If one rejects the salvation offered by God, will God eventually force him in Heaven? Sorry but I don't think so. If that was the case why do we bother to evangelize people? Stay home, God will do that. Why live a pure life and restrict ourselfs from the pleasures of sin, we will be saved anyway. Why the early christians threw themselves to the lions and fires and suffer so many persecutions if saved anyway?
With respect.
God bless you.
.....And Giannis this N.C. is a personal teacher...Simply b/c the gift of God is the H.G. our new Innerman ,...Jesus says he will lead you into all truth....This is very personal as the H.G Is our New Innerman...Our new heart and new spirit...Thats y God is saying they shall ALL BE TAUGHT OF GOD...As Jesus is saying when he the spirit of truth is come he will lead you into all Truth. YE NEED NO MAN TEACH YOU the anointing you have received of him will teach you all things....We are not our own, We are all bought with a price thus we need to worship him every second of every day....Its the H.G. that is our pastor and teacher and he does not want to live in temples made with mans hands.
.....This Know them ALL, THIS N.C. is an intimacy with humanity that is gona result in a birth of Christ in everybody....Thats y Isaiah is saying KNOWLEDGE IS GONNA COVER THE EARTH AS THE WATERS COVER THE SEAS...Thats y Jeremiah saw all the world in travail and birth pains....This New Covenant is a birthing COVENANT..Thats y we must be bornagain ....Unless ya receive the Kingdom of God as a lil CHILD YOU WILL IN NO WISE ENTER IN...Thats y he has to KNOW US..
When the Scriptute says that God will pour His Spirit to all people, does it is literally mean to ALL people no matter what they want or believe? If this is the case then the muslims, the buddhists and all other people have got the Holly Spirit that "leads them to the truth?" The truth of their religion? This can't be right, can it?
Lets see what Jesus said about this.
John 14:16-17
" And I will pray the Father, and he shall give you another Comforter, that he may abide with you for ever; Even the Spirit of truth; whom the world cannot receive, because it seeth him not, neither knoweth him: but ye know him; for he dwelleth with you, and shall be in you."
Jesus said that the world can not receive the HS because they don't know It.
Read also Galatians 4:6
" And because ye are sons, God hath sent forth the Spirit of his Son into your hearts, crying, Abba, Father."
The above says that the HS is given by God only to His children. Can we agree on that?
Now if we don't really need anybody else than the HS to teach us the Word of God, how come there are so many different beliefs amongst Christians? Don't we all have the HS that leads us to the truth? Which one (truth)? If that is the case why God has placed teachers in the church? If all churches are falling away during these last days how come that that Isaiah said about the knowledge of God covering the whole world comes true? Because the HS will teach people? Do you see many people outside churches that know or want to know anything about God? Since this practically doesn't happen, shouldn't we think that the scripture means something else? Remember that Paul said to Timothy that people of the last days will be the worst of all ages? 2 Timothy 3:1-5
Question. Can one be saved if one doesn't believe in Jesus? There are so many scriptures that say the opposite. I give you some. John 3:18-19, John 5:24, John 5:28-29, Acts 2::38 etc
There is more to say but not now...
...Thats y Paul is saying when that which is perfect is come that which is done in part ( early Church doctrine ) will be done away with...Paul said we see in part we prophesy in part etc ..That iMAGE in Daniel 2 was all in parts ..The gold and then the silver and then the bronze and the iron and the clay answer to the gold..Pastors th head Evangelists the silver and it goes down getting weaker as the deacons are the feet...But Daniel saw a stone cut without hands that completly destroyed the image....Thats y Paul is saying when that which is perfect is come that which is done in parts will be done away with..Which is early Church doctrine.
... Micah 5 tells us that God was gonna give them up till the woman is in birth pains etc... Micah 5 : 3 ...Which answer to the time Jesus told us of the night comes when no man can work...The great abomination of Desolation is now standing in the pulpits...Satan himself..Thats y there are a Zillion different Churches on every corner simply b/c nobody can see clearly under early Church doctrine...The Blindman answers to all the CHURCHES that cannot see clearly under early Church doctrine..WE need that 2 nd anointing...The book needs to be opened...2 nd coming.
You quoted 1 Corinthians 13:8-13 and explained it as this implies that there is going to be a second church doctrine not like the early churche's one which, the latter, is not quite the truth. But look at verse 12 "For now we see through a glass, darkly; but then face to face: now I know in part; but then shall I know even as also I am known." What does the expression "face to face" mean? It means we will see God face to face. So these verses about the perfect to come are meant for the time we will eventually enter Heaven and see God face to face and get to know Him, know about Heavenly things etc, not partly as we know those now. Prophesies, tongues etc will cease, no reason for these to exist any more, but love will remain, it is the only thing from this world which will accompany us in Heaven.
In addition to the above please read how apostle Paul describes the church to Timothy, the church in his time. 1 Timothy 3:14-15 "These things write I unto thee, hoping to come unto thee shortly:But if I tarry long, that thou mayest know how thou oughtest to behave thyself in the house of God, which is the church of the living God, the PILLAR AND GROUND THE TRUTH." That early church!
Now lets go to that statue in Daniel's book. Please read verses Daniel 2:36-45. It is obvious that talks about the kingdoms/countries that will rule the world untill the Kingdom of God finally comes. Daniel tells the king what is going to happen after him, see verse 29. The statue starts with Nebuchadnezzar's rule and ends with the last kingdom on earth. It goes from Babylon to ... Rome to the country of antichrist omitting the ones in between because those 2000 years are the times of the gentiles.
I still do not get where it states about a second church true doctrine. Paul says that christians in the future will believe what is nice to their ears ( 2 Timothy 4:3-4), which means that false beliefs amongst us in the future are to come/came.
End for now...
.....The kingdom of God is not in meat or drink but in Righteousness and Joy and Pease in the H.G.... Romans 17 : 14
When we speak of the manchild that is gonna rule all nations...we have to remember what Jesus said outta of the mouths of babes and suckling thou has PERFECTED PRAISE...The manchild which is the H.G. is that which is Perfect and is soon to come the woman giving birth to the manchild answers to that which is perfect and is to come when we birth Christ in our hearts from the contents of the book that NEW covenant....The early Church was ordained of God but it was not Perfect...Perfection does not come till the book is opened then the woman goes into birth pains and delivers the manchild the babes the H.G. ...outta of the mouths of babes and suckling thou has PERFECTED PRAISE...Thats y Elijah has to come and turn the hearts of the fathers to the Children...The babes n sucklings that are gonna result from his seed the words of the book....Paul plainly tells us when that which is PERFECT IS COME...That which is done in part will be done away with.
.....Plz note the Kingdom does not come till the woman births the manchild which is the H.G...The babes and sucklings...
.....The contents of the book....THE WORDS OF THE NEW COVENANT...Remember Jesus said the Good Seed are the Children of the Kingdom....in Matthew 13 : 38 kjv....My lil Children of whom i travail in birth AGAIN AGAIN A second Child....Bathsheba had to travail a 2 nd time b/f the great king Solomon was born...Which is just symbolic of the H.G. our king that is gonna be born in us sinners via the seed of Christ a type of DAVID...OK
Also, I would like to add that Jesus' promise of the Spirit to the disciples at the Last Supper indicates that the Holy Spirit already existed. So, like you said, with so many different views even among believers, what does one believe is true? The person who says that there is one Holy Spirit who is eternally everywhere present (which is how He can dwell within every believer) or the person who claims that the Holy Spirit comes into existence in believers by gestation, (as Alex states), and that since every believer births a new Holy Spirit, there are multitudes of Holy Spirits rather than one.
This is why we are to test the spirits and what others put forward as "truth" to see if what is being presented aligns with Scripture or not and that Scripture is "rightly divided". I am thankful to teachers and pastors and fellow believers who help me understand the Word of God, filter out false views, and reinforce truthful views for me.
I believe that Jesus sent the Holy Spirit to the church as a whole so that, even though each individual believer is given the Spirit, the church is a unit (a body of believers) and we are to strengthen, instruct, and correct one another in matters of the faith handed down by Jesus through the apostles.
God Bless you. Keep up the good work you do on here. You have much of value that you add to our conversations here.
......This KNOW them ALL is an intimacy that is gonna result in a Birth OF Christ in all of US.... Isaiah 11...Thats y Isaiah is saying KNOWLEGE shall cover the EARTH As the waters cover the seas ...He is gonna KNOW us all....Then Isaiah saw no more seas impling no more seas of humanity that has not been washed in his blood...Remember Jeremiah saw ALL the world in travail and birth pains Jer. 30 : 6 and everybody was in birth pains...The Child is the H.G. that Child of Promise...Our New Heart and New spirit...He has to KNOW us thats the only way the H.G. immanuel can be born in us is via his seeds ...Being bornagain of an incorruptible seed which are his words...Living WORDS...Peter....K
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