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1 God is a personal being because an impersonal force is an insufficient agent to create personal beings.
2 What is the greatest passion of personal beings? I would argue that, above all else, personal beings desire personal relationships with other personal beings. So it makes sense that God, as a personal being, would desire to create us in such a way that He could have a meaningful, personal, and loving relationship with us. But this has a severe price.
Let us consider the nature of love and its consequences. I cannot experience love from you unless you have the capacity to do otherwise. If you have the capacity to not love me, and you choose instead to love me, then that choice has validity. It has meaning. You cannot have a love relationship with a computer. It is pre-programmed to serve you. Love requires choice: unencumbered choice. And that's where the problem lies.
When God created mankind, He too had a choice. If He created us as beings that were pre-programmed to follow and serve Him, there could be no love. But, if He created us with the capacity of choice, the capacity to love and serve Him, and the capacity not to do so, then there is the possibility of relationship: the possibility of real love. As a personal being with the capability of creating us in the first place, it makes sense that He would want to create us as personal beings with the capability of choice (free will) and, thus, the capability of love. But where there is choice and the capability of love, there is also the capability to choose wrong and to do great evil.
Some say we are vessels and have no free will and have no life. They contribute all the wrong doing in the world such as murdering kids, rape, the evil war in Ukraine and the many other wars throughout history to God not the prince of this world "Satan" They say Satan doesn't exist!! They say God has done all this evil and falsely uses God's word to build their case.
I donot believe that we have free will now at this present time....We think we have free will but as Bro. Paul said when i wd do good evil is present with me...O wretched man that i am with my mind i serve the law of God but with my Flesh the law of sin who shall deliver me from this law of sin that dwells in me....And Jesus said whosoever sins in the servant of sin...Thus as long as we sin we are servants of sin thus no free will....And 1 st.. John 1 : 38 said sin is of the devil...Whosoever sins is of the devil and for this cause was the son of God CRUSIFIED that he might destroy the works of the devil.
......The Pharisees told Jesus we were neva in bondage to any man....But Jesus replied whosoever sins is the servant of sin and the SERVANT abides not in the house forever but the son abide forever....Thus as long as we sin we are not in free will...This corruptible has to put on incorruptilble and this mortal has to put on immortallity...then we will have free will....But not as long as we have a sinful nature...Thats y we must be bornagain of an incorruptible seed...Even by the words of God which is the book in the righthand of the FATHER THE NEW COVENANT.
....I know that the scripture says the spirit of life in Christ Jesus has made us free from the law of sin and death..But as long as we sin without the New Birth ( the spirit of life ) The contents of the book..we have no free will simply b/c Jesus warns us Whosoever sins is the servant of sin....Even Paul had no free will as he says when i wd do good evil is present with me etc....Paul was envolved in a war with his old adamic nature and the tares thus he had no free till his corruption puts on incorruption and his immoral puts on immortality...Oh wretched man that i am who shall deliver me from the bondage of this death...Paul said he saw another law in his members waring against the law of my mind bringing me unto CAPTIVITY to the law of sin in my members...Oh wretched man that i am...No free will yet.
I do believe that the Jesus marries the church. Paul says it is a mystery, so I do not think we really know in this life what that exactly will be like. Your comments on the purpose of this marriage is so that Jesus can sow His seed is your interpretation, not the words of Jesus. Have a good day.
Hi Gi Gi ..no the purpose of the marriage is to multiply himself in humanity with his precious seed the words of the book, That are not only the new covenant but they are living words ....living beings which answer to the babes and sucklings his offspring...Spirits .Thats y he said that which is born of the spirit is spirit...living words baby Christs plural...That was the great Promise to multiply very God in humanity ...Thats y he is saying to whom the word came it made them Gods....Thats y God swore by his very self impling that God wants a posterity an Israel of God that is gona be as the stars of heaven in multitudes...A HEAVENLY ppl that cannot sin simply b/c they are born of God...As the scripture says them that are born of God cannot not sin...Our new innerman is the H.G. that is born of God and cannot sin....Thats what God wanted all alone was a perfect ppl....Be ye perfect as your father in heaven is perfect.
......We are gonna marry our sons...which is the H.G. that is born to us via his seed the words of the book etc...Thats y Isaiah is saying as a young man marries a virgin so shall thy SONS MARRY THEE....As the bridegroom rejoices over the bride so shall thy GOD REJOICE OVER THEE ....We are gona be married to our sons which are Spirits the H.G....The spirit and the flesh are gona be made 1... Isaiah 62 : 5....We must birth a new innnerman which is the H.G. that Child of Promise...Why do we refer to the H.G. as the Promise simply b/c the H.G. is the multiplication of very God in us via the seed of CHRIST, he is the Child of Promise...Thats y Jesus is saying unless you receive the Kingdom of God as a LIL CHILD ( A BIRTH ) You will in no wise enter there in...But Isaiah was very bold and says a lil CHILD is gonna lead them...the Child being the HG That Child of Promise. Our new innerman ....ok lemme go G. LOVE YA
Gi Gi ...have you neva read 1 st Cor. 15 : 53 ....This corruption must put on incorruption....And this mortal must put on immortality....Gi Gi immortality is Godliness living forever etc....Death is gona be swollowed up in victory.
......But Gi Gi is saying oh no we will neva share his glory or his divine nature...We will neva be married to God...oh no
......When the scripture plainly tells us to whom the word came it made them Gods...
......Gi Gi you are in essence saying we should not believe every thing the lord said....A marriage is when 2 are made 1 and no body can make that void...As Jesus said My words cannot return unto me void....They don't refer to Jesus as the bridegroom for nothin he has a seed to sow in our hearts and to whom the word ( his seed ) came it made them Gods....
......But I know that you do not believe everything Jesus taught us....Simply b/c your Church does not teach it....And thats y God has to send an angel to preach the everlasting gospel to all that dwell on the earth in the last days...Simply b/c too many folks are carnal minded....Being spritually minded is a problem for todays churches....Its uncouth for todays preachers to be Spritually minded...love ya Gi Gi....lemme go
Dear Alex, you assumed a lot of things about me in this post that are untrue of me. I do believe God's Word and have read the passage in Corinthians many times. What I do not accept is your interpretation of what Jesus has said.
You know nothing about the church I fellowship with. Please do not assume you know all the things you said about me, because you do not. What you have said is slander. Please, let's end this conversation as it is devolving into sinful words.
In order to have this loving relationship with Jesus/God, we certainly do have "the freewill" to make "the choice", and we have "the freewill" to continue to grow our relationship, and become obedient to God's desires for us.
It certainly takes some "effort on our part", in conjunction with the guidance of the Holy Spirit, and it certainly is not just a one-way street.
Some who post on here speak as though our physical, material (made of matter) body is evil and that it is the spiritual aspects of our being that is redeemed. They speak as if the sinful nature only corrupts our fleshly bodies, but in reality, our whole being is corrupted by sin. They speak as if our redemption involves a freeing of our spiritual nature from our physical nature. This is called dualism and originated in the minds of the Greek philosophers such as Plato and the mid-eastern religious beliefs that attested that the body itself (and material universe, being made of matter) is inherently evil and the spiritual world made of spiritual beings and spiritual ideas is inherently good.
However, God's Word refutes this by God determination that the material world and physical beings he created are all inherently good. His design for the material world proceeded out of His perfection and goodness. It was when Adam and Eve sinned that corruption and death entered into physical creation.
God's Word also refutes this dualistic thinking because Satan, who is a spiritual being made without physical matter became corrupted when he sinned along with his angelic followers. In the spiritual realm, there is corruption as well, due to this sinfulness and rebellion in these fallen angels. These spiritual beings and the realm in which they abide were made inherently good by God, just as all of the physical realm was made inherently good. But it is sin that corrupted both realms.
The real conflict is between sin and righteousness, not between spirit and matter, as some say in their posts.
Gnosticism adopted this dualistic thought concerning labeling all that is spiritual as good and all that is physical as evil. This heretical thinking has prevailed in some segments of the church over the centuries, but has been consistently refuted as false teaching over the centuries as well. Here we have it in the church now, and we should continue to refute it.
The fact that God is a personal, relational being also explains the trinity in that God has forever been in a relationship of perfect love, complete understanding, and unceasing unity within the Godhead. God has never been without this interrelationship with the three persons of the Godhead.
How wonderful it is that He has made us to have a relationship with Him and to come to know Him for all of eternity. I am so thankful that He has provided the means (grace, faith, love) by which we are able to respond to His invitation to believe in him and enter into this eternal relationship that completely satisfies all of our needs for all of eternity. In Christ we have fellowship with God and also with other. These are such rich gifts to us!
God also, in His wisdom, created us to be embodied that have an integration of mind, body, spirit and soul that has a oneness aspect that, while in this life, cannot be separated. All aspects of our being are fused together and interrelated. God created all parts of our being in His wisdom and said that it is all good. What is not good in us is our sinful nature, not our physical, material, body. All of our being is corrupted by sin, but our redemption in Christ is applied to all of our being. not just to our spirit as some say.
Although we will die and our body is buried and will decay, in the resurrection our physical body will be resurrected and once again integrated with our mind, soul and spirit. Our whole self (mind, body, soul, and spirit) will be changed to become immortal and incorruptible, but not to become immaterial. We will not be strictly spirit beings. Jesus rose in a physical body and still has his human body forever. He always is fully God and fully human. And His human body is forever glorified. Our human bodies will also be glorified as His body is, although we will never acquire the divine nature. That nature solely belongs to God alone.
Dear Earl, I disagree with your interpretation of this verse as we becoming divine (gods).
Rather, this verse is speaking of our great privilege of having communion with the Godhead in Jesus, in which partake of the divine nature in relationship, not because we acquire the divine nature. It is a partaking by association only. God is not made of parts where aspects of Himself can be divided up and given to a being He has created. Nor can He replicate or multiply His essential nature for us to receive. He said He will not share His glory with any other being, since all other beings are created by Him. To do any of what I mentioned would mean that God changes in His essential nature and Being, which contradicts what the Word says that He never changes who He is in any way.
We have had conversations on this matter before, so I do not wish to converse any longer with you on this matter. You will never convince me that we become gods or take from God some of His divine nature. God bless you today, Earl.
Gi Gi ..you are are not understanding that great Promise... As in Gen 22 : 17....I will multiply thy seed as the stars of heaven and God was so passionate about this Promise that he swore by his very self...Thus God will multiply his very self by the living word Thats y Jesus is saying to whom the word came it will make them Gods...Jesus cd not even refer to the H.G. as the Promise if the H.G. were not the very multiplication OF GOD,...Thats y Jesus is saying that which is born of the spirit is spirit..Thats the new Birth the birth of the H.G in us sinners...As the Promise Child is the H.G. via the seed of Christ...As God is spirit and the H.G. is spirit born in us via the seed of Christ the living word.
......When Jesus said behold i send the Promise of my Father upon you that was the baptism of the H.G. and fire, a living being Born in us via the seed of Christ. Our new innerman ...As Christ can reproduce very God in us via his seed the word ( his breath )...When he breathe on them that was his words and his Words are his seeds ....Thus the H.G is his offspring...Thats y Isaiah refers to Christ as everlasting father as Jesus is the FATHER of the H.G....And the H.G is that heavenly Jacob the 3 rd person an ISRAEL of God.
......The wheat is the H.G. a baby Christ and Jesus said that satan is the father of the tares thus Christ is the father of the
wheat....Simply b/c its Christ who sows the wheat ...Thus its satan that is the father of the tares simply b/c its satan that sows the tares....The wheat is a baby Christ simply b/c its Christ the bridegroom that sows that good seed the very seed of God in our hearts ....I said all that just to show you the multiplication of God..the H.G that are gonna be as the Stars of heaven.
.....Which are the Children of PROMISE...An Israel of God that is gonna be born in all of us sinners....Read Romans 9 : 8...Its the Children of PROMISE the H.G. that are counted for that good seed...Thus we must be bornagain of the H.G...K
Once again I say I do not accept your interpretation of Scripture on this topic. To me, it seems that you have a narrative that you try to weave with many Scriptures taken out of context and interpreted (with your ideas in parenthesis) as to the meaning. I don't share your interpretive narrative, as I have said before.
Since you initiated a response to me, I wanted to respond. However, I do not wish to go back and forth with you again on this topic as in the past. I take seriously your requests to me in our recent posts and I do not wish to upset you again by strongly disagreeing with your viewpoints, as I think they are false beliefs. So, I think it is best for this conversation between us to end tonight. Perhaps we can talk another day on a different topic. I hope you have a good night, Alex.
God, Freedom, and Evil
1 God is a personal being because an impersonal force is an insufficient agent to create personal beings.
2 What is the greatest passion of personal beings? I would argue that, above all else, personal beings desire personal relationships with other personal beings. So it makes sense that God, as a personal being, would desire to create us in such a way that He could have a meaningful, personal, and loving relationship with us. But this has a severe price.
Let us consider the nature of love and its consequences. I cannot experience love from you unless you have the capacity to do otherwise. If you have the capacity to not love me, and you choose instead to love me, then that choice has validity. It has meaning. You cannot have a love relationship with a computer. It is pre-programmed to serve you. Love requires choice: unencumbered choice. And that's where the problem lies.
When God created mankind, He too had a choice. If He created us as beings that were pre-programmed to follow and serve Him, there could be no love. But, if He created us with the capacity of choice, the capacity to love and serve Him, and the capacity not to do so, then there is the possibility of relationship: the possibility of real love. As a personal being with the capability of creating us in the first place, it makes sense that He would want to create us as personal beings with the capability of choice (free will) and, thus, the capability of love. But where there is choice and the capability of love, there is also the capability to choose wrong and to do great evil.
Some say we are vessels and have no free will and have no life. They contribute all the wrong doing in the world such as murdering kids, rape, the evil war in Ukraine and the many other wars throughout history to God not the prince of this world "Satan" They say Satan doesn't exist!! They say God has done all this evil and falsely uses God's word to build their case.
......The Pharisees told Jesus we were neva in bondage to any man....But Jesus replied whosoever sins is the servant of sin and the SERVANT abides not in the house forever but the son abide forever....Thus as long as we sin we are not in free will...This corruptible has to put on incorruptilble and this mortal has to put on immortallity...then we will have free will....But not as long as we have a sinful nature...Thats y we must be bornagain of an incorruptible seed...Even by the words of God which is the book in the righthand of the FATHER THE NEW COVENANT.
....I know that the scripture says the spirit of life in Christ Jesus has made us free from the law of sin and death..But as long as we sin without the New Birth ( the spirit of life ) The contents of the book..we have no free will simply b/c Jesus warns us Whosoever sins is the servant of sin....Even Paul had no free will as he says when i wd do good evil is present with me etc....Paul was envolved in a war with his old adamic nature and the tares thus he had no free till his corruption puts on incorruption and his immoral puts on immortality...Oh wretched man that i am who shall deliver me from the bondage of this death...Paul said he saw another law in his members waring against the law of my mind bringing me unto CAPTIVITY to the law of sin in my members...Oh wretched man that i am...No free will yet.
I do believe that the Jesus marries the church. Paul says it is a mystery, so I do not think we really know in this life what that exactly will be like. Your comments on the purpose of this marriage is so that Jesus can sow His seed is your interpretation, not the words of Jesus. Have a good day.
......We are gonna marry our sons...which is the H.G. that is born to us via his seed the words of the book etc...Thats y Isaiah is saying as a young man marries a virgin so shall thy SONS MARRY THEE....As the bridegroom rejoices over the bride so shall thy GOD REJOICE OVER THEE ....We are gona be married to our sons which are Spirits the H.G....The spirit and the flesh are gona be made 1... Isaiah 62 : 5....We must birth a new innnerman which is the H.G. that Child of Promise...Why do we refer to the H.G. as the Promise simply b/c the H.G. is the multiplication of very God in us via the seed of CHRIST, he is the Child of Promise...Thats y Jesus is saying unless you receive the Kingdom of God as a LIL CHILD ( A BIRTH ) You will in no wise enter there in...But Isaiah was very bold and says a lil CHILD is gonna lead them...the Child being the HG That Child of Promise. Our new innerman ....ok lemme go G. LOVE YA
......But Gi Gi is saying oh no we will neva share his glory or his divine nature...We will neva be married to God...oh no
......When the scripture plainly tells us to whom the word came it made them Gods...
......Gi Gi you are in essence saying we should not believe every thing the lord said....A marriage is when 2 are made 1 and no body can make that void...As Jesus said My words cannot return unto me void....They don't refer to Jesus as the bridegroom for nothin he has a seed to sow in our hearts and to whom the word ( his seed ) came it made them Gods....
......But I know that you do not believe everything Jesus taught us....Simply b/c your Church does not teach it....And thats y God has to send an angel to preach the everlasting gospel to all that dwell on the earth in the last days...Simply b/c too many folks are carnal minded....Being spritually minded is a problem for todays churches....Its uncouth for todays preachers to be Spritually minded...love ya Gi Gi....lemme go
You know nothing about the church I fellowship with. Please do not assume you know all the things you said about me, because you do not. What you have said is slander. Please, let's end this conversation as it is devolving into sinful words.
Amen, and well stated indeed!
In order to have this loving relationship with Jesus/God, we certainly do have "the freewill" to make "the choice", and we have "the freewill" to continue to grow our relationship, and become obedient to God's desires for us.
It certainly takes some "effort on our part", in conjunction with the guidance of the Holy Spirit, and it certainly is not just a one-way street.
God Bless.
We stated. God bless you.
Some who post on here speak as though our physical, material (made of matter) body is evil and that it is the spiritual aspects of our being that is redeemed. They speak as if the sinful nature only corrupts our fleshly bodies, but in reality, our whole being is corrupted by sin. They speak as if our redemption involves a freeing of our spiritual nature from our physical nature. This is called dualism and originated in the minds of the Greek philosophers such as Plato and the mid-eastern religious beliefs that attested that the body itself (and material universe, being made of matter) is inherently evil and the spiritual world made of spiritual beings and spiritual ideas is inherently good.
However, God's Word refutes this by God determination that the material world and physical beings he created are all inherently good. His design for the material world proceeded out of His perfection and goodness. It was when Adam and Eve sinned that corruption and death entered into physical creation.
God's Word also refutes this dualistic thinking because Satan, who is a spiritual being made without physical matter became corrupted when he sinned along with his angelic followers. In the spiritual realm, there is corruption as well, due to this sinfulness and rebellion in these fallen angels. These spiritual beings and the realm in which they abide were made inherently good by God, just as all of the physical realm was made inherently good. But it is sin that corrupted both realms.
The real conflict is between sin and righteousness, not between spirit and matter, as some say in their posts.
Gnosticism adopted this dualistic thought concerning labeling all that is spiritual as good and all that is physical as evil. This heretical thinking has prevailed in some segments of the church over the centuries, but has been consistently refuted as false teaching over the centuries as well. Here we have it in the church now, and we should continue to refute it.
Thanks and God bless you.
Part 1
The fact that God is a personal, relational being also explains the trinity in that God has forever been in a relationship of perfect love, complete understanding, and unceasing unity within the Godhead. God has never been without this interrelationship with the three persons of the Godhead.
How wonderful it is that He has made us to have a relationship with Him and to come to know Him for all of eternity. I am so thankful that He has provided the means (grace, faith, love) by which we are able to respond to His invitation to believe in him and enter into this eternal relationship that completely satisfies all of our needs for all of eternity. In Christ we have fellowship with God and also with other. These are such rich gifts to us!
God also, in His wisdom, created us to be embodied that have an integration of mind, body, spirit and soul that has a oneness aspect that, while in this life, cannot be separated. All aspects of our being are fused together and interrelated. God created all parts of our being in His wisdom and said that it is all good. What is not good in us is our sinful nature, not our physical, material, body. All of our being is corrupted by sin, but our redemption in Christ is applied to all of our being. not just to our spirit as some say.
Although we will die and our body is buried and will decay, in the resurrection our physical body will be resurrected and once again integrated with our mind, soul and spirit. Our whole self (mind, body, soul, and spirit) will be changed to become immortal and incorruptible, but not to become immaterial. We will not be strictly spirit beings. Jesus rose in a physical body and still has his human body forever. He always is fully God and fully human. And His human body is forever glorified. Our human bodies will also be glorified as His body is, although we will never acquire the divine nature. That nature solely belongs to God alone.
You said: although we will never acquire the divine nature. That nature solely belongs to God alone.
2 Peter 1:4 Whereby are GIVEN TO US exceeding and great PROMISES: that by these (promises) ye might be PARTAKERS of the DIVINE NATURE .......
1 Corinthians 15:28 .....that GOD (the divine nature) may be ALL in ALL.
God Bless YOU!
Rather, this verse is speaking of our great privilege of having communion with the Godhead in Jesus, in which partake of the divine nature in relationship, not because we acquire the divine nature. It is a partaking by association only. God is not made of parts where aspects of Himself can be divided up and given to a being He has created. Nor can He replicate or multiply His essential nature for us to receive. He said He will not share His glory with any other being, since all other beings are created by Him. To do any of what I mentioned would mean that God changes in His essential nature and Being, which contradicts what the Word says that He never changes who He is in any way.
We have had conversations on this matter before, so I do not wish to converse any longer with you on this matter. You will never convince me that we become gods or take from God some of His divine nature. God bless you today, Earl.
......When Jesus said behold i send the Promise of my Father upon you that was the baptism of the H.G. and fire, a living being Born in us via the seed of Christ. Our new innerman ...As Christ can reproduce very God in us via his seed the word ( his breath )...When he breathe on them that was his words and his Words are his seeds ....Thus the H.G is his offspring...Thats y Isaiah refers to Christ as everlasting father as Jesus is the FATHER of the H.G....And the H.G is that heavenly Jacob the 3 rd person an ISRAEL of God.
......The wheat is the H.G. a baby Christ and Jesus said that satan is the father of the tares thus Christ is the father of the
wheat....Simply b/c its Christ who sows the wheat ...Thus its satan that is the father of the tares simply b/c its satan that sows the tares....The wheat is a baby Christ simply b/c its Christ the bridegroom that sows that good seed the very seed of God in our hearts ....I said all that just to show you the multiplication of God..the H.G that are gonna be as the Stars of heaven.
.....Which are the Children of PROMISE...An Israel of God that is gonna be born in all of us sinners....Read Romans 9 : 8...Its the Children of PROMISE the H.G. that are counted for that good seed...Thus we must be bornagain of the H.G...K
Once again I say I do not accept your interpretation of Scripture on this topic. To me, it seems that you have a narrative that you try to weave with many Scriptures taken out of context and interpreted (with your ideas in parenthesis) as to the meaning. I don't share your interpretive narrative, as I have said before.
Since you initiated a response to me, I wanted to respond. However, I do not wish to go back and forth with you again on this topic as in the past. I take seriously your requests to me in our recent posts and I do not wish to upset you again by strongly disagreeing with your viewpoints, as I think they are false beliefs. So, I think it is best for this conversation between us to end tonight. Perhaps we can talk another day on a different topic. I hope you have a good night, Alex.
Good article. Thanks for sharing!
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