Bible Discussion Thread

  • Richard H Priday on Revelation 10:11 - 2 years ago
    Revelation 10: Concluding thoughts

    Therefore; there is no more holding back judgment (See Jeremiah 15:1 for example). The "plumbline" is drawn ( Amos 7:7-9).

    There is a distinct time frame where God says "enough" and Christ is set free with the righteous angels to procure judgment.

    We see in the following chapters that in fact He uses Satan by giving him what he always wanted; control over the entire world.

    Geographically; he doesn't gain all the territory; but surely with technology and his minions can enforce his mark worldwide through the 10 nations or regional confederacy that rule with him for "one hour". ( Rev. 17:12). It is an interesting sidenote; which I pointed out before about some who fight in the Ezekiel 38 war AGAINST Antichrist. Since one sixth survive it is possible that they did NOT recieve the mark of the Beast and have a chance at surviving into othe Millenium. In Isaiah 49:23 we see kings and queens being "nursing fathers" and mothers as it were (part of that obviously symbolic). In Jeremiah 31:16-17 we see further confirmation of this. This isn't the main point of the passage; but it shows how God may use captivity and even kidnapping to ultimately preserve the lives of children into the Millennium; the alternative being killed in Israel by Antichrist.

    We need to see several larger themes here. God is using all this so that FINALLY as Christ is returning the nation will repent; and that in weeping. (see Zechariah 12:12). It seems hard to believe that the nations get it in regard to Christ and God in the sixth seal; and Israel remains blind that long. Romans 11:25 sheds some light on this; in regard to the "fullness of the Gentiles" which could be indicative of the Church Age ending; complete with the Rapture/Resurrections discussed previously.

    Altogether; He uses Satan's own planning to draw men to the snare and trap of Armageddon where things come to a swift conclusion. No more delay can occur or no flesh would live ( Matt. 24:22

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