Bible Discussion Thread

  • Adam - 2 years ago
    It's come to my attention that school teachers are increasingly pushing their worldly ideals on our impressionable children, such as pressuring them to experiment with different gender identities and pushing lgbt propaganda. This is greatly disturbing to me and I'm having a hard time restraining my frustration due to this evil being allowed to openly operate and harm these vulnerable kids in what is supposed to be a safe place for them.

    I am seeking any Biblical advice on how we should conduct ourselves. Should Christians be pacifists and turn the other cheek or do we have a responsibility to push back in some manner that would be pleasing to God?
  • Pray for Parents to teach their Children - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Adam, get involved with school boards if they allow non parents in meetings.

    I take that frustration into my closet (actual) and cry out to God and Jesus for wisdom and help; expose lies and deceptions. Teach parents they have to obey God; not man.

    Explain to children man's laws versus Gods Laws. We've allowed school administrators and wicked politicians to pervert schools.

    God fully expects parents to do it. Deuteronomy 11-12. It does not say turn your kids over to sinful teaching systems.

    Talk to your Pastor. Ask that our churches teach it in the CHURCH. Cut the psyche babble and teach scripture principles for parenting. People are scared to death to be accused of "teaching the Law". We can't even understand GRACE, until we understand the Laws God gave us.
  • Richard H Priday - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Ironically; those who identify as gay tend to have higher income and greater career status than the general population; despite those pundits who are indoctrinating our kids seemingly not concerned about things like that. Of course some may be given unfair advantages with this lifestyle today; but this has been a longer trend. It also means we should be aware that there is support both on the left and on the right (as was evidenced by the previous Presidential administration) toward and from the gay community. Again; the suicide rates among trans people; the violent relationships that often take place with gay "lovers"; and other emotional trends that tend to be characteristic of those who eventually adopt this lifestyle are not mentioned.

    Of course; everything boils down to money. As the governor of South Dakota mentioned on TV with Mr. Levin last night; food programs for poor children from the Federal Government was threatened to be shut down if the whole agenda wasn't accepted; and she had to fight for all girls and boys sports to stay that way. It is not surprising; therefore that that state is doing better than any other economically.

    Once we see enough poverty and hunger in this country; these issues will probably tend to fade away. The challenge is being salt and light; and knowing when our kids should try to engage others and when they are endangered.

    Another issue here which could tend to go through the cracks is those whose children get "Christian" education. The seminaries today; as well as traditionally sound colleges have in a large part gone awol; with the "woke" aagenda. There are more individuals apparently who can teach in such institutions who themselves aren't Christians. The church in a large part needs to possess what they confess; if we expect to preach the truth we'd better actually believe it as the Bible says. Again; I'm convinced that the runaway divorce rate and remarriage in the CHURCH started what we see today
  • Richard H Priday - In Reply - 2 years ago
    I am assuming that you are at least a middle age adult yourself. There are good perspectives here; for both keeping your kids in a public school; or taking them out and home schooling (as well as having some social interactions in the community).

    It probably is good to step back here; and see that the whole concept of education has been turned on its head. Apparently; to the extent that teachers aren't even required to teach to pass their evaluations these days. Gone are the days where we were taught to compete with the rest of the world to secure the best knowledge; and skills to be a productive member of a WORKING society. When we are all expecting something for nothing; and not having any respect for authority; discipline or correction then we become selfish and spoiled people. This is a sign of a decaying society; as ancient Rome being destroyed from the inside out. The concept of pride; which the gay community likes to draw out from God's condemnation of Sodom shouldn't be entirely dismissed here. When we are proud of our "enlightened" mindset or our "freedoms" without God's righteousness then we succumb not just to unnatural relations; but greed; political agendas; atheism or whatever we choose to be our mantra.

    I would strongly suggest that children be taught to be prayer warriors. If they are encouraged to band together; then it will be harder to stop them from being salt and light. This brings a clear demarcation from the self destruction this suicidal generation maintains when following the one who steals; kills and destroys. There used to be a Montessouri mindset (those places still exist) where competition was said to be unfair. Certainly; a Christian shouldn't laud any successes over anyone. However; we also should excel in our field; for instance with music as it isn't edifying to God not to put our whole mind; heart and soul into our profession whatever we do.
  • S Spencer - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Prayer has been removed from school but it's ok to switch genders.


    Television is another bad influence as well. Especially Sports! they wants to be a voice and is for all immortality. Social media is now the biggest tool for spreading opinion and views and everybody has one!!

    All you hear is your god, My god, The man from above, The Basketball gods. Everybody has one, they're just not made of wood and clay vessels anymore. We build them in our minds!

    Entertainment is controlling the culture change especially Hollywood.

    With all this bad information at your fingertips, by the time a kid gets old enough to think on his own somebody's thinking for him. Any and everything is truth but the bible.

    That's Godless! This didn't happen overnight.

    When we pray to God don't ask him to restore things back to our former days, they wasn't good either. Atleast not for everyone. We pray with the humility of Daniel.

    He included himself when he prayed for his nation.

    It's getting late for me.

    I would like to speak some more on this tomorrow.

    God bless.
  • Raising Your Kids to Possess Morals - In Reply - 2 years ago
    We have the right to vote. We have the privilege to attend open school board meetings.

    The Book of Deuteronomy 11: GOD shows us that the burden to teach our children BIBLE TRUTH is on the Believing Parents. We do not get a pass on SPIRITUAL EDUCATION, in the Home. We don't get to edit out "parts" according to politics.

    Example: my son said his teacher taught we all came from APES. He was upset because he had a test the next day!

    I asked him if he ever saw an ape inside of his public school? Did he see a ape living in a 3 bedroom house with air conditioning, big screen tv with remote, PlayStation 5? A $60,000 car, full refrigerator?

    He was in tears. He said teacher was going to give an "F"to everyone who disagreed with her.

    I gave him my PERMISSION TO FLUNK THE TEST. I told him there would be science projects he could get an A+ on. He did the work and his grade average Passed Him to the next grade. He learned hard work beats HERESY every single time.

    I also taught him in my home_ sex education and Godly morals. He learned the correct names and functions. He grew up having respect for the female sex.

    Another time (age 15) I asked if he wanted to marry a virgin? He said YES!! I told him as the man, he should protect his virgin & keep her pure. Proverbs 3

    Don't be afraid to teach Bible principals to your kids. Teach Godly knowledge. God made them, to be passed from one generation to the next one. It works.

  • GiGi - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Hello Adam,

    As a retired public school teacher, I saw this coming into the curriculum about 5 years ago. First they "train" (desensitize, propagandize, indoctrinate) the teachers and staff, then in a year or two, it is introduced into the curriculum. With this insidious sexual education and with CRT, the design is to have this ideology be incorporated into every subject matter so that it is woven into every aspect of the school environment. Gone are the days when a parent could just opt their child out of sex education teaching for that portion of the day. The directives are coming down to the local schools from the state Offices of Public Instruction and the Federal Education department. So, local school districts will lose funding if they do not comply with these directives. And, we all know, it is money that drives the decisions at the local level more than principles.

    My suggestion is to urge every parent of school age children to take their children out of the public schools and enroll them in a Christian private school or home school them. This decision is very costly to parents and some just cannot afford these two options. So, for those of us who are led, we can speak up for these children that will remain int he public school by how we vote concerning the ideologies of candidates beginning at the school board level, we can speak up at the school board meetings, communicate to the superintendent, principal, teachers ones concerns (it doesn't matter if one has kids in school or not, we employ them). We can, inform the public about what is actually being taught in classes by gaining access to curriculum materials to review (we have a right to do this). We can help some families by contributing to tuition scholarships.

    But, we really cannot sit back and let this happen to the youngest of our population. I got out of teaching when covid hit, and it was very timely as these things became part of the curriculum in the two years I have been out. Pray and act.
  • Adam - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Thank you all for many good responses.
  • Grae - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Beverly and Victoria r correct I think . We should play an active part in the upbringing of our own children and the children of our close family and our fellow church members . If we think that it's ok to just leave it to our schools to bring our children up we r asking for trouble . It's our job to ensure that all the children of our family , physical and spiritual r brought up by us , not paid employees who r not shepherds , they r hirelings and care not for our lambs but have their own agendas .
  • One Eighty - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Hi Adam,

    This stuff has been out there for quite some time. Respectfully, I would have to ask, "Where have you been?" Many schools teach that one consider that all people with white skin are racist. Its sad; the hate and fear they imbue upon these young minds.

    As far as biblical help; pray for your enemies? Lincoln said,"Do I not destroy my enemies when I make them my friends?" So pray for your perceived enemies that they would become your friends.

    What should parents do? Take your children out of the public school system. I taught a 14 yr. old last year and gearing up to start again in few weeks. Its not always easy, but the children are worth it. It is going to worsen and they cannot harm them when they have no one to teach. Perhaps then they will figure it out.
  • S Spencer - In Reply - 2 years ago
    This is a great concern Adam! I'm glad you brought this up.

    This is definitely a big issue, and I believe it needs to be discussed often by the Church!

    I've spoken on this often in Church.

    There was different views and opinions discussing this.

    I took the approach on how Homosexuality came into the world using Romans 1:18-32 and focused on it being a RESULT OF DEPARTURE and fruitlessnes using Ezekiel 16:43. ( especially notice verses 48 and 50 ) This is where people were pierced!

    You have to know the cause of something before you react to it. This gets to the base of the rapidly growing fire and place a whole nation at blame instead of the splitting parties. This agenda is wrong so one would wonder how did such a thing enter the governing of a nation that is supposedly God led?

    We have articles written down by the nation forefathers that seemed to be inspired by the Bible and we're proud of them.

    The question is were they ever performed?

    The law in the Bible was written IN STONE BY GOD HIMSELF

    AND NEVER AMENDED. The Jews was proud of it but never could obtain them and it condemned them as well as us.

    We have the declaration of Independence, the Constitution outlined how this government would function. Yet the constitution has been amended 27 times.

    We continue to change how we constitute the governing!

    Our written articles is used as a indictment against us.


    Sadly that inward Governing you won't see geographically until the Millennium reign of Christ.

    But there is nation sojourning here now that is governed by the Lord and that is "HIS" Church.

    "True believers who worship in truth and Spirit."

    2 Chronicles 7:14. Was written to Israel but I believe we should consider for clarity.

    If my people, which are called by my name, shall HUMBLE THEMSELVES, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.

    God bless.
  • Daniel - In Reply - 2 years ago
    First of all, it's (LGBT +++) really is a sin of the flesh, sin of lust and of perversion. No, the public/private schools that teach this (which has become standard in most North American countries...excluding Mexico which still considers this agenda as hostile for school systems).

    Two options I see: Allow them to have friends and community within the school system (extra curricular activities) -- possibly arrange for them to attend part-time or ask the school board if your child my be exhempt from such courses that encourage this.

    The other option is home schooling.

    Overall, as we're in the last days -- I see that it only appears to be getting worse. I remember the words of the apostle James regarding the sin of perversion...

    James Chapter 1

    "But every man is tempted, when he is drawn away of his own lust, and enticed. Then when lust hath conceived, it bringeth forth sin: and sin, when it is finished, bringeth forth death."
  • Alex N - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Hiya Adam i hear ya...But there is lil we can do till the kingdom comes....Jesus said I am THE LIGHT OF THE WORLD but the night comes when no man can work....After the woman births the Children then comes the kingdom..... Rev 12:10....kjv...But there is gonna be a war in Heaven as John said....Elijah is gona come and turn the hearts of the fathers to these children....Before that great and terrible day of the lord...Malachi...4:6 kjv.....Im not refering to flesh and blood children I am refering to the Children of Promise the H.G. Spirits That are gonna be born in us via his good seed ....That are gonna be as the stars of Heaven in Multitudes...GBU Adam
  • Victoria - In Reply - 2 years ago
    The word of God says train up a child in they should go , And even when they are old they will not depart from it. The world is blind to the things of God and its our responsibility to speak life....our children should be taught to seek God's wisdom and will for their lives, gifts, abilities and talents.
  • Daniel - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Amen. Victoria's answer is exactly how we should think regarding this. God asks we train them up (the children). This means that the parents have a choice of where their children are led to and whose hands they are put in the care in. God also holds both accountable.

    As much as it may seem like everyone knows about the LGBT teaching to children in schools today -- not all parents are aware of what that really means. The school system may have a stricter policy and sometimes the child comes home and says (let's say a boy), "Mom & Dad...I've transitioned into a girl." This has really happened and when the parents investigated into it -- turns out a teacher told them in secret. We have to be extremely careful with whom we trust to leave our children with these days. There's a great wickedness out there.
  • Beverly - In Reply - 2 years ago
    It's very difficult, but as a parent and grandparents, it's our responsibility to teach our children truth and protect them from the lies and wickedness. I homeschool our boys. They learn the things that education is "suppose " to teach. They also play sports of their choice, they are active in their church groups. They are protected by their parents, by the way it is our responsibility.. and they still enjoy the things they like to do. Marylyn Mason- a Satanic musician said, " if parents will not train your child; I will".

    Spend quality and meaningful time with your children. They are living in a wicked time, that's very stressful for them. Show love, show that they matter. Even if it doesn't seem in some cases they don't care, they are. Listen! Watch! Be an active parent in their life. When they are grown then, you get to live your life. Until then, enjoy and be the caring ( not passive; but patient parent) there is a difference. Give grace and hope. We all need it.

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