Bible Discussion Thread

  • Richard H Priday - 2 years ago
    Soul sleep; the big lie.

    1 Thessalonians 4:14 to the end of the chapter and 1 Thessalonians 5:10 make it clear; along with other verses that when the body sleeps; the spirit lives on. The question is; of course if His Spirit "testifies with our spirit ( Romans 8:16) that we are God's children." If not; then truly we are spiritually "dead" as it were; which means absent from the indwelling of the Holy Spirit and hence forever trapped in our sinful nature. He has put "eternity in the hearts of men" ( Ecclesiastes 3:11). Hebrews 9:27 also makes it pretty clear that we face judgment after death. That will determine where we spend the interim period through the Millennial reign and make the "first resurrection" ( Rev. 20:6) or remains until the Great White Throne judgment. There are; apparently phases to the firstfruits which Christ Himself initiated; then some who came out of their graves AFTER the Resurrection; then those alive at His coming when the saints are Resurrected and finally the Resurrection of those who were martyred in the Tribulation. I will leave this detailed eschatology to other posts.

    I already stated elsewhere where the word "qeber" is referring to the bodily state of "sleep" or death in the grave; and when "sheol" the land of the souls of all in the O.T. (now only just for the wicked) exists. Now; to be "absent from the body is present with the Lord ( 2 Cor. 5:6). The bigger question is WHY people want to hold to this "soul sleep" or nonexistence mentality. Part of it can be not dividing the Word properly ( 1 Tim. 2:15); or 2 Peter 3:16 where unstable people twist scripture to their own destruction. If someone knows they are in sin; and remains unrepentant in their hearts it is easy to follow this mindset so that there can be space before judgment. ( Ecclesiastes 8:11; Psalm 73:17). He is not the God of the dead but the living ( Mark 12:27). Hence; we are already "seated in heavenly places" ( Ephesians 2:6).

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