Bible Discussion Thread

  • David - 2 years ago
    Jeremiah 2:13 This verse has one of the greatest challenges facing the Body of Christ the Church of God in the age

    of grace even being written to israel or the jewish people in captivity. The evils are forsaking the fountain of living

    waters God who supplies all need but also we try to figure out better ways the flesh of by not walking by the spirit

    and that is what seperates believers because of different belief systems outside of whats written which goes against

    Ephesians 4:1-6 also in Phillipians the main topic is like minded in christ I.E. DOCTRINE. What seperated Jesus Christ

    from the other leaders was not what he said His doctrine was with power and authority, the same with the first century

    church they not only talked the walk but walked the talk and manifested the power given them. The same is available

    inour day and time God hasn't and Jesus Christ is the same yesterday to day and forever. God Bless.
  • Believing - In Reply - 2 years ago
    I was reading Jeremiah ch 1 , 2, 3, yes it's very applicable to today .

    We all must see it Gods way to understand, thank God for the Bible , the OT was written that we might learn by others examples, to do right etc. and avoid the consequences. It also helps us understand our present spiritual environment. God is very merciful, yet he will not pardon sin and refusal to repent . It breaks Gods heart more than any one else to see a sinful people, and that refuse to change ( for their own good ) .

    That's the deception they think God will not judge them for their sins .

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