Bible Discussion Thread

  • Philip Christian Parks on 2 John 1 - 2 years ago
    Re. 2Jn. 1:10 = Contextually, the verb "receive" includes

    + agreeing with, and accepting the evil heresies and destructive purposes of the deceivers and antichrists;

    + welcoming them into your home;

    + showing hospitality to them by providing room and board in your home;

    + providing your home as their base of operations;

    + refreshing them in their travels.

    + providing them the rest and resources needed to continue their evil mission.

    Contextually, the only aid and compassion believing Christians should show these evil heretics is witnessing to them the true "Doctrine of CHRIST" (v.9).

    The verb "speed" translates from the Greek verb root (pronounced "KHAH-ee-ro"). "Chairo" always means active and exceeding joyfulness, rejoicing, and happiness. Apostle Paul used the same verb in his second epistle to the Corinthians ( 2Cor. 13:11): "Finally, brethren, farewell {Greek verb "chairo"}."

    To "bib" these religious heretics "GOD speed" literally means "say to him" with well wishes.

    Wishing "GOD speed" means the one voicing the wish desires heretics to achieve the highest possible results from their evil message and intentions. Their evil intentions pervert the "Doctrine of CHRIST" (v.9) resulting in the eternal destruction of the unfortunate gullible souls that swallow their deceptive delusions.
  • Avid reader - In Reply on 2 John 1 - 2 years ago
    The apostle Paul in Galatians 1.8,9

    Is very strong " let him be accursed . Yes we can not tolerate errors . It's not ok to be in error and there is no excuse , because the Holy Spirit will lead us into all truth .

    But we live in a time of ERRORS!

    It started in the first century and the Roman Empire brought it in fully adopting Christianity with a pagan view . This is known as the RCC and her many harlots that hold to some of her doctrines. The reformers many of them did not totally break with her errors, so today the many denominations have more or less returned to her .

    The Only safe place is the scriptures themselves , they never change .

    I really like the verse they have highlighted today 2 Timothy 3.16 that verse you need to hang onto and trust in .

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