Bible Discussion Thread

  • Anthon on John 1 - 2 years ago
    My circumstances at the moment do not allow me to go to church on Saturday the sabbath because I am temporarily in a rehabilitation center learning to walk again after about a month stay in the hospital for medical reasons. I wanted to know while I am not keeping the sabbath holy. I do read and listen to my Bible on my smartphone. I hope to be discharged from said rehab place in another 3 months or so. I wanted to know if I am still sinning against God
  • GiGi - In Reply on John 1 - 2 years ago

    I do hope your rehab goes successfully in learning to walk again. I will pray for you over this time you are there, so please check back in with us with updates to remind me to pray for you.
  • Saydee Dockery - In Reply on John 1 - 2 years ago
    Yes I will pray for you too hope you feel better I will ask God to heal you as soon as posible because no one likes being in rehab. Your Parents are probably so worried about you because sometimes you might think if your parents don't pray for you you don't think they care about you, but God always cares about you and he is always going to have a plan for you. I will pray really hard. feel better soon.
  • David - In Reply on John 1 - 2 years ago
    Anthon Don't you think God knows your condition and by his SON Jesus Christ your still his child born again

    key word born can't be reversed, also collossians 2:13-23 then all same epistle chapter 3 deals with where

    we keep our mind. Look brother we have been redeemed i.e. bought back and justified i.e. and we have the

    righteousness of God inChrist which means we stand infront of God with no sense of sin guilt or condemnation

    walking by the spirit so do not beat yourself up GOD ISNT. If God is no longer against us when we do our best

    then why do we when our sin is bought and payed for not saying if we blow we don't ask forgivemess, we

    acknowledge our broken fellowship which is what sin and do it honestly then keep moving on. That's what our

    great example King davuid did when he blew it with bathsheba and had her husband murdered, he acknowledge

    his sin ask forgiveness was in sackclothe and ashes three days prayer that the child would live then when he got

    word that he died immediately got himself together and back to doing what God told him to be doing. Remember

    this is a man that God says scripturally uis a man after His own heart. So love yourself and think of yourself as

    God thinks of you, and remember the sabbath was made for man not man for the sabbath IT IS WRITTEN.

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