Bible Discussion Thread

  • PROPHECY - 2 years ago

    The WOMAN is all flesh and blood, Christ's bride.

    Jeremiah 30:6 Ask ye now, and see whether a MAN doth travail with a CHILD? wherefore I see EVERY MAN with his hands on his loins, as A WOMAN in travail, and all faces are turned to paleness.

    Galatians 4:19 My little children, of whom I TRAVAIL IN BIRTH again, until CHRIST BE FORMED IN YOU (the Holy Ghost, GOD).

    1 Timothy 2:14 .... but the WOMAN (all flesh and blood) being DECEIVED was in the transgression.

    1 Timothy 2:15 ....the WOMAN shall be SAVED in CHILDBEARING ....a man child (CHRIST FORMED IN YOU) ...

    Revelation 12:1 ... a WOMAN (all flesh and blood, in the AGES TO COME) clothed with GOD, and the CHRIST under her feet, and a crown of 12 stars (angels, ministering spirits) upon her head.

    Ephesians 2:7 That in the AGES TO COME .....


    Revelation 12:5 And the WOMAN brought forth a man child, that was to RULE ALL NATIONS with a rod of iron ... Psalms 2:8-9 .... Psalms 149:9

    Revelation 2:27 And he (the MAN CHILD that overcomes DECEPTION) shall rule them with a rod of iron .....even as I received of MY FATHER.

    Isaiah 60:22 A little one (Christ) shall become A THOUSAND, and a small one (Christ) a strong nation (TRUE ISRAEL) ....

    Isaiah 55:11 So shall my word be that goeth forth out of my mouth: it shall not return unto me void, but it shall accomplish that which I PLEASE, and it shall prosper in the things whereto I SENT IT.

    Ephesians 2:7 That in the AGES TO COME ....all will be FULFILLED: GOD will be ALL in ALL .... 1 Corinthians 15:28.

    God Bless ALL.
  • Alex N - In Reply - 2 years ago
    PROPHECY you are right Jesus said the field is the world where that good seed will be sown...Not just Israel....By 1 spirit are we all baptised into the body of Christ whether we be Jew or Gentile...Bond or free ....thus the woman is truly the world...Remember God so loved the world....Jesus said the field is the world where that good seed will be sown....Thus the Woman is the world....Go ye into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature...Sowing that good seed the word in the hearts of anybody that hears.... Romans 7:4....We must be married to Christ and bring forth FRUIT unto God....Which is the H.G. the Child of Promise..

    .....Unless you receive the Kingdom of God as a lil Child ( the manchild ) the H.G. ..Mankinds fruit unto God, You will in no wise enter in....After the woman births the child...V 10 .....Now is come salvation and the kingdom of our God and the power of his Christ etc....The Woman was impregnated by the Good seed of Christ the words of God..the new covenant....Who is my Mother Jesus asked ? the woman ....them that hears my words (seeds ) and keeps them....Thats y he has to know us....Jesus knew this woman ....Thats when the good seed is sown in her heart...Jew and Gentile a like...The world....The Israel of God.... Gal 6:16...Old Israel is the 144,000.....But the Israel of God ( Christ seed ) The contents of the book that he wrote with his own blood,... is that number that no man can number of all nations tongues ppls and kindreds...and they sang a new song...saying thou art worthy....If i be lifted up i will draw ALL men unto me...The world...The Israel of God....God Almighty Promised Christ I will multiply thy seed as the stars of heaven....Thus the woman with Child...everybody....The world...gbu
  • PROPHECY - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Amen. Brother Alex:

    Yes, the 144,000 (signified not literal) is the Old Saints.... Mathew 27:52-53

    They have already received (I AM the resurrection) the PROMISE (made perfect, Immortality, resurrected INTO the FORM OF CHRIST: Galatians 4:19)

    1 Timothy 16:6 Who (Christ) ONLY hath immortality, dwelling in the light .....

    Hebrews 11:39 And all these, having obtained a good report through faith (of Christ), received not the promise (to be made perfect).

    Hebrews 11:40 God having provided some better thing for us (we will never see death), that they without us should not be MADE PERFECT (Christ is the ONLY ONE PERFECT).

    Luke 46:40 ....but every one that IS PERFECT shall be as his MASTER.

    John 17:23 I in them, and thou in me, that they MAY BE PERFECT ......

    God Bless YOU.
  • Luke - In Reply - 2 years ago
    The woman is Mother Israel

    The man child is Jesus Christ

    The first 11 verses in Rev 12 is a polysyndeton:The repetition of conjunctions in close succession for rhetorical effect, as in the phrase here and there and everywhere
  • Ronald Whittemore - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Hey Luke.

    Good answer, you can see with Joseph's dream in Genesis 37:9 The sun and the moon and with Joseph twelve stars, Israel. You can eliminate Mary mother of Jesus for she did not have a remnant. You can eliminate the Church because it did not birth Jesus, it is the body of Christ.

    The man child Jesus, the woman, Israel brought forth is to rule all nations with a rood of iron and after His resurrection he ascended to heaven to the right side of God. We see the dragon trying to devour Jesus with Herod, and the killings of all the man children of 2 years old of all the land, Matt. 2:16.

    Then after the dragon is cast out of heaven permanently, in vs. 8 no place is found anymore in heaven. Satan is wroth with the woman/Israel and went to make war with the remnant of her seed starting the three- and one-half years tribulation.

    God bless,

  • GiGi - In Reply - 2 years ago
    I agree Luke.
  • Giannis - In Reply - 2 years ago
    That's right dear Luke. GBU
  • S Spencer - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Amen Luke.

    That's easily seen in scripture.

    The Church didn't bring on the man child "Christ". Revelation 12:5. and Revelation 19:15-16.

    Christ brought on the Church!!

    Here's just two of many.

    Matthew 16:18.

    1 Corinthians 3:10-11.

    As you said Israel is the woman and she brought on the man child who is Christ. " Romans 9:4-5."

    Also Revelation 12:1. parallels with Genesis 37:9-10. It gives a description of who the Sun and the Moon and the twelve stars are.

    Now hold on to your hat!

    God bless.
  • Alex N - In Reply - 2 years ago
    PROPHECY.....GBU For this timely Message....You are so right the manchild is our fruit unto God...The H.G....The result of the sower and his seed the words of God...That NEW BORN babe desiring the sincere milk of the word is the H.G...As Jesus said that which is BORN of the spirit is spirit which is the H.G.....Our new innerman....our new heart and new spirit...Being bornagain of an incorruptible seed the words of that New Covenant....The contents of that book that he wrote with his own blood.

    .....Unless ya receive the KINGDOM of God as a lil Child you will in NO wise enter there in....Plz note the Kingdom of God does not come till the woman ( the world ) the bride births the Child the H.G...The Child of Promise....Yes indeed We are gonna see ALL men in travail and birth pains....Simply b/c of the Sower and his seed the contents of that Book...The New Covenant in his blood....The WORDS of WONDER that Daniel saw in Daniel 12:6 KJV. The Book ...Men and Woman are gonna birth a baby Christ which is the H.G..... Isaiah 49:23 kjv...Kings shall be your nursing Fathers and their Queens your nursing mothers etc...We are gonna have a baby Christ which is the H.G. As that which is BORN of the spirit is spirit which is the H.G. Emanuel....Ya gotta realize that the Sower of the good seed is the Bridegroom thus the wheat is the H.G. a Baby Christ...The Kingdom....Unless ya receive the Kingdom of God as a lil Child...You will in no wise enter there in....This is how we know without a doubt that Jesus is truly God the Son....He reproduces after the God kind Spirits the God....When he breathe on them he was reproducing very God with his breath which was his WORDS his Seeds....Thats y he told them b/c i have spoken these words sorrows have filled your hearts....Then he tells them of a Woman in travail and birth pains... John 16 ...B/C of his words/seeds but the Child didn't come till 50 day later at Pentacost th H.G. was born in them the Child of Promise...Behold the Promise.
  • Free - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Ty for a wonderful teaching in the word of truth. Much love in Christ. God has truly blessed you. John 2

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