Bible Discussion Thread

  • Butch Walker - 2 years ago
    Just wondered if everyone else sees the Bible unfolding every single day? God is on his way! What a day that will be! I have felt the Holy Spirit standing by my bed and I have never felt that way in all my life and it has happened twice to me now at 71 years old and both times the feeling was wonderful so if Heaven is anywhere close to this we got a lot of things to look foward to and it will be for ever and ever! Amen. Thank you God!
  • Daniel - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Amen brother Butch! Can't go a day without opening it! Has to be KJV though...

    When thou passest through the waters,

    I will be with thee;

    and through the rivers,

    they shall not overflow thee:

    when thou walkest through the fire,

    thou shalt not be burned;

    neither shall the flame kindle upon thee.

    Isaiah 43:2
  • Rapture and Heaven Movies to Consider-Streetpreacher - In Reply - 2 years ago
    So there's this movie (1 hour); covers from Genesis to when Satan is thrown into the lake of fire.

    Youtube search for: BLESSON TRIBULATION MOVIE

    This pastor is preaching on the Rapture, saying how any second Jesus could call us UP IN THE CLOUDS.

    He's saying a sound like lightning from the east to west-

    Right then it happens in church services. It's so fast it feels "like the blink of an eye", truly. Pastors Bible falls to the floor, he's gone in that blink.

    Like 80% of all the people are GONE. The other 25% are screaming and crying; kneeling.


    Trumpets,Seals,Bowls, all kinds of judgments going on. But the last 3 minutes, show what the writer thinks heaven will be like.

    In another YouTube movie REVELATION STATION MOVIE, that is chopped up now, it's real long. The segment named MILLENNIUM, also shows the wreckage of earth a few seconds. Then it shows heaven too. It shows humanity building and filling the earth with people. The 1000 years fly by. Then Satan is released to tempt the believers. Jesus fights their army, as in scripture. Satan is thrown in the lake of fire. Satan is very ugly.

    The earth is restored and time flys forward.

    Viewing it stirs up the gift that is in us: to evangelize the lost. Lost people will be punished, marked by the Beast, no water, no food, no hope. The pain is terrible to watch.

    The stars in the heavenlies fall; asteroids fall. An asteroid named Wormwood hits the ocean and everything in the ocean dies. People too. You can actually Google wormwood and NASA has photos of it online.

    Why can't we do like I did in the 80's? I had Saturday nights with snacks and the old Rapture Movies. People got saved; we baptized them in the Jacuzzi.

    A lost friend of mine says," WHY DOESNT GOD WRITE HIS NAME IN THE SKY SO WE CAN BELIEVE? I say, you live on the Madrid fault. Last big eruption the water flowed south to north, to Canada! Don't give up.

    If u don't like the movies, I like fresh tomatoes :D
  • Suze - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Amen to you Butch , Christ is coming ! It's going to be aaaaaawesome !
  • Butch Walker - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Thank you Suze and may God bless you and we will see each other in Heaven.
  • Suze - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Much love in Christ .

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