Bible Discussion Thread

  • Shelves miller on Genesis 1 - 2 years ago
    Where did god come from
  • GiGi - In Reply on Genesis 1 - 2 years ago
    Hello Shelves,

    God did not come from anywhere. He has existed always. He had no beginning and will never ceases to be. This is why He gave Moses His name as "I AM WHO I AM" or "I WILL BE WHO I WILL BE" which speaks to being everlasting, eternal, being self-existent. This means that God is Life Itself. His existence is derived only from Himself, not having acquired life or existence outside of Himself. Existence is internally Who He Is. In many places in the Scriptures God speaks of Himself as the Eternal God, Everlasting Father, Everlasting to Everlasting, ( Isaiah 63:16; 1 Chronicles 16:36; 29:10; Psalm 41:13; 90:2; Isaiah 9:6; 40:26; Psalm 93:2; Genesis 21:33; Jeremiah 10:10, etc.)

    We are to understand by these Scriptures that God always IS eternally so. He alone has this eternal existence, that is why He alone is the only true God. Hope this helps.
  • T. Levis - In Reply on Genesis 1 - 2 years ago
    Fake gods come from rebellion against GOD ALMIGHTY. Acts 19:26, 2Kings 19:18,

    1Timothy 2:5,

    The imagination of man; to ignore the obvious all around: that the earth, our very being, molecules that aren't created, only slightly manipulated by man, asks an answer beyond some comprehension.

    The question itself seems to derive from rebellion. Isaiah 55:8, Isaiah 29:15,16, Psalms 94:5-15, Psalms 139, Job 38:2-41, Job 40:7-13,

    GOD gave some of us very deeply inquisitive minds, to invent witty things, Proverbs 8:12, some build imaginative creations, that in ourselves deep questions of consciousness & core beginnings arise at times. In these gifted minds of power & powerful thinking, faults sometimes into arrogance of belief to define The CREATOR & make a beginning. Because in limited understanding we have beginning & perceivable ending in flesh. Yet in our core perceive there is more in the supernatural, outside the flesh. 1Corinthians 1:27,

    We as humans are like gods ourselves we can choose to do mighty evil or good in our days, we can cause other's to cry in distress or rejoice with gladness but in the end we will all answer to GOD ALMIGHTY the maker of heaven & earth. Psalms 82, Leviticus 25:17, Romans 14:12,

    It's also amazing that a creator would care so much for what HE has created that HE would still have a plan of redemption even after rebellion: John 3:16

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