Bible Discussion Thread

  • Jake on Psalms 80 - 2 years ago
    Mankind is not a weak and imperfect people but plainly ungodly incapable of doing any good and inclined to all evil. Anyone trying to do good in order of obtaining salvation will never be justified, Roman's 4 : 2,3,4. Verse 5 tells us to believe in Him that justifieth the ungodly, his faith is counted for righteousness. God doesn't save the godly but the ungodly. Praise the Lord who saves only people without works. AMEN
  • Texsis - In Reply on Psalms 80 - 2 years ago
    Yes, praise the Lord! Good works alone will not get us to heaven yet we are to live accordingly once we are saved. Love and pray for everyone daily. Help ppl out if they need it not merely sitting around thinking "I'm saved so I don't need to do anything else". Learn the truth of the commandments and don't break any purposely. Not that we live by them anymore, once Jesus died for our sins, yet If we do keep breaking them, knowingly, we were never truly saved and satan will eventually take over and we will start to change and may, God forbid, eventually deny Christ. That is the ONLY unforgivable deny Christ.! So DO NOT get the mark of the beast either!! Only God knows His purpose for us, our mind and hearts as well. therefore it is a sin to make others business ours. God will judge us in the end for how we live our new life in Christ so please don't misinterpret "once saved always saved". NO more than standing in a garage makes you a car. Yes He will not leave us nor forsake us though continuing to do ungodly things you're choosing to forsake Him. If you truly have Christ in our heart you will want to do these thing. Sorry, I tend to ramble, pray that helps. God bless Texsis
  • Suze - In Reply on Psalms 80 - 2 years ago
    You do not ramble Texsis ! I love your posts !
  • Texsis - In Reply on Psalms 80 - 2 years ago
    Awe thanks for making me smile! Wasn't sure anything I said was helping cuz I stirred much commotion, about a certain subject that SO many are confused about, so I remove myself from the equation for a bit. It would be nice to see our "Amens". Yet God knows and that's all that matters. Thnx again & God bless, Texsis
  • Suze - In Reply on Psalms 80 - 2 years ago
    Dear Texsis , we can't please everyone all the time on here , try not to take anything personally , most folks on here are genuine Truth seekers just like you and me , it can get a bit heated sometimes but that because Christians are passionate people and so we should be . Don't worry about feed back , if you are not getting any , I think that's probably a good sign smiley face , we never know just how much our posts might be helping others so keep up the good work , I can hear your heart in your posts , that's something I like to be able to hear on here , be not soon shaken , God has brought each one of us to this site , He knows what He is doing , much love in Christ .
  • GiGi - In Reply on Psalms 80 - 2 years ago

    Very true. We are to express our views here with charity and with an aim to help others in growing in the Lord through knowledge of the Word of God. I do think like you that God has brought us to this site for a reason and on purpose. So, we can rejoice that we have such a broad group of brothers and sisters in the Lord to interact with. Thanks for your psot.

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