Bible Discussion Thread

  • Richard H Priday on Revelation 10 - 2 years ago
    Revelation 10

    There is; no doubt an air of mystery (with a literal use of that word in verse 7 explaining the concept of "time no longer" in verse 6.). Given that we still have literal sequential fulfillments to come; surely it doesn't mean that the law of physics related to time and space are no longer in effect. The 1000 year reign to come surely verifies that fact. The most common explanation is that there is no longer any DELAY for these events to happen (see also Habukkuk 2:3).

    The "mystery" here has been explained as the end of the church age; or the Rapture of the Church. I would say that it is better explained as the end of the "firstfruits" that are translated from the earth which actually began with Christ Himself; and a portion that came out of their graves after the Resurrection; those raptured and resurrected before the first seal; the 144,000 and the 2 witnesses. This could include the great multitude martyred who no man can count either. Whether some of these martyrs are lukewarm of the church left behind to be tested doesn't need to be argued here. The basic point is that there are faithful of both the Church Age and after (in the case of the O.T. saints another "dispensation" as it were. It is good not to be too bogged down with dispensational time boundaries; we see those saved by grace throughout history.

    What we do see in the next few chapters is a shift to the religious and political nations and the Antichrist directly. Clearly some are hidden; and make it to the 2nd Coming. Once the 2 Prophets are martyred there is no more room for witnessing; and in fact God uses angels to preach as men are greatly scattered and no doubt barely can speak out against Satan's man as the beheadings ramp way up. God hiding His people in the wilderness shows that flight is the best option; and God's Word backs that up. We also notice once we get to the Bowl judgments that no man is able to enter in the Temple in heaven to pray ( Rev. 15:8)

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