Bible Discussion Thread

  • Mike hogan on Malachi 1 - 2 years ago
    who was esau what did he do that God hated him
  • EmethAlethia - In Reply on Malachi 1 - 2 years ago
    First understand that in ancient times, if you wanted to give your inheritance to someone other than him, the language is, so and so( The firstborn) I gave hated. So and so, (The person now receiving the inheritance, or the inheritance of the firstborn.) I have loved.

    Romans 9:11 makes it clear that this "change of inheritance" (I.e. the Gentiles receiving the foremost position in Gods eyes and not the nation of the Jews), and thus Essau losing his position as the firstborn, had nothing at all to do with his actions as the decision was made prior to the birth of the twins.

    What Essau did or didn't do had nothing to do with anything other than God illustrating the fact that being in the firstborn position, as Israel was, is a decision God made. Not to condemn Essau, but to illustrate His extension of mercy to those who didn't deserve it. Israel, and Essau both, did deserve the judgement through there own actions, LATTER ON, but the decision to graft in the Gentiles, and give the inheritance that was due to the Israelites as disintegrate Essau was made before those actions were in any way justified. In Gods foreknowledge He KNEW the choices that would be made. And God knew that by Israels rejection, and thus offering salvation/mercy to the Gentiles, He could then offer salvation and mercy back to Israel. Rom 11:11-24.

    Note: there is no evidence that Essau did not repent of His sins and didn't come to God. Just as there is no evidence that quite a few from the nation of Israel did not turn to Christ, and even more from that nation will be grafted into the kingdom even in revelation.
  • T Levis - In Reply on Malachi 1 - 2 years ago
    Genesis 27:41,

    Esau was also called Edom, Genesis 36:1, please read: Obadiah 1, whole chapter

    Note: Obadiah 1:10-14 "For the violence against thy brother Jacob shame shall cover thee, and thou shalt be cut off forever. In the day that thou stoodest on the other side, in the day that the strangers carried away captive his forces, and foreigners entered into his gates, and cast lots upon Jerusalem, even thou was one of them. But thou shouldest not have looked on the day of thy brother in the day he became a stranger; neither shouldest thou have rejoiced over the children of Judah in the day of their destruction; neither shouldest thou have spoken proudly in the day of distress. Thou shouldest not have entered into the gate of my people in the day of calamity; yea, thou shouldest not have looked on their affliction in the day of their calamity, nor have laid hands on their substance in the day of their calamity; Neither shouldest thou have stood in the crossways, to cut off those of his that did escape; neither shouldest thou have delivered up those of his that did remain in the day of distress."

    Obadiah 1:6, Malachi 1, Deuteronomy 2:22, Jeremiah 49:7-22, Judges 11:17, 1Kings 11:14-25, Ezekiel 25:12-14,

    Romans 9:13-15,

    Hopefully these are helpful also, towards more understanding of why GOD said Esau HE hated.
  • Marke - In Reply on Malachi 1 - 2 years ago
    To Mike,

    The difference between the saved and lost is seen in their attitudes towards God. Those who hear God's voice and reject it due to a greater love for sin will be damned. Those who hear God's voice and reject their sin in favor of receiving Jesus as their Savior will be saved.

    Esau revealed his attitude toward God in the matter when he spoke disrespectfully of the things and promises of God and openly chose the immediate satisfaction of fleshly desires over the promised future blessings of an inheritance from God.
  • ESAU AND JACOB. PART TWO - In Reply on Malachi 1 - 2 years ago
    The last wars will be fought by Israel and the Palestinians ( maybe Russia and China too.)


    we're talking about a future 200 million man Army assembling to kill every person in Israel.

    I believe the Ark of The Testament; Which is in heaven for now; see Revelation 22. It's in heaven with the Tree of Life :) We will see it at the Last War, when Jesus returns as the Lamb__with His Bride.

  • ESAU AND JACOB__COVENANTS AND WARS PART 1 - In Reply on Malachi 1 - 2 years ago
    Genesis 25-27: Tells the story of Esau and Jacob. Jacob and Rebekah worked together to cheat Esau out of his birthright as elder son. Esau made it easy because he'd rather have a bowl of stew than his birthright. He only fought for it when he saw it given to Jacob.

    It seems wrong but Esau had no regard for those things until he realized what He had done. It says God HATED Esau for the treachery. This doesn't sanction cheating and treachery. It teaches that when God gives you a blessing, don't throw it away on something temporal.

    Esau left Jewish culture and married into other culture and religion. However, to this very day, Esau is still trying to get his blessing away from Jacob. (God changed Jacobs name to Israel.)

    The wars in the Mid-East today, are still about the Covenants God made with Abraham and of Abraham's wife SARAH. Ishmael received his own blessing from God. ( Genesis 15 & forward). God clearly explained borders inside the Covenant.

    Ishmaels descendants (Palestinians) want everything God gave Israel through the Abrahamic Covenant. Jews have returned to Israel and now the land (the Fig Tree Jesus spoke of), is fertile and blooming. This is prophesy being fulfilled NOW. It's no secret. google it. I followed Esaus descendants to the eastern lands of Israel: a very difficult study.

    The Palestinians are making deals with Russia; Russia is making deals with China. Search CHINA in the search engine. 3 scriptures say the Pestilences origins are China and mid-east lands. You gotta use ancient maps with the ancient country names on it.

    Begin reading the Bible alongside the news, or even Google news. GOD will not allow Israel to be "wiped off the face of the Earth,"

    As some countries threaten daily.

    They do not accept Gods plans for the "end of days."

    You can pick up Esau's history by googling Esau's geneology. You'll need to Google ancient maps too.

    Studies lead to eastern Israel and Palestinian lands.

    Matthew 24, Luke 21.

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