Been going to a seventh day Adventist church and they say we are under grace through Christ Jesus but still have a preparation day and then the Sabbath . I ask questions they say the Law is ceremonial law that the Jewish people had not the 10 commandments. So a little confused.
Dear "Ray", the best thing you can do for you and yours is to read and understand this yourself. If you do not have any references that strengthen their/your statements, there are no firm rules that can come and they mislead and seduce. It doesn't matter who they are. That will only cause confusion. Scripture came first to the Jews. Romans 11:16-24 Moses received the 10 commandments. Deuteronomy Chapter 5. You can read all this here on the web or if you have a Bible at home. If you want to understand more, Genesis is a good place to start. It is basic. Personally, I do not dispute any of the books, or any of the stories in the Holy Script. Psalms 91:11
The best thing for everyone is to read the King James Version. It is absolutely the best understanding translation. An example is: You have probably been to the library and taken a book out of one of the shelves. It seems interesting, but when you open it and read a sentence, you don't understand a single word. The mind is unable to understand what the author wants to say. And other times your eyes run over the sheets and they register everything and you understand everything. Look and you will find, knock and it will open up for you. Pray to the Lord Jesus if you can get revelations and understanding, You can ask for anything, for example that you pray to get a new spirit so that you understand lies. It's good to have with you today. All people who confess Jesus as Lord are from God. Romans 10:9 Fillipians 2:11 Amen. In Jesus name, love u in Christ.
The best thing for everyone is to read the King James Version. It is absolutely the best understanding translation. An example is: You have probably been to the library and taken a book out of one of the shelves. It seems interesting, but when you open it and read a sentence, you don't understand a single word. The mind is unable to understand what the author wants to say. And other times your eyes run over the sheets and they register everything and you understand everything. Look and you will find, knock and it will open up for you. Pray to the Lord Jesus if you can get revelations and understanding, You can ask for anything, for example that you pray to get a new spirit so that you understand lies. It's good to have with you today. All people who confess Jesus as Lord are from God. Romans 10:9 Fillipians 2:11 Amen. In Jesus name, love u in Christ.
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